18 Iconic Items Obliterated by the Digital Revolution - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Iconic Items Obliterated by the Digital Revolution

There are plenty of gems from the past that, for one reason or another, have disappeared through time. While we know all about typewriters and rotary phones, some have flown under the radar, but older people still wish they existed. Let’s take a look at 18 of them.

Glass Soda Bottles

Editorial credit: New Africa/ Shutterstock.

Glass soda bottles made every sip feel a bit cooler and somehow much more refreshing than a can. Every bottle felt like a real treat, not just a quick gulp to keep you hydrated. You just couldn’t beat the clink of bottles and the challenge of popping the cap without an opener, which is why so many older people hate the plastic takeover.

Penny Candy Stores

Editorial credit: rblfmr / Shutterstock.

Walking into a candy store with just a nickel made you feel rich because there were just so many choices to go for. Fancy a jawbreaker? Go right ahead. Saltwater taffy more your thing? Enjoy yourself. Many older people loved the experience of choosing exactly what they wanted, piece by piece, although that’s mostly just a memory now.

Hand-Crank Ice Cream Makers

Editorial credit: Valley Journal / Shutterstock.

Making ice cream was a real challenge back in the day, as you had to do it by hand. But cranking the handle was just part of the experience, especially when you shared it with family and friends. This was a time when making ice cream was a labor of love, and many wish it could make a comeback.

Cobblers and Shoe Repair Shops

Editorial credit:Dikushin Dmitry / Shutterstock.

You used to be able to take a worn-out pair of shoes to the cobber and get them back, good as new. This kind of shop was in every neighborhood and meant that you could make your favorite pair of shoes last longer. Sadly, today’s throwaway fashion culture means that we can’t give our shoes a second or third life in the same way anymore.

Local Butchers

Editorial credit: Backgroundy/ Shutterstock.

Many older people remember a time when everyone knew their local butcher by name. They knew how to cut your steak and carve your holiday meat perfectly. Many older people miss this personalized advice, not to mention the fact that the meat they gave you was a lot better than the pre-packaged kind from supermarkets today.

Wooden Toys

Editorial credit: Sonradan Gezgin / Shutterstock.

There was a time when toys weren’t mass-produced because they were hand-crafted and wooden instead. These toys became heirlooms that we passed down through generations instead of just throwing them away. They were a lot more durable than the plastic ones we have today, especially since they could last through years of play and still look great.

Window Fans

Editorial credit: elena.tres/ Shutterstock.

Long before air conditioning was as widespread as it is today, you had to use window fans to cool down the room. They were sure to pull a fresh breeze through the house on a hot day, and they felt so ahead of their time. Even though AC is a lot easier and more convenient, many people still miss the simplicity of window fans.

Hand-Painted Signs

Editorial credit: seeshooteatrepeat/ Shutterstock.

There was once a time when every corner store and diner had its own hand-painted sign hanging out front, which made the whole shopping experience a lot more personal. A lot of us miss that local flavor, as it has been replaced by huge, impersonal chain stores. Practically every storefront you see now is just cookie-cutter.

Rag Rugs

Editorial credit: Kerstin700/ Shutterstock.

Before recycling was cool, rag rugs were the perfect recycling project. You’d make them from old clothes and fabric scraps, and they brought a splash of color to any room. Each one had a bit of homespun charm and told a story of the people who made it. You just don’t get that anymore.

Ice Cream Socials

Editorial credit: PintoArt/ Shutterstock.

Once upon a time, when it was sunny, the whole neighborhood would show up at the park armed with nothing but ice cream scoops and smiles. Ice cream socials were the sweetest way to catch up with your friends and make new ones. Many of us miss the days when a simple treat could be a community gathering.

Sunday Comics

Editorial credit: Red Herring / Shutterstock.

There was nothing better than cracking open the Sunday paper to the comic section, as you knew there were a bunch of laughs just waiting to happen. Many older people miss the times when they could hang around with the rest of the family, reading the funnies. It was the perfect way to kick off a Sunday morning with a smile.


Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Phones might have made sending messages a lot easier, but calligraphy was a true work of art. Drawing those flowing lines and elegant swirls was a real skill, and they gave each piece of writing a special touch. The beauty that came with handwritten notes really made words feel extra special. Sadly, the calligraphy industry itself has been in decline for quite a while.

Ham Radio Operators

Editorial credit: Chanachai Saenghirun/ Shutterstock.

Ham radios felt like magic back then because they meant you could talk to someone across the other side of the road without a phone line or the internet. You just twiddled the dials, and suddenly, you could hear a voice from thousands of miles away. Since communication is so instant nowadays, the mystery of these radios has pretty much disappeared.

Quilting Bees

Editorial credit: MERCURY studio/ Shutterstock.

Forget social networking events because, back then, we had quilting bees. Everyone would get together around a quilt to chat and laugh while their hands were busy sitting. This was a time to make something beautiful together and create a sense of community with the people around you, which you just can’t get online.

Washboard Music

Editorial credit: / Shutterstock.

It sounds crazy, but there was once a time when people made music on a washboard, particularly with folk and jazz bands. The scratchy rhythm of a washboard made a raw kind of sound that you can’t find today. It’s no wonder so many older people miss those toe-tapping beats, as you needed a lot of skill to play them just right.

Penny Arcades

Editorial credit: Atmosphere1 / Shutterstock.

In a penny arcade, a handful of coins could buy you a whole afternoon of fun, whether that was playing pinball or early video games. These places were always exciting because you never knew what was going to happen. You just couldn’t miss the clinks and clatters of the machines or the sheer happiness of turning pocket change into playtime.

Train Travel

Editorial credit: Natee Meepian/ Shutterstock.

Of course, going by train is still a thing today, but there was once a time when it was the chic way to travel. People would dress up for the journey and look forward to what they’d see through the windows and the slow ride. Many older people miss how relaxed this was, where the journey was just as important as the destination.

Drive-Up Movie Rental Booths

Editorial credit: Mr.Music / Shutterstock.

In a time before streaming, people would get excited about going to the drive-up movie rental booth on the way home. You got to browse and choose a title from the comfort of your own car and maybe get some popcorn, too. It made film nights a real experience, and all those streaming platforms we have today just don’t compare.

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