21 Things Banned in the US But Allowed in Other Countries - Boomer insight

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21 Things Banned in the US But Allowed in Other Countries

The Land of the Free certainly has plenty of don’ts that may seem puzzling to those living outside its borders. From Kinder Surprises to hitchhiking, 21 bans have been passed in the US that are otherwise normal in other parts of the world.

Kinder Surprise Eggs Are Allowed Everywhere Else

Editorial credit: United States Customs and Border Protection/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Banned for being a choking hazard, Kinder Eggs are a delicacy everywhere else. Instead, Ferrero introduced Kinder Joy, separating the toy from the chocolate. But let’s face it, who doesn’t enjoy a chocolate egg with a hidden surprise?

Public Drinking Is Allowed in Germany

Editorial credit: View Apart / Shutterstock.

Unlike the United States, where open container laws prohibit public drinking, Germans are allowed to drink alcohol in parks, streets, and other public places. It’s common to see people enjoying a beer in public in Germany. 

Jaywalking Is Allowed in the UK

Editorial credit: Eugenio Marongiu / Shutterstock.

The UK is far more relaxed regarding jaywalking, trusting pedestrians to cross the street responsibly, even outside of crosswalks. However, the US isn’t unique in this ban; several other countries, including Australia, have also banned jaywalking to reduce accidents.

Drinking Absinthe Is Allowed in the Czech Republic

Editorial credit: Eric Litton/ Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 2.5

Once known for its alleged hallucinogenic effects, absinthe is banned in the US or at least heavily restricted in most states. But in the Czech Republic, this strong green drink is legal and enjoyed by many.

Hitchhiking Is Allowed in New Zealand

Editorial credit: SatawatK / Shutterstock.

Hitchhiking is considered dangerous in the US and even banned in several states. But hitchhiking is a popular and accepted method of travel in New Zealand. It’s common to see people thumbing rides on the roadside, and it’s considered relatively safe.

Raw Milk Is Allowed in France

Editorial Credit: DONOT6_STUDIO / Shutterstock.

Thanks to its distinct taste and nutritional benefits, raw milk is a staple in France, especially for cheese making. However, due to health concerns, you shouldn’t expect to find it in any US supermarket.

Online Gambling Is Allowed in the UK

Editorial credit: Studio Romantic / Shutterstock.

The UK boasts a well-regulated and thriving online gambling industry, with minimum restrictions on wagers. In the US, however, online gambling is heavily regulated or even illegal in many states. 

Dual Citizenship Is Allowed Mostly Everywhere Else

Editorial credit: Pamela Au / Shutterstock.

While the US does allow dual citizenship under certain situations, it’s not as straightforward as in many other countries, such as Canada, where holding multiple citizenship is more accepted and common.

Cannabis Is Allowed in the Netherlands

Editorial credit: Skalle-Per Hedenhös / CC BY-SA 4.0/ Wikimedia Commons

America is still undecided, while the Netherlands is laying down the green carpet. While marijuana remains illegal federally in the U.S., many Dutch coffee shops openly offer cannabis to adults.

Pet Ferrets Are Allowed Everywhere Else

Editorial credit: Ermolaev Alexander / Shutterstock.

Pet ferrets are banned in some US states, notably California and Hawaii, due to concerns about them becoming hostile species. But these playful pets are commonly kept in households around the world.

Euthanasia Is Allowed in Belgium

Editorial Credit: Sreeyash Lohiya / Shutterstock.

Belgium has legalized euthanasia, allowing terminally ill patients to end their suffering with medical help. However, this method remains illegal in most parts of the US, and debates about its ethical effects continue.

Leaving Kids Home Alone Is Allowed in the UK

Editorial credit: ambrozinio / Shutterstock.

The UK is a little more lenient when it comes to leaving your child home alone. It’s up to parents to decide whether their child is mature enough to be left alone. However, many US states have certain rules and age limits.

Leaving Kids Alone Outside Is Allowed in New Zealand

Editorial credit: Anna Kraynova / Shutterstock.

The days of leaving your kids to roam the streets and explore outdoors alone are long gone in the US But that’s not the case in New Zealand, where parents are free to let their kids play outside independently without the risk of facing legal consequences.

Smoking in the Car Is Allowed Mostly Everywhere Else

Editorial credit: BLGKV / Shutterstock.

Many states in the US prohibit smoking with minors in the car. However, these restrictions are uncommon in other parts of the world, where smoking laws are often less strict.

Sex Toys Are Allowed Everywhere Else

Editorial credit: F-Stop Seattle / Shutterstock.

Certain sex toys are banned in some US states due to conservative views towards sexual aids and morality laws. But in most other countries, sex toys are widely available and socially accepted. Countries such as the UK, Germany, and Australia have strong markets for adult toys, with shops and online stores offering a range of products without legal barriers.

You Can Eat Brie Everywhere Else

Editorial credit: Thesupermat / CC BY-SA 4.0/ Wikimedia Commons

Due to health regulations, the US restricts the import of certain unpasteurized cheeses, including traditional Brie. Meanwhile, this creamy delicacy is enjoyed without restriction across Europe and beyond.

Toy Guns Are Allowed Mostly Everywhere Else

Editorial credit: Arina P Habich / Shutterstock.

Toy guns that closely mimic real firearms are subject to strict laws in the US to avoid being mistaken for actual weapons. However, other countries have less stringent rules, allowing children to play with more realistic-looking toy guns.

Haggis Is Allowed in Scotland

Editorial credit: Chris Brown / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY 2.0

Haggis, a traditional Scottish dish made from sheep’s heart, liver, and lungs, is banned in the US thanks to restrictions on sheep lung consumption. But haggis is a celebrated national dish in Scotland, especially on Burns Night.

Foie Gras Is Allowed in France

Editorial credit: Charles Haynes / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 2.0

Due to animal cruelty concerns, Foie gras, a delicacy made from the liver of a duck or goose, is banned in several US states. But in France, it’s a widely enjoyed gourmet food, particularly during festive seasons.

Paying for Surrogacy Is Allowed in India

Editorial credit: Staff Sgt. Delia Martinez /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Surrogacy for profit is illegal in the US, except for a few states. But India has long been a favorite destination for surrogacy seekers. Couples facing infertility, same-sex couples, and single individuals who wish to have children can find willing surrogates in India, often at a fraction of the cost compared to Western countries.

Blackcurrants Are Allowed in the UK

Editorial credit: Aconcagua / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 3.0

Blackcurrants were banned in the US for most of the 20th century because they were believed to spread a fungus that threatened the timber industry. Although the federal ban was lifted in 1966, restrictions remain in some states, while the fruit is widely enjoyed in the UK.

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