18 Times Boomers Complained and We Had to Agree - Boomer insight

Samantha Jenkins

18 Times Boomers Complained and We Had to Agree

Younger generations often criticize the backward thinking of their Baby Boomer elders, and in some ways, they have good reason to. Gen Zs and Millennials have moved society forward in groundbreaking ways that the generations preceding them failed to accomplish. Sometimes, the Boomers do get it right, however, and while it’s easy to criticize their archaic belief systems, they still have numerous worthwhile sparks of advice to offer. Let’s look at some of the things they’ve complained about and, dare we say it, gotten right.


Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

The Boomer generation was well known for its politeness. That included remaining punctual when plans were made. Modern generations are much more laid back and don’t treat time as a valuable commodity. Society is much more laid back which means they can rock up when they feel ready to. It isn’t the best attitude for a future of employment.

Modern Tech

Editorial credit: Anna Quelhas/ Shutterstock.

Every generation leans into technology, but gadgets like Alexa and Siri can feel quite imposing for Boomers, not to mention the annoyances associated with voice recognition. Younger generations couldn’t be without them, but their elders like to retain some normality in the household, and that doesn’t include artificial intelligence.

Handwritten Notes

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The rise of technology has put an end to the handwritten notes that the Boomer generation embraced. Writing was deemed to be cathartic, personal, and romantic. Nowadays, texting and emailing have taken over with few younger people choosing to write. There’s something special about crafting a letter with a real pen and handwritten words.

Online Buying

Editorial credit: VAKS-Stock Agency / Shutterstock.

Boomers often chastise younger generations for their online spending which wreaks havoc on retail chains. Sadly, the rise of e-commerce has seen the end of many popular shops, and it’s all down to the convenience of online buying. Boomers are all about supporting shops and keeping them alive.

Tech Reliance

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

They moaned at younger generations for spending too long peering into the screens of their smartphones. Sadly, they’re right. Whether it’s texting, social media, taking a selfie, or simply browsing the web, there’s no denying that the Bloomers know how to socially interact without relying solely on a smartphone.

Relentless Recording

Editorial credit: Prathankarnpap / Shutterstock.

Younger generations are fascinated by recording everything they see on their smartphones. Visits to expensive concerts are spent recording the performance, and Bloomers believe that they’re failing to live for the moment. If you’ve spent a small fortune to see your favorite artist live, we’re inclined to agree that constant filming is pointless.

Car Touchscreens

Editorial credit: fast-stock/ Shutterstock.

There’s no doubt that messing with a touchscreen whilst driving is a potential safety hazard. When modern cars come with inbuilt touchscreens, what’s a person to do? Bloomers have long argued that they’re hazardous to road safety and shouldn’t be allowed. They might be convenient but they’re absolutely right.

Saving for Retirement

Editorial credit: Cozine / Shutterstock.

Boomers have always preached the importance of saving for retirement from a young age. Turns out, they were spot on. Compound interest is a real thing, and the earlier you start, the more you benefit. Younger generations aren’t too concerned about retirement, they’re too busy embracing each moment as it comes.

Moderation in All Things

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

Boomers emphasize the importance of moderation, whether with food, drink, or spending. They were part of a culture that believed you could do as you pleased as long as you had a healthy balance. Indulgence is fun, but moderation ensures sustainability and the youngsters haven’t quite grasped that yet.

Physical Books Over Screens

Editorial credit: ADragan / Shutterstock.

Despite the rise of digital media, studies show that reading physical books can improve comprehension and retention better than reading on screens. Boomers’ preference for paper books also helps reduce screen time, which can strain eyes and disrupt sleep. There’s something so special about holding a physical book in your hands that no Kindle could replicate.

Face-to-Face Communication

Editorial credit: Primakov / Shutterstock.

We live in an era dominated by texting and social media, and Boomers’ insistence on face-to-face communication is not to be ignored. Personal interactions build stronger relationships and help convey tone and emotion more accurately than text. It’s also healthier to have regular social interactions in a real-life setting.

Strong Work Ethics

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Boomers grew up with the mantra that hard work pays off, and many have proven this true. Consistency, dedication, and perseverance often lead to career success and personal satisfaction. While we applaud the entrepreneurial spirit of the younger generations, their multiple jobs and side hustles make us question their commitment.  


Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

Boomers love their gardens, and they were right about its benefits. Gardening can reduce stress, provide an excellent form of exercise, and even lead to a more sustainable lifestyle by growing your own food. It isn’t quite as appealing for youngsters, however, particularly as they’re happy to move house frequently and keep their options open.

Cooking from Scratch

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Convenience foods are both readily available and tempting, but Boomers’ habit of cooking from scratch has multiple benefits. It’s healthier, often cheaper, and helps you develop a useful skill set. It’s too easy to grab a takeout or microwave meal these days, and that doesn’t bode well for physical or mental well-being.

The Joy of Unplugging

Editorial credit: SasaStock / Shutterstock.

Long before ‘digital detox’ became a buzzword, Boomers appreciated the importance of unplugging and allowing themselves to be incommunicado. Whether spending time in nature or engaging in hobbies, taking a break from screens improves mental health and enhances real-life connections. Try and take a Gen Z away from their smartphone and you might not like their response.

Classic Fashion

Editorial credit: Viktoria Minkova / Shutterstock.

Boomers loved classic fashion choices such as Levi’s jeans, leather jackets, and crisp white shirts. Gen Zs and Millennials are more casual than ever for both work and play and appear to make little or no effort compared to those that preceded them. It might be liberating, but trying to make an effort was never a bad thing.

Quality Over Quantity

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Boomers often prioritized buying fewer, high-quality items over cheap, disposable ones. With the vast rise in prices, it’s understandable why younger generations have to budget buy, but not only does it diminish quality, it also adds to waste and environmental issues.

Vinyl Records

Editorial credit: Kite_rin / Shutterstock.

There’s something special about the sound of vinyl records that digital music can’t replicate. Boomers’ love for vinyl has experienced a resurgence as younger generations discover the richer, warmer sound quality. It’s unlikely they’d go as far as replacing their streaming services, but there is something magical about vinyl that makes it beautifully vintage. Maybe it’ll stick.

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