20 Outdated Items You Should Toss Immediately - Boomer insight

Cathy Dean

20 Outdated Items You Should Toss Immediately

As we mature, our standards for the things (and people) we surround ourselves with should increase in quality. Gone are the days of a cheap and cheerful student lifestyle. While, at one time, having a blow-up chair in our bedroom might have been acceptable, as time passes, so should our taste and ability to purchase durable, quality goods. Here’s a list of 20 things that no self-respecting adult should have in their home.

Plastic Wine Glasses

Editorial credit: Kung37/ Shutterstock.

We aren’t in a dormitory anymore, and we have hopefully accumulated some decent wine glasses that we can proudly hand out to friends and family at social gatherings in our home. 

Mismatched Towels

Editorial credit: Toyakisphoto/ Shutterstock.

Your bathroom says a lot about you, and if a guest uses your loo to find a mishmash of multi-colored towels, it gives a less-than-impressive impression. Going for a nice matching classy set in one color, such as deep burgundy, gives a more refined, regal feel. 

Exposed Cables

Editorial credit: Z_beth/ Shutterstock.

If visitors come into your home and tripping over exposed TV leads and random cables, not only is it a hazard, but it’s also a faux pas. As an established adult, you should ensure that stray cables are tucked away, cleverly hidden under the carpet, or thrown in the bin ASAP. 

An Overgrown Garden

Editorial credit: Artazum / Shutterstock.

People get their first impression of you and your home from the street; it’s called “curb appeal,” and if your garden looks like an overgrown forest with brambles, untrimmed hedges, and weeds everywhere, you aren’t going to have any curb appeal at all. A well-kept garden signals a well-kept home. 

Pet Odor 

Editorial credit: Robert Kneschke / Shutterstock.

Most of us are pet lovers; a dog or cat can add so much value to our lives, but they can also add a bad smell to our home. There’s nothing worse than entering a house to be met with the foul smell of a dog. As adults, you should be conscious that we are often “nose-blind” to smells in our own homes, and it’s important to air your house regularly and introduce some fresh-smelling scents with a diffuser. 

Dirty Laundry

Editorial credit: Altrendo Images/ Shutterstock.

We all have dirty laundry—it’s a fact of life—but there is no need to air it in public—literally. What we mean is that, as an adult, you should have invested in a sleek, stylish laundry basket (with a lid) to conceal all of your unwashed clothes so that when visitors call, they aren’t exposed to a pile of your underwear on the floor. 

A Cheap Hair Dryer

Editorial credit: Artsaba Family/ Shutterstock.

Although you might have been born in the 80s (or earlier), we aren’t looking for any frizzy, frazzled 80s hairstyles in 2024. Gone are the days of cheap hair dryers that burn your tresses and degrade the quality of your hair. As a fully-fledged adult, you should now own a state-of-the-art hair dryer that makes you feel like you’ve had a professional blow-dry every time you use it. 

Old Cutlery 

Editorial credit: Iryna Mylinska / Shutterstock.

Imagine having some friends over for dinner and serving them with mismatched cutlery, plates, and cups. We get that this was okay in College, but it’s not the look that an adult man or woman should be aiming for. A solid set of quality stainless steel knives and forks will let your guests know you have leveled up. 

A Video Player

Editorial credit: Tero Vesalainen/ Shutterstock.

Although it can be tempting to hold onto a relic of the past, you risk actually looking like a relic if visitors realize you are still using a video cassette player. Please do yourself a favor and either store this away or sell it at a vintage fair, as it’s probably worth some money by now. 

Bras That Don’t Fit 

Editorial credit: Grindstone Media Group/ Shutterstock.

You are old enough now to understand the importance of a good-fitting bra; not only is it more comfortable, but it makes all of your clothes look better as your boobs look lifted and shifted in all the right places.

Hot Pants

Editorial credit: Tarzhanova/ Shutterstock.

There was a time in your younger days when you may have worn hot pants, we get it – but now that you’re a full adult man or woman, you should not have a pair of hot pants in your wardrobe. Just no, on many levels. 

Frameless Posters

Editorial credit: nika-lit/ Shutterstock.

Gone are the days of sticking posters to your dorm wall with sellotape. Nothing looks tackier. Take it from us: almost any picture set within a thick-bordered frame will instantly look like art. 

Plastic Garden Furniture

Editorial credit: Fencewood Studio/ Shutterstock.

Plastic garden furniture is so 2008, and if you’ve still got some, then we’re afraid you’re 2000 and late. An established adult should have some stylish wooden seating and a solid garden table with a decorative umbrella stand for shade (or we may have to throw some shade at your plastic chairs). 

A Good Quality Vacuum

Editorial credit: sylv1rob1 / Shutterstock.

Every adult should invest in a high-quality vacuum because it can improve the cleanliness of your home like nothing else. Cheap, flimsy vacuums aren’t that powerful, have few functions, and break easily. But a good quality Hoover will allow you to keep your house dust-free, plus you can also use it in your car, on rugs, and on carpets. 

CD Displays

Editorial credit: Derick P. Hudson / Shutterstock.

Although you might cherish your Madonna CD collection, be honest with yourself about the last time you played any of these CDs. In 2024, most music will be streamed from smart TVs, our laptops, or by our very own virtual assistant, Alexa; it is time to get with it and hide those dust-gathering CDs out of sight. 

Shabby Cookware

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

You have probably mastered cooking by now, or you should at least be able to rustle up something in the kitchen. If you find yourself using shabby-looking pots and pans that look like they came from a camping trip twenty years ago, you need to discard them ASAP. It’s time to invest in a quality set of cookware.

Worn Out Sneakers

Editorial credit: beeboys / Shutterstock.

We all have a favorite pair of sneakers that have seen better days, but as a professional adult, any sneakers you own should be clean and fresh-looking. Plus, our need for sneakers should have decreased, and unless you’re cheering on your kids at a soccer game or using them for your personal fitness, you should have a selection of comfortable, stylish shoes that allow you to look tidy and well-presented. 

Old Cell Phones

Editorial credit: Tatiana Popova/ Shutterstock.

If you have a collection of old-style mobile phones lying in a drawer somewhere from circa 2006, it’s time for you to have a clear-out and consider donating them to people who could still use them. Cell Phones For Soldiers refurbishes and revamps old mobile phones and issues them to US soldiers serving overseas.

Take-Out Containers

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

No self-respecting adult should have a cupboard full of empty take-out containers. Sure, we know they can sometimes be useful, but it’s time that you invested in some quality Tupperware. It will look better in your work canteen and keep your food fresher for longer.

Outdated Makeup

Editorial credit: Lerik_Vallerik / Shutterstock.

This one covers two birds with one stone; whenever we say outdated makeup, we are both talking about neon lipstick that might have looked cool in 1995 and makeup that is numerically past its use-by date. As a maturing person, your skin requires makeup with nourishing ingredients. Plus, using out-of-date makeup can cause skin irritation or infection, so make sure that you are replacing your old foundations and mascara regularly.

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