18 Everyday Foods Seeing Price Hikes Due to Inflation - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Everyday Foods Seeing Price Hikes Due to Inflation

Inflation has made our wallets a lot lighter lately, especially when it comes to food, as even those basic goods have become expensive. Unfortunately, lots of our favorite foods are much more expensive than they used to be. Let’s take a look at 18 foods that have become way too pricey, thanks to inflation.

Cracking Up

Editorial credit: from my point of view/Shutterstock.

Instead of being a cheap breakfast option, eggs have become something you’ve got to spend a lot of money on. Avian flu has hit poultry farms hard and reduced the number of hens laying eggs. On top of that, feed prices have shot up, and supply chain issues aren’t helping prices either.

A Breakfast Favorite

Editorial credit: Andrey Starostin / Shutterstock.

Speaking of breakfast, the cost of bacon is also sizzling because it’s a lot more expensive to feed and raise pigs now. Health issues among pig populations have reduced supplies, too. Your home-cooked breakfasts probably don’t look so delicious anymore, given the high price of practically everything on your plate.

Sweet Treat

Editorial credit: HTeam / Shutterstock.

Anyone with a sweet tooth is definitely feeling the pain of chocolate prices going up. Labor shortages in countries where they make cocoa, along with poor weather, have caused cocoa harvests to suffer. Once you factor in rising transportation costs, it’s no wonder that chocolate bars are more of an expensive treat now.

More Dough For Your Dough

Editorial credit: Elena Pominova / Shutterstock.

If you love pizza, you’ve probably noticed that it’s costing a lot more these days, which is mostly because the price of cheese and wheat has gone up. Dairy farmers are paying more for feed, and wheat supplies are limited because of geopolitical tensions. Even if you’re making it at home, pizza’s certainly a lot pricier.

Expensive Greens

Editorial credit: DronG / Shutterstock.

Lettuce is also now quite expensive, making even the simplest salads feel like a luxury. Unfortunately, crop diseases and extreme weather have damaged harvests, which means that fewer heads of lettuce are making it to the stores. The increase in shipping costs doesn’t help either.

Fancier Feasts

Editorial credit: Moomusician/ Shutterstock.

Lobster has always been pricey, and that’s part of its appeal, but now, it’s practically a luxury item. Climate change has killed off lobster populations, and fewer people are working in the fishing industry, which means ordering some at a restaurant is an even bigger treat. You’ll have to get a loan out just for one.

Not-So-Humble Spud

Editorial credit: sousvideguy / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY 2.0

Potatoes are a staple in so many meals, but sadly, they’re costing more as well. Many places are suffering from droughts that have shrunk the harvests while rising costs for fertilizers and transportation aren’t exactly helping. It’s a real shame, but such a versatile vegetable has now become an expensive part of our dinner plates.

A Cup of Joe

Editorial credit: naito29 / Shutterstock.

Anyone who can’t start their day without coffee has probably noticed the price hike. Climate change is causing issues in coffee-growing areas worldwide, leading to smaller yields. Similarly, delays and higher shipping costs have meant that a normal cup of joe is far pricier than it should be.

Golden Grains

Editorial credit: StockImageFactory.com / Shutterstock.

Thanks to major floods and droughts that have affected supplies, the price of rice has gone up. If that wasn’t bad enough, fertilizers and shipping have also become more expensive, which has increased prices further. For many people who rely on rice as a big part of their diet, this means spending a lot more money than they were hoping for.

Pricey Pouring

Editorial credit: Dragon Images / Shutterstock.

Like eggs, milk has become expensive for several reasons. The cost of feed has gone up, forcing dairy farmers to increase their prices, while labor shortages in the industry have also pushed prices up. In some grocery stores, plant milk is actually a little cheaper than the regular kind.

More Sour Than Sweet

Editorial credit: Photoongraphy / Shutterstock.

Citrus greening disease is never a good thing, and this has made oranges much more expensive. Similarly, hurricanes in states like Florida and Texas, where most oranges are grown, have also affected supplies. Oranges might’ve been affordable once upon a time, but that’s not so true anymore.

You’re Having a Cow, Man

Editorial credit: hlphoto / Shutterstock.

As with many foods, beef prices have shot up because of the rising cost of cattle feed. There also aren’t enough workers in manufacturing plants to keep up with demand, which has caused the price of steaks and burgers to climb by quite a bit. It doesn’t matter how you like your beef because chances are that it’s a lot more expensive now.

Nutty Prices

Editorial credit: AtlasStudio / Shutterstock.

Increasing labor and transportation costs have driven up peanut prices, which has caused issues because of the different ways we use them. For example, peanut butter is pricier now than it was before, and you can’t rely on it as an affordable option anymore. Who would’ve thought a simple PB&J could be so pricey?

Pasta Problems

Editorial credit: AS Foodstudio/Shutterstock.

You might want to think twice about planning a pasta night because those noodles are a lot more expensive now. Global conflicts and unpredictable weather have seriously reduced wheat production, which has caused a global shortage. Suddenly, spaghetti isn’t as good for our budgets as we once thought it was.

Green Guac

Editorial Credit: sweet marshmallow/ Shutterstock.

While droughts have destroyed the major avocado farms and caused production to reduce, they’re not the only reason our guac is so expensive. People’s demand for them has shot up, and there simply aren’t enough avocados to go around. Plus, import fees have also risen, meaning your guacamole or avocado toast costs you more at the checkout.

Pricey Spice

Editorial credit: Aquarius Studio/ Shutterstock.

Vanilla is more of a luxury nowadays, thanks to harsh weather that has wreaked havoc on vanilla bean farms. There are also fewer workers out in the fields, too, so they’re not able to collect what little yield there is left. This has made both vanilla beans and their extracts a lot more costly.

Disastrous Drizzle

Editorial credit: DUSAN ZIDAR / Shutterstock.

In Mediterranean areas, where the majority of olives are grown, droughts have caused problems for olive production and reduced the world’s supply of olive oil. Just drizzling it on your plate costs far more than it should, and some people are turning to fake versions instead. You’re more likely to see your favorite Italian restaurant using a cheaper oil instead.

Higher Holiday Costs

Editorial credit: f11photo / Shutterstock.

If you’re thinking about having a turkey for the holidays, you probably should’ve started saving last year. Avian flu has reduced flock sizes and caused the price of turkey prices to skyrocket. In many places, turkey has become a luxury item, and people are turning to other kinds of birds as their centerpieces instead.

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