18 Ways the Rich Get Richer While Everyone Else Is Left Behind - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Ways the Rich Get Richer While Everyone Else Is Left Behind

It’s no secret that the upper class manages their money quite differently from the rest of us. But have you ever wondered just how differently they do that? They’ve got some special ways of saving money which, if you know about them, might help you out too. Here are 18 ways they save money and how you can do them.

Buying in Bulk

Editorial credit: Nejron Photo/ Shutterstock.

We all remember the days of bulk buying toilet paper in 2020, but wealthy people do it on another scale. They’ll often buy everyday items in huge quantities so they can get some bulk discounts, although it does mean forking out more cash upfront. But over time, these savings can really add up.

Tax Optimization

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Rich people often turn to tax advisors who can help them find legal loopholes to shrink their tax bills. This sometimes involves putting money in special funds or donating to charities, which can take off a huge amount of their taxes. Their advisors know where and how to change things so they can keep more of their hard-earned money.

Real Estate

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To nobody’s surprise, a lot of wealthy people make a good deal of money from real estate. They buy homes to live in and properties to rent out, too. This way, they’ve got cash coming in every month from renters, which means they can build up even more wealth. After all, constant cash flow is the first step to financial freedom.

Being Smart With Credit

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Although most people use credit cards for emergencies or rewards, rich people use them to build their credit scores and get the best financial deals. They know that managing their credit correctly can give them better interest rates and terms on big loans. This can lead to big savings in the long run.

Networking Everywhere

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We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s not what you know, but who you know,” and it turns out that there’s some truth to that. Rich people take networking seriously, and they’ll often join exclusive clubs and societies to rub elbows with other wealthy people. They’re expensive to join, but the connections you can make are priceless.

Private Banking

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When you’ve got a lot of money, banks will give you the VIP treatment. With private banking, you get personalized service and the best financial advice. You’ll also get investing advice, which can give you bigger and better returns on investments. After all, the experts know what they’re doing.

Educational Investment

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Rich families don’t ignore education, and they’ll spend big bucks on top schools and elite colleges. They want to make sure the next generation has the right tools and connections to be successful. The best way to do this is by investing in their education, no matter how much it might cost.

Investment Portfolios

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The wealthy spread their investments across stocks, bonds, and so much more. This way, they can manage risks and still make money from different sources, no matter what the market does. They’re also able to take advantage of the economic cycles because different markets peak at different times.

Managing Their Health

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They take being healthy seriously because they understand that being in the best shape helps them run their empires. It means they’ve got less downtime because of illness, and they’ll always be at the top of their game, whether in business meetings or on the golf course. Rich people invest a lot in personal trainers and health plans that’ll keep them fit.

Legal Protection

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To keep their riches safe, wealthy people will spend quite a bit on the legal side, which involves setting up trusts and writing solid wills. They’ll do whatever it takes to protect their assets so that their money stays in the family. This way, their assets are managed exactly how they want, both now and in the future.

Quality Over Quantity

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The rest of us might just get the cheapest thing we can find, but rich people stick to quality that lasts. They’ll pay more money for something that lasts longer and works better because it’ll save them money from not having to replace it as often. No matter what it is, rich people know that long-term value is much more important than short-term savings.

Offshore Investments

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Sometimes, rich people spread their investments to other countries so they can take advantage of lower taxes and different economies. This way, they can earn more without actually having to spend a lot more. And when they put their money in several places, they can protect their wealth from any potential economic instability in just one country. 

Art and Collectibles

Editorial credit: alex.zvar93 / Shutterstock.

Have you ever wondered why the wealthy spend so much money on art or collectibles? While it does look nice, it’s also a smart investment because these items can increase in value over time. You can also get high returns in the art market without having to worry about the traditional financial market. It’s a win-win because you can make your home look nicer while making money.

Early Access to IPOs

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Having inside knowledge of initial public offerings (IPOs) means the rich can invest in companies before they hit the general market. This can mean big profits if the companies take off, and they’ve got quite an advantage in maximizing their returns. Usually, this means they can multiply their investments pretty quickly.

More Market Information

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Similarly, the upper class often has better financial insights and knowledge about market data through premium services that the average investor can’t usually afford. They’re able to make more informed decisions and secure gains that other people miss out on. This real-time data and expert analysis means they’re always one step ahead.

Personalized Plans

Editorial credit: Barock / Shutterstock.

Wealthy people usually have unique insurance plans that are tailored just for them, and they cover a whole bunch of things. They know that they’ll stay protected and get the best possible terms on their things, whether that’s a luxury car or rare artwork. After all, there’s no point in overpaying for coverage you don’t need.

Planning a Legacy

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Rich people think ahead by planning how their wealth is going to be managed across generations. They want their wealth to keep growing and help their family, even when they’re not around. Planning early enough means they can avoid estate taxes and continue their legacy without legal issues or family problems.

Exclusive Deals and Offers

Editorial credit: Dani Metaz / Shutterstock.

Being rich usually means getting first dibs on exclusive deals that the general public just doesn’t see. Having access to these deals gives them big savings and perks that’ll improve their lives without being too expensive. Wealth makes more wealth, and rich people know how to make it work for them.

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