Feeling Drained? 18 Ways to Know If Your Soul Is Exhausted - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

Feeling Drained? 18 Ways to Know If Your Soul Is Exhausted

We all feel physically worn out now and again, but have you ever thought about how your soul might feel? Your soul might actually be exhausted without you realizing it, which can seriously affect your mental and physical health. Here are 18 signs that your inner self might need some TLC and how to do that.

Losing Interest in Your Favorite Activities

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When your soul feels overwhelmed, you’ll start to lose interest in the hobbies and activities that once made you happy. Of course, sometimes it’s just a bad day, but other times, it could be a sign of something worse. If you find yourself avoiding these activities, it might be time to check in with yourself and see what’s up.

Not Sleeping Through the Night

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An exhausted soul will disrupt your sleep routine, meaning you might have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Constantly tossing and turning could be a sign that your inner self is trying to tell you that it’s overwhelmed. Take this as a wake-up call that you desperately need some downtime.

Feeling Detached From Loved Ones

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If you’re feeling detached from your friends and family for no clear reason, this could be a sign that your soul’s tired. You might feel like you’re going through the motions without having an actual connection. If that’s the case, then reaching out and sharing your feelings could help you bridge the gap and make you feel closer to them again.

Sudden Physical Pain

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Sometimes, your emotional issues might show up physically, like with unexplained headaches or stomachaches that just won’t go away. These symptoms could be a sign that your soul needs some attention, so you might want to take some time for self-care. Better yet, speak to a professional to get to the root of the issue.

Overwhelming Pessimism

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It’s okay to feel down now and again, but if you’re constantly feeling negative, this could be a sign that your soul’s feeling tired out. But don’t worry, because you can break this cycle. Try setting small and manageable goals, so you’ll get that feeling of accomplishment and optimism back.

No Hope For the Future

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Similarly, when planning for the future feels more exhausting than exciting, then that’s your soul talking. The thought of the future should make you feel happy instead of negative. It could be useful for you to simplify your schedule and include some free time when you can just be, without any work or family duties.

Lack of Patience

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Things don’t always go our way, and sometimes, those small things annoy us. But if you feel like they’re bugging you more than they should, this could be your soul asking for help. You should take some time to relax and unwind so that you can deal with those daily challenges a little more calmly.

Feeling Forgetful

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A tired soul can affect your mind in many ways, including your memory. It’s natural to forget things now and again, but consistently forgetting appointments or not remembering what you need to do could be a sign of something else. You may want to keep a planner or set reminders on your phone to remind you of things while you work on fixing your soul.

Less Creativity and Imagination

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When your soul is exhausted, it stifles your creativity and makes it much harder to come up with new ideas or solve problems creatively. If you’re feeling stuck, you might need to help your inner self by doing more relaxing activities. Drawing or gardening, for example, is a great way to calm yourself down.

Overwhelmed By Daily Tasks

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Unless you’re the president, your daily jobs shouldn’t always feel overwhelming and like you can’t do them. If that sounds like you, then your soul might not be in the best shape because this goes beyond ordinary stress. Sometimes, breaking your work down into smaller steps and celebrating those little victories can help you feel better.

Skipping Meals

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Ignoring your basic needs like eating could mean your soul’s going through a rough patch. When you’re too busy or distracted and keep missing your meals, you need to slow down and take care of yourself. Try setting alarms for your meals or plan them in advance because eating well is good for your body and mind.

Relying on Substances More

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Relying on substances too heavily isn’t just about drinking a few more glasses of wine, as even hitting the coffee pot a little harder can be a bad sign. It might be a way for you to subtly shake off your soul’s tiredness, even though this quick fix won’t cut it in the long haul. Swap that caffeine for a walk outside, and trade your cocktails for some meditation.

Lack of Motivation at Work

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Struggling to stay motivated at work can be a big sign that your soul’s running on empty. When even your easy tasks start feeling like you’re climbing a mountain, it might be time to step back and recharge. It doesn’t matter if you’re going for a weekend getaway or a simple staycation because giving yourself a break can do wonders.

Avoiding Social Interactions

Editorial credit: Black Kings / Shutterstock.

Most of the time, being around other people should feel like a treat, but when it starts to always feel like a chore, that’s a bad sign. Your soul might need a breather, and you need to give it one. Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to start throwing huge parties, as a quick coffee date with a close friend can sometimes be all you need to start feeling like yourself again.

Feeling Out of Sync With Your Body

Editorial credit: Zoran Zeremski / Shutterstock.

Your mind and body should never feel like they’re on different pages. This can be quite unsettling and could suggest that your soul needs some help. Try doing something like yoga, as this can help your breathing and bridge the gap between your body and mind. This way, you’ll feel more grounded.

Seeking Isolation

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Are you pulling away from your responsibilities and constantly craving your alone time? Your soul may be overwhelmed, and recognizing this is the first step to getting back on track. While it’s okay to enjoy spending some time by yourself, don’t let it be an excuse to ignore those bigger issues at hand.

Not Caring About Your Well-Being

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One of the most troubling signs that your soul’s tired is if you don’t care about your own health or well-being. These should always be your priority, and there’s no good reason why you would stop caring. If that sounds like you, then it’s time to pause and think about what your soul is really asking for.

Forced Laughter

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

When was the last time you had a real laugh? If you can’t remember, then it’s time to check in with your soul, as laughing should be effortless and fun. You might want to catch up with your favorite sitcom or maybe speak to your friends to lighten the load. Either way, you need to make those genuine smiles part of your daily life.

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