18 Dead Giveaways That Someone Grew Up Poor - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Dead Giveaways That Someone Grew Up Poor

No matter how much you grew up with, we’ve all been influenced by how much money our parents have from a young age. For people with a little less money, this has changed their behavior in quite a few different ways. Let’s take a look at 18 habits and traits of people who grew up with less money than most. Just remember that we’re not here to judge, and if you do or have any of these things, that doesn’t mean you definitely grew up poor.

Smart With Sales

Editorial credit: igor kisselev / Shutterstock.

If there’s a deal, they’re on it. People who grew up without a lot often become those who can find a sale in practically any store. They buy cheaper things because they know that getting a good deal will prepare them for a rainy day, so they’ll constantly stock up on essentials. When they were growing up, a good sale meant stretching their budget just enough to get by.

Fixing Things

Editorial credit: BAZA Production / Shutterstock.

Why buy new when you can just improve your old things? Poor people often learn to fix everything themselves because they don’t have the money to repair them. They’ve got the skills to make things last, no matter if it’s a leaky faucet or a hole in their pants. Plus, you can’t put a price on the satisfaction of making something yourself.

Packing the Pantry

Editorial credit: Pipas Imagery / Shutterstock.

People who grew up with less money know just how to make a delicious meal in a kitchen that seems practically empty. They’ve got a ton of recipes for making every last can of beans and bag of pasta count. After all, when they were growing up, that’s what you did to make sure everyone had enough to eat.

Waste Not, Want Out

Editorial credit: Doodeez / Shutterstock.

Throwing things out just isn’t something they do because they hate to see anything going to waste. They’ll use everything they have completely, and that might include eating all their leftovers or making sure to use that last bit of toothpaste. Some of us think they’re being stingy, but these people know they’re showing respect for resources.

Flicking the Switch

Editorial credit: eggeegg / Shutterstock.

Similarly, you might notice that they’re the kind of people who always turn the lights off when they’re done with them. While it’s good for the environment, that’s not always why they do it. They grew up in a home where every cent on the electric bill matters, so they’ll make sure anything electric is off once it’s not needed.

Being Smart With Gifts

Editorial credit: George Rudy / Shutterstock.

When the holidays or birthdays come around, you can expect these people to give you a homemade gift. People who didn’t have much growing up usually prefer to give something that they’ve made with their own hands. To them, the price isn’t important, but the thought and effort they put into it is.

Dodging Debt

Editorial credit: William Potter / Shutterstock.

These people will dodge credit cards and loans whenever they can because they know the price of bad borrowing. They’ve seen firsthand what can happen when you don’t pay debt back in time, and they’d rather live within their own means. Even if they have to save up longer for those big purchases, they’d prefer to do that than use someone else’s money.

Good With Generic

Editorial Credit: Jinning Li / Shutterstock.

Name brands are a big no-no for these people. They know that most of the time, generic products work just as well, and you’re really just paying extra for the brand name. They understand that choosing cheaper alternatives is a good way to make your money last longer without sacrificing quality.

Brilliant at Budgeting

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

For these people, budgeting is a way of life since they come from a childhood of counting every cent. It’s given them the skills to manage their money carefully by tracking exactly where each dollar is going. This way, they’re never caught off guard financially, and they know how they’re using each dollar.

Educational Support

Editorial credit: Miha Creative / Shutterstock.

If you ask them about their thoughts on education, they’ll tell you that it’s the best way to get a better life. They value education a lot, which is usually because they see how limited the options are when you don’t have one. To these people, the best way to break the poverty cycle is through schooling, whether that’s at home or a formal institution.

Practical Over Theoretical

Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images/ Shutterstock.

At the same time, those who grew up with less often value practical knowledge. Along with education, they care about skills they can use directly in their jobs or daily lives. This comes from their upbringing, where they felt like they constantly needed to contribute financially to the people around them.

Lost With Luxury

Editorial credit: Kardasov Films / Shutterstock.

People who grew up with less money are usually the ones who feel a little uncomfortable in a more upmarket place. All they know is simpler settings, which makes it feel overwhelming when they’re somewhere that’s high-end. It doesn’t mean they don’t like nice things, they might just need some getting used to them.

Cash Only 

Editorial credit: vitma / Shutterstock.

Swiping a card is an easy way to lose track of how much you’re spending, which is why someone from a poor background might stick to cash. It helps them keep a tighter grip on their expenses so they won’t spend more than they actually have. There’s something about holding physical money that makes it a lot harder to give away.

Simple Pleasures

Editorial credit: Soloviova Liudmyla/ Shutterstock.

These people know that happiness doesn’t always come from having the latest and greatest things. They know you can’t put a price on the joy you feel from going for a walk in the park or spending a quiet evening with your friends. Growing up poor means learning to enjoy those simple pleasures and the small things that don’t cost a dime.

Hard Worker

Editorial credit: Moon Safari / Shutterstock.

They’re usually the first in and last out at the office because growing up with less money has given them a strong work ethic. Even when they’re doing well, they still put in the hard work because they know what it means to have nothing. They’ve got the drive to never go back to that state.

Investing Cautiously

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Taking financial risks doesn’t come easy to someone who grew up worrying about money. They’re a little more conservative with their investments if they make them at all, because they don’t feel comfortable with risking it all. Once you know what it’s like to have a little, you’ll stick to safer and more predictable financial moves. 

Many Uses

Editorial credit: Netrun78 / Shutterstock.

Anything that can be used in multiple ways is worth its weight in gold to people who grew up poor. They know how to find new life for old things, like using a jar for storage or making old clothes into quilts. While other people may do this too, to these people, it’s an important skill that helps them stretch their resources the best they can.

Loyal to a Fault 

Editorial credit: G-Stock Studio / Shutterstock.

Staying in the same job for years might not be because they enjoy the work. Usually, it’s because they care about the security it gives them instead of the opportunities elsewhere. They come from a childhood where the risk of changing jobs was too great, even with all the potential benefits it could bring.

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