19 Things Men Can Do To Make Women Feel Safe Around Them - Boomer insight

Naomi Watts

19 Things Men Can Do To Make Women Feel Safe Around Them

In today’s world, everyone deserves to feel safe and respected, regardless of their gender. Unfortunately, many individuals, especially women, often experience situations that make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe. This includes harassment, violence, and other harmful behaviors. To keep women feeling safe, here are 19 things men can do to help:

Treat Every Woman With Respect

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

The number one thing that men can do to make women feel safe is to treat them with respect. Men need to remember that every woman has different experiences and perspectives, and judging every woman the same is not allowing them the autonomy they deserve.

Always Ask for Consent

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

Everyone has the right to control their own body and decide what happens to it. Asking for consent acknowledges and respects this fundamental right. Consent is not just around sexual activities; it includes respecting personal space, verbal and nonverbal cues, and boundaries.

Active Listening and Communication

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To let women know they are genuinely heard, practice active listening and open communication. Be willing to listen to their perspectives and concerns, and express your thoughts and feelings respectfully.

Challenge Harmful Stereotypes

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Challenging harmful stereotypes in front of women is crucial in fostering a more respectful and equitable environment. This could mean avoiding language that reinforces gender stereotypes and not making generalizations about women based on their appearance, interests, or abilities.

Speak Up and Support

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Women welcome men seeking to support women whenever they can. This could be achieved by engaging in open and honest conversations with women about their experiences, challenges, and aspirations. Men can actively listen without judgment, try to understand women’s viewpoints, and even read books or watch documentaries to understand their experiences fully. 

Promote Equality and Inclusion

Editorial credit: Vitalii Matokha / Shutterstock.

Men can support initiatives and organizations that promote gender equality and inclusion. This could involve advocating for policies that protect women from discrimination and harassment or participating in educational programs that raise awareness about gender-based violence.

Self-Reflection and Growth

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Recognizing and challenging our own unconscious biases and assumptions about women can help men avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes and behaviors. Examining your actions and interactions with women, especially those that could be perceived as objectifying, dismissive, or intrusive, is an integral part of being an ally


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Men must genuinely listen to women’s experiences and perspectives without interrupting, judging, or offering unsolicited advice. They should focus on understanding their feelings and viewpoints to validate their feelings and make them feel safe. While research shows that women can be more empathetic than men, men do have the capacity to feel as much empathy as some women.


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For women to be safe around men, they need to understand their behavior and know what to expect when around people. This means that men’s consistency in their words and actions will make women feel secure, with no risk of unexpected options.


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When someone is honest and transparent, it fosters trust and a sense of reliability. Knowing you can count on someone to be truthful builds a strong foundation for any relationship. This is especially true for men, who should be honest around women so they help them feel less vulnerable. 

Have Positive Relationships with Women

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

When women see and hear about men having positive relationships with other women, it can make them feel safe. Knowing that the man they are interacting with shows they can be respectful around women, and there is nothing to be suspicious about with their behavior. 


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As well as the everyday support of women, if men witness sexism, harassment, or other forms of harmful behavior, they should not stay silent. Offering support to the target of the behavior and considering intervening safely or reporting the incident to appropriate authorities will gain women’s trust.

Be Financially Responsible

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Discussing financial goals, expectations, and responsibilities openly and honestly is essential for building trust and understanding with women. When a man is unwilling to talk about finances and is guarded with his money, this can make women feel nervous about their subsequent actions.

Honor Commitments

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

When men consistently follow through on their promises and commitments, they build trust and respect with those around them. Women know they can rely on you to stick to your word and that you value their time and expectations. 

Takes Responsibility For Their Actions

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When men own their mistakes and actively work to rectify them, they demonstrate honesty and accountability. This builds trust and respect with women, strengthening the foundation of your relationship.

Show Strong Boundaries with others

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Setting boundaries clearly communicates a man’s expectations, allowing others to understand their needs and limits. This prevents misunderstandings and fosters respect for everyone’s individuality and personal space. If women witness men respecting boundaries with others, for example, not gossiping about people, they are likelier to feel safe around them. 

No History of Violence

Editorial Credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

When men are honest and upfront about their past, women will naturally feel more trusting of them. When a man has no history of violence, women will naturally feel more safe in their company. Research shows that women feel genuinely safe in their homes when there is no risk of violence. 

Mutual Respect

Editorial Credit: Kitreel / Shutterstock.

Mutual respect creates a safe space for open and honest communication. With less fear of judgment or dismissal, both sexes can express their thoughts, feelings, and needs more openly, leading to better understanding and conflict resolution.

Me Mindful to Give Them Space

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Men should not be too clingy or controlling of a woman’s schedule. If you are in a relationship with a woman, give them space to be themselves and pursue their interests. If you are dating or trying to develop a friendship with a woman, follow their lead in terms of closeness.

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