How to Irritate a Baby Boomer in 18 Easy Steps - Boomer insight

Samantha Jenkins

How to Irritate a Baby Boomer in 18 Easy Steps

From technology to culture, Baby Boomers have seen immense changes in society, While they’ve adapted to many of these changes, certain things can still get under their skin. Never before have we seen such drastic changes between close-knit generations, so how about we give them the benefit of the doubt for their patience? In the meantime, let’s look at 18 ways you’ll most certainly upset a Baby Boomer. You might want to avoid them.

Misuse of Grammar and Spelling

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Boomers grew up in an era when proper grammar and spelling were par for the course. They didn’t use text speak or emojis and handled their written communications with respect. Sadly, they see these newfound methods as a decline in communication standards, and typos are beyond frustrating.

Ignoring Phone Calls

Editorial credit: Ingo Bartussek / Shutterstock.

Unlike younger generations who prefer texting, many Boomers still value the personal touch of a phone call. Not answering or preferring texts over calls can make them feel undervalued and ignored. Expecting a Gen Z or Millennial to pick up a call is nigh on impossible. Why call when you can text?

No Face-to-Face Interaction

Editorial credit: shurkin_son / Shutterstock.

As a social generation, Boomers appreciate in-person conversations and social gatherings over online communication. Opting for virtual hangouts or avoiding face-to-face interaction seems impersonal and disrespectful to them. Many don’t want to spend time getting to grips with technology either.

Technology Dependence

Editorial credit: thinkhubstudio / Shutterstock.

While Boomers have been forced to embrace technology, they often reminisce of simpler times. Constantly using gadgets in every aspect of their lives, especially during family gatherings, can seem rude and disconnected. There was a world before smartphones, believe it or not.

Disrespecting Elders

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Boomers were raised with a strong sense of respect for their elders. They were taught manners from an early age and still expect to be treated as they do others. Speaking rudely or dismissively about older generations can be particularly offensive to them. It’s hardly a difficult thing to do.

Casual Dress

Editorial credit: Branislav Nenin / Shutterstock.

Boomers grew up in an era where people dressed up for social occasions and took pride in their appearance. There were stricter dress codes and social uniformity at weddings and funerals. Wearing jeans to a wedding or casual attire to a business meeting can seem disrespectful, inappropriate, and downright lazy to them.

Questioning Their Musical Tastes

Editorial credit: Kite_rin / Shutterstock.

All of us have been guilty of criticizing the musical taste of our parents, but Boomers won’t take kindly to negativity about their favorite rock and roll or Motown tracks. Modern music is deemed to be experimental and lacking in musical expertise by many Boomers, so mocking their musical preferences can feel like an attack on their cherished memories.

Not Knowing Historical Events

Editorial credit: Inside Creative House / Shutterstock.

Boomers witnessed significant historical moments during their youth that may have significantly impacted their lives. A modern lack of knowledge or apparent disinterest in events like the moon landing or the Civil Rights Movement can make them feel like their experiences are undervalued.

Criticizing Their Work Ethic

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Comments suggesting that Boomers are outdated or less capable than modern generations can be deeply upsetting and offensive. They might have worked in compact offices and adhered to strict rules but that was the culture of the time. Their careers often define a big part of their identity so comparing to modern flexible standards offers little of a positive nature.

Complaining About Entitlement

Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych/ Shutterstock.

Boomers often perceive the younger generations as entitled. Complaining about wanting things handed to you without putting in hard work is likely to trigger frustration and a firm lecture on earning your way. Gen Zs might be making millions as online influencers, but their work isn’t necessarily deemed a hard graft.

Ignoring Handwritten Notes

Editorial credit: Nuttapong punna / Shutterstock.

For Boomers, handwritten notes are a sign of thoughtfulness and care. They were a major part of the generation that sent thank-you notes for gifts or condolence cards for those who were unwell or facing loss. Ignoring these notes in favor of digital communication seems impersonal and lazy.

Avoiding Eye Contact

Editorial credit: Dean Drobot / Shutterstock.

It’s difficult to pull a member of the younger generation away from their smartphone for long enough to gain eye contact. For Bloomers, eye contact remains a significant part of respectful communication and builds trust between parties. Avoiding it can be seen as disrespectful or indicative of dishonesty.

Using Slang Excessively

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Modern slang can be confusing and downright annoying Overusing phrases like ‘on fleek’ or ‘YOLO’ can sometimes make Boomers feel out of touch and disenfranchise from society. It doesn’t help when media and advertising campaigns embrace these phrases in a bid to target younger consumers.

Lack of DIY Skills

Editorial credit: BAZA Production / Shutterstock.

Boomers pride themselves on their ability to fix things around the house. While they might not have experienced equality as we see today, women of the era still had the capability of changing a fuse or decorating their own homes. Showing a complete lack of basic DIY skills appears to be lazy.

Disregarding Old Media

Editorial credit: mike mols / Shutterstock.

Boomers grew up with newspapers, radio, and television as primary news sources. Terrestrial channels have now been replaced with hundreds of new options that can be overwhelming to many. Disregarding old media in favor of social media news is uninformed and unreliable to them.

Skipping Proper Etiquette

Editorial credit: Robert Kneschke / Shutterstock.

Sitting down at mealtimes without technology to hand is a thing of the past for Bloomers. The younger generations have little regard for etiquette like previous ones, and they consider many of these unwritten rules to be antiquated. Boomers were taught that proper etiquette is essential to civilized society.

Obsessing Over Instant Gratification

Editorial credit: / Shutterstock.

Boomers value patience and long-term planning over quick-fix selfies and fast fashion. Lifestyle diets and hard work seem to be a thing of the past, with younger generations keen to see immediate results. Patience has become a lost virtue, it seems.

Undermining Their Tech Skills

Editorial credit: Rob Marmion/ Shutterstock.

Many Boomers have adapted to new technology impressively, but they’ll all have a story about a member of the younger generation mocking their limited ability. Gen Z and Millennials might be attached to their handheld devices 24/7 but assuming Bloomers are clueless or making jokes about their tech skills can be both insulting and inaccurate. Maybe the bias shared between the two generations is something they have in common.

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