18 Ways Millennials and Their Boomer Parents Clash - Boomer insight

Samantha Jenkins

18 Ways Millennials and Their Boomer Parents Clash

Relationships can be complex at the best of times, but when there are vast generational differences, it can seem like we’re dealing with people from a different world. We’re seeing immense differences between generations from Baby Boomers to Gen Zs, but it’s the Millennials and their Baby Boomer parents who often find themselves at odds. We have to blame society for the change, not the individuals who are simply honoring the times they live in.

Different Worldviews

Editorial credit: Inside Creative House / Shutterstock.

Millennials and Boomers often have vastly different perspectives on social issues, politics, and technology which can cause them to clash with their views.  Millennials are more likely to embrace progressive values and advancements, while Boomers may have more traditional views. It doesn’t always make for a good family discussion.

Financial Strain

Editorial credit: Zolak/ Shutterstock.

The economic landscape has changed drastically over the years, with Millennials facing higher costs of living and student debt than ever before. Financial advice from Boomer parents may feel out of touch or unhelpful as they often had more financial stability and opportunities. It can be difficult for them to fully grasp their financial struggles.

Mental Health Awareness

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Millennials are openly seeking therapy and discussing mental health in the modern era. Boomers might view these issues as less critical or something to be handled privately, causing a major disconnect. It’s a lot to expect them to open up about issues that they’ve always deemed too personal to air in public.

Gender Fluidity

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

It’s a tremendous breakthrough for Millennials as they explore gender fluidity and new ways of living their best lives, but this heightened concept is new to the Bloomer generation. With that can come a misalignment of ideas between the two, with Millennials making powerful gender-related decisions to parents who struggle to understand.

Parenting Styles

Editorial credit: Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.

Boomer parenting was often more authoritative than modern parenting styles, largely due to the societal landscape of the time. Millennials tend to adopt more egalitarian and communicative styles, leading to clashes over child-rearing methods. They’re also actively encouraging their children to be more emotional which isn’t going to sit well with Bloomer parents.

Work-Life Balance

Editorial credit: takasu / Shutterstock.

Millennials value work-life balance and flexible work environments as per the era they’re living in. Boomers often prioritize job stability and hard work, even at the cost of personal time. This difference in work ethic can create tension, especially when Boomer parents don’t understand the work choices Millennials make. Surely it’s a great time to be working with such flexible working options?

Climate Change Views

Editorial credit: Piyaset / Shutterstock.

Millennials are highly concerned about climate change and environmental issues. Boomer parents might not share the same urgency or views on environmental conservation and can often be dismissive. The Bloomers should be thankful to their offspring for their empathetic standpoint about the environment, particularly as it affects us all.

Technology Usage

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Millennials are digital natives, but the Boomers might choose to call them technology addicts. Differences in reliance on technology can lead to frustration and misunderstandings, especially when Boomers are critical of too much technology use. Millennials often criticize Boomer’s lack of understanding which can be equally frustrating.

Social Media Dynamics

Editorial credit: Twin Design / Shutterstock.

The way Millennials use social media as a daily check-in can clash with Boomer expectations. The age of oversharing is difficult for Boomers to understand, particularly as the internet was an undiscovered phenomenon during their younger years. It’s hard for the two generations to get on the same page on this matter.

Generational Trauma

Editorial credit: George Rudy / Shutterstock.

With mental health talk now actively encouraged, Millennials may be more aware of and willing to address generational trauma and toxic family dynamics. This awareness can lead to difficult conversations with Bloomer parents, especially with their old-school approach to keeping private matters private.

Independence and Autonomy

Editorial credit: insta_photos / Shutterstock.

Millennials value their independence and autonomy like no other generation, while Boomer parents may struggle to let go and accept their adult children’s autonomy. Boomer parents may offer unsolicited advice or attempt to control aspects of their Millennial children’s lives, leading to a desire for distance.

Lifestyle Differences

Editorial credit: Inside Creative House / Shutterstock.

We’ve seen huge changes in society over the last few decades, and differences in lifestyle choices, such as dietary preferences, living arrangements, and social circles, can lead to misunderstandings and judgment from Boomers. It isn’t always easy to be supportive when ideas and habits are so vastly different from what we’re used to.

Expectations of Gratitude

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Boomer parents might expect gratitude for the sacrifices they made for their kids. While appreciation is important, the expectation of constant gratitude can feel overwhelming and unfair to Millennials who have a more worldly view of society. Perhaps they ought to be thanking their parents for opening the landscape to this new and groundbreaking perspective for them.

Desire for Healthy Boundaries

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Bloomers have simply followed suit from their parents by over-protecting their children. However, the wide generational jump in independence has made Millennials more likely to establish and enforce personal boundaries, which can be misinterpreted by Boomer parents as rejection or lack of respect. It’s hard to get it right with such vastly differing views.

Raising Families

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

While settling down and having a family was once expected of us, Millennials are choosing to place careers at the forefront of their agendas and sacrifice having children. This can be both confusing and upsetting for Bloomers who want to experience life as grandparents to an extended family.

Lack Of Shared Values

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Millennials have vastly different religious and cultural beliefs than the Boomer generation. Their views are a lot more liberal which can be difficult for in-depth conversations on the matter. Millennials have a more individual approach to religion which can be problematic if they’ve been raised by religious parents from the Boomer generation.

Different Family Values

Editorial credit: Tursk Aleksandra / Shutterstock.

The Boomer generation was a family-first generation that often overlooked friendships in favor of family time. Millennials have a more self-centric and friendship-based approach to life which can appear to be disrespectful to their parents. While it’s no reflection of their love for their parents, they’re simply embracing life as independent beings.


Editorial credit: HDesert / Shutterstock.

The Bloomers were very traditional in their approach to marriage, and society dictated that finding a lifelong partner was inevitable in their future. Millennials are turning their back on archaic social structures and choosing to remain independent and single, negating the need for commitment. This can cause friction to Bloomers who want to see their children settled down and secure.

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