18 Crucial Lessons Millennials Wish They Were Taught by Boomers - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Crucial Lessons Millennials Wish They Were Taught by Boomers

There’s no denying that a lot of older generations grew up learning skills that millennials have no clue about. While most people blame the younger generations for this, it’s not really their fault, as they were never taught these skills. Here are 18 things millennials wished they had learned from the older generations and why.

Basic Car Maintenance

Editorial credit: REC Stock Footage / Shutterstock.

For many millennials, the thought of popping the hood of their car makes them sweat. They wish they could handle basic car stuff like changing oil or swapping a flat tire because it’d save them a trip to the mechanic and a bunch of cash. They also wish they could have that feeling of accomplishment that older generations do, knowing that they don’t have to call for help every time a light pops up on the dashboard.

Financial Budgeting

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Knowing how to manage your finances by creating and sticking to a budget is something that many older generations can do without blinking. Unfortunately, lots of millennials just don’t know how to get their finances in order. They don’t understand how to spend smartly or even save wherever they can.

Sewing and Mending Clothes

Editorial Credit: Tusia/ Shutterstock.

Wouldn’t it be cool just to fix up your ripped shirt yourself? Sewing on a button or patching up a tear seems like magic to some millennials, and they’d love to learn how to do it. They know that this skill will help them cut down their shopping sprees and save them money. Best of all, it’s good for the planet, and we all know how much the younger generations care about that.

Gardening and Growing Food

Editorial credit: wertinio / Shutterstock.

You just can’t beat the satisfaction of eating something you’ve grown yourself, whether that’s by putting herbs on a windowsill or having a full-blown garden. Many millennials wish they inherited the green thumb that almost every older generation had so they could grow their own grub. They want to be part of something that looks so fresh and fun.

Cooking By Yourself

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

To a millennial, the idea of being able to create a meal without looking at a recipe seems incredible. They have no idea about cooking from scratch or making delicious food on the fly, but they certainly wish they did. It’s a skill that’s part recipe and part intuition, as well as a whole lot of creativity, in the kitchen.

Critical Thinking Without Technology

Editorial credit:TippaPatt/ Shutterstock.

Nowadays, it’s almost impossible to solve a problem without looking at Google for the answer. People from older generations were experts at thinking on their own two feet because they had no other choice. They knew how to make smart decisions by themselves, and that’s a pretty empowering skill.

Woodworking and Carpentry

Editorial credit: ElenaYakimova / Shutterstock.

There’s something truly amazing about being able to create something with your own two hands, although millennials don’t really know anything about that. They wish they could build a shelf or fix a chair by themselves without having to turn to the internet or even IKEA. After all, it’s the kind of skill that gives you the right to brag and the chance to show off something cool.

Basic First Aid

Editorial Credit: showcake / Shutterstock.

Knowing what to do when something needs help is a skill that you simply can’t put a price on. Basic first aid helps you keep cool when things heat up, and that can truly make all the difference. Many older generations know all about this, yet millennials usually struggle in any kind of crisis.

Preserving and Canning Food

Editorial credit: Daniel_Dash/ Shutterstock.

Although some people think it’s just for grandmas, canning and preserving food is actually a great way to preserve your favorite flavors and cut down on food waste. It’s no surprise that millennials wish they had this skill because it is so helpful. All you need is a bit of science and art to spice up your pantry. 

Brewing and Fermenting

Editorial credit: Cherngchay Donkhuntod/ Shutterstock.

Similarly, being able to brew or ferment food isn’t something that’s all that common anymore, although many millennials wish it was. They’re interested in these skills because they know they have a ton of creative and practical benefits. It’s a way of preserving your food that also means you get the satisfaction of making it yourself and learning a little science along the way.

Storytelling and Oral History

Editorial credit: Ground Picture/ Shutterstock.

We all love a good story, but there’s a talent to spin a tale that keeps friends hooked or sharing family legends passed down through generations. Unfortunately, most younger people have attention spans that are too short to know anything about this, but they wish they did. They want to be able to entertain people just through the power of their words.

Doing Home Repairs

Editorial credit: BAZA Production / Shutterstock.

Back in the day, fixing things that broke in your house was just a part of daily life. Millennials wish they had this skill because they know that hiring a handyman for small things is both expensive and inconvenient. They want that sense of accomplishment that all older generations took for granted.

Bartering and Negotiating

Editorial credit: Altrendo Images / Shutterstock.

Many older generations grew up in a time when they’d swap goods and services with neighbors, which meant that you could get plenty of things for free. And it’s not just for getting stuff, as negotiation skills are pretty important in your working life, too. Millennials dream of knowing how to make the most of what they have and ask for more as older generations did.

No Digital Distractions

Editorial credit: Kostikova Natalia / Shutterstock.

Before smartphones, people had different ways to relax, like knitting or just having a conversation. Millennials struggle to unwind without their devices, but they wish they could manage their stress by doing these simpler activities. After all, it’s a good way to improve your mental health and actually enjoy the moment.

Etiquette and Manners

Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych/ Shutterstock.

People in the older generation knew all the proper etiquette for any social situation simply because that was the only way to be. Unfortunately, this skill has been lost to time, as many millennials can’t deal with social situations gracefully. They wish they and other millennials understood the idea of personal space and manners.

Physical Fitness Without a Gym

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

In the past, staying fit was a part of daily life because people naturally did a lot of physical labor, whether that was walking everywhere or gardening. Many millennials feel tied to gyms and structured workouts, though they wish they could make fitness part of their everyday routine. They want to keep fit in a less formal and more integrated way. 

Survival Skills in Nature

Editorial credit: Brendt A Petersen / Shutterstock.

Surviving in the wild was just something that older generations knew how to do. You could leave them anywhere outside, and they’d know how to build a fire and find water before you could even say “Google.” Millennials, though, don’t have this knowledge, although they know just how useful it is for handling emergencies and enjoying the great outdoors.

Baking Bread

Editorial credit: Harbucks / Shutterstock.

There’s a reason why so many millennials learned how to bake their own bread during the pandemic, as something homemade is something truly special. Many of them wanted the know-how to make something delicious that connected them to a simpler way of life. After all, you just can’t beat a loaf that’s fresh from the oven.

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