18 Reasons California Isn’t as Loved by Americans as You Might Think - Boomer insight

Cathy Dean

18 Reasons California Isn’t as Loved by Americans as You Might Think

Even though it is probably the most famous and glamorous state in all of America, it appears that the outside world seems to love California a whole lot more than most Americans do. Situated on the West Coast of America, California is known for its stunning beaches, warm climate, and famous residents. As home to Los Angeles and Hollywood, California is brimming with celebrities, fame, and wealth. However, despite all of the hype, the average American doesn’t always have great things to say about this state, as due to its high prices, heavy traffic, and pretentious vibes, the truth is that a lot of Americans hate California. Here is a list of 18 reasons why most Americans dislike Cali.

Hollywood Hype 

Editorial credit: DronG/ Shutterstock.

It’s no secret that California is home to Hollywood, the epicenter of the world’s movie industry, and while this is great for generating wealth and fame for America, both of which attract tourists, boosting the economy, the average American is over it. Most Americans argue that Hollywood is a manufactured, fake place that only has appeal for foreign tourists, with most Americans avoiding visiting it and those that do feel massively underwhelmed. 

Pretentious People

Editorial credit: pathdoc / Shutterstock.

With fame and wealth often comes a little ego, too, and the fact is that super-famous people can get a bit pretentious. With the majority of celebrities in America living in California, your chances of bumping into some pretentious people in this state are way above average compared to the rest of America. 

Heavy Traffic

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

California, and especially L.A., is notorious for having long traffic jams and complicated traffic systems. This can result in massive delays and extra long queues on the highway, and most Americans aren’t fans of either of these things. 


Editorial credit: TR STOK / Shutterstock.

The busiest parts of California regularly struggle with air pollution, which can have negative consequences for people’s health and well-being. This is just another reason why not all Americans are fans of California because whenever they visit, they don’t enjoy breathing the smoggy, polluted air. 

Wild Fires

Editorial credit: My Photo Buddy / Shutterstock.

Califonia is always on the news for its fierce, ferocious wildfires, which often get out of control, destroying homes and claiming innocent lives. The fact is that wildfires in California can be prolific and extremely dangerous. 


Editorial credit: alvarobueno / Shutterstock.

Due to its hot climate, California can experience droughts with many residents having to adhere to strict water consumption restrictions. This, coupled with the frequent wildfires, can make water a scarce commodity in California. 


Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

California and downtown L.A. have a high rate of homelessness, which means that some areas can be unsafe to pass through, as with homelessness usually comes an increased risk of robbery, drug use, and/or violent crime. This is another reason why most Americans aren’t fond of California. 


Editorial credit: Lipik Stock Media / Shutterstock.

Several places in California have high rates of drug abuse, and some Americans see the celebrity culture of Hollywood as a place where drugs are glamorized and even normalized, which is another reason most Americans aren’t that keen on California. 

High Crime Rate

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

Homelessness and drug abuse usually accompany an increased crime rate, and certain parts of California and Los Angeles are known to be unsafe for tourists and even locals, both at night and during the day. Another reason why Americans want to avoid this state. 

High Taxes

Editorial credit: masamasa3 / Shutterstock.

With an income tax rate of 13.3%, California has some of the highest taxes in the country, with income sales and property taxes making living here less appealing to the rest of America. 

Income Inequality

Editorial credit: Hyejin Kang / Shutterstock.

California is a state where the poor are very poor, and the rich are very rich. In parts of L.A., you have people living in multimillion-dollar homes, while on the other side of town, you have streets full of homeless people struggling to survive. A lot of people find this level of inequality difficult to comprehend, especially as it is in such close proximity. 


Editorial credit: austinding / Shutterstock.

Wildfires aren’t the only natural danger that occurs in California. The state is also prone to experiencing earthquakes, which can be both dangerous and devastating for residents as they have been known to destroy buildings and, sadly, claim lives. As California is located on the San Andreas fault line, where the Pacific and North American plates meet, the state experiences frequent earthquakes as both of the tectonic plates it rests on are continually shifting, slowly in opposite directions. 

Political Climate

Editorial credit: Lightspring / Shutterstock.

California can be described as a deep blue state as it has a solidly Democratic population of voters, and this is great if you also support the Democrats, but not so much if you don’t. To say that America is a politically divided country would be an understatement, so it’s fair to say that Republicans aren’t big supporters of California and its deep blue politics. 

Toxic Celebrity Culture

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Hollywood is synonymous with the word celebrity, and anybody who wants to be anybody ends up in Hollywood trying to take their shot at fame. However, for the average American, the entire celebrity culture surrounding L.A., Hollywood, and California is just a toxic facade that hides a murky underworld of vices and often abusive, vacuous individuals. 

Natural Disasters

Editorial credit: FotoKina / Shutterstock.

Not only is California the victim of wildfires and earthquakes, but it is also prone to mudslides and flooding, which means that if you intend on visiting this state, you better be prepared to deal with every kind of potential natural disaster. For a lot of Americans, this makes California a risky place to be. 


Editorial credit: Nirat.pix/ Shutterstock.

California is known for having a lot of red tape and strict bureaucratic restrictions, which can make life very difficult for individuals and businesses in the state. This abundance of cumbersome policies and procedures is another negative factor that contributes to many Americans not liking this state. 

High Energy Costs

Editorial credit: J.J. Gouin/ Shutterstock.

Energy costs in California are now among the highest in the whole of the US, and it’s just another off-putting detail that fuels many Americans’ dislike of “Cali.” Not only is the general cost of living in California super high but so are house prices and energy prices, making this an undesirable and unaffordable location for most Americans. 

Expensive Housing 

Editorial credit: SERSOLL / Shutterstock.

A combination of stunning landscapes, coastal views, and wealthy celebrity residents means that property prices in California are off the charts. Even local residents face a lack of affordable housing, and many government schemes are working hard to change this and tackle the housing problems of California. 

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