25 Traditional Pet Names That Aren’t Popular with Millennials and Gen Z - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

25 Traditional Pet Names That Aren’t Popular with Millennials and Gen Z

Once upon a time, couples had a whole different set of nicknames for each other that people don’t use anymore. These terms of endearment were part of each era’s culture and language. Let’s take a look at 25 of these pet names that have been almost entirely lost to history.

Being Affectionate 

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If you wanted to show someone how much you loved them, you’d use “dear heart.” It was one of those pet names that sounds like it came straight from a black-and-white film. Nowadays, you probably won’t hear it so much because we’ve moved onto simpler ways to show our love, although it would feel so special to bring it back.

Glamorously Outdated

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Calling someone “doll face” instantly transports us back to the time of 1940s movie stars with perfect curls and bright lipstick. It’s a throwback from yesteryear when Hollywood set the beauty standards. These days, although we still talk about how beautiful other people are, we’ve got a bunch of new ways to do it.

Gentle and Sweet

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Back in the day, “lamb” was one of the best pet names you could get because it meant the other person thought you were as sweet and gentle as they come. Today, we’re a bit more direct in our nicknames, especially toward women. In fact, some of them might be insulted if you call them a “lamb” today because it’s a little misogynistic.

For the Stylish Man

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Of course, women weren’t the only ones getting compliments, as “dapper Dan” was all the rage during the Jazz Age. It was perfect for a guy who dressed like he owned the room. But as casual wear took over, looking dapper in public wasn’t so common, and there’s not really an equivalent name.

Still Sweet

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Down South, “sugar” is a pet name that people still use sometimes, but it’s not as popular in other places. It’s one of those nicknames that feels so homely whenever you hear it, no matter who it’s coming from. Perhaps all those modern health-kicks and trends have kept this term in the past.

Top of the Game

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In the Roaring Twenties, being “ace” meant you were a big deal or the best of the best. Unfortunately, this nickname has kind of lost its edge, thanks to newer slang that’s taken the stage. But even so, “ace” still has a natural ring to it and makes you sound confident without being too boastful.

Cheery and Bright

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If there was someone who brightened your day just by walking into the room, you might’ve called them “buttercupy.” It was a nickname straight from the garden that made it clear just how much of a positive influence the other person was. Maybe we don’t hear it much anymore because it’s a bit too cutesy, but it sure is cheerful.

Old-School Cool

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“Beau” is an absolute classic that we sadly don’t really use anymore. It’s got a Southern gentleman feel to it, and women would use it to talk about their male sweethearts. Perhaps because it sounds so old-fashioned, we don’t use it anymore. Or maybe it’s because we’ve gone for more gender-neutral names, like “bae.”

Quirky and Cute

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“Mopsy’ is a nickname that likely came from one of Beatrix Potter’s cute characters, and it was a sweet way to talk about someone with a playful and fun personality. But as those stories have become less a part of our daily lives, the nickname went the same way. According to Merriam-Webster, it originally meant “a pretty child.”

Fierce and Fiesty

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Whenever you called someone “tiger,” you were saying they had a lot of spunk and spirit. It worked for someone who was lively and spirited but not afraid to chase their goals. We’ve got plenty of new nicknames to use in the same situation, just without the wildness that “tiger” gives you.

Cherished and Loved

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Calling some “pet” was a pretty straightforward and sincere way to let them know they’re important to you. This nickname doesn’t really pop up anymore because most people would rather go for something a little more personal. Even so, there’s something genuinely sweet about the simplicity and warmth of this one.

Brave and Bold

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“Gallant” is a reminder of a romantic time, and it’s perfect for someone who’s a perfect storybook hero. In today’s world, we like to be a little more laid-back, but this term still has a strong sense of respect about it. When you call someone “gallant,” you’re saying that they’re brave, which is always in style.

Sweet and Sappy

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Looking for a nickname that’s almost overwhelmingly sweet? Then “honeybunch” might be the one, although it might be a little too much for people today. It’s a name you’d give to someone whose kindness and generosity fill your life with sweetness. This person’s always there with a smile and bringing some joy to you like a sweet treat.

Chivalry Isn’t Dead

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Who wouldn’t want to be called a “knight?” Even though we’re not jousting or wearing armor anymore, calling someone “knight” shows them you see them as your personal hero. There’s no denying it’s got a sense of the old-school about it, but it’s still a good way to recognize someone’s strength.

Silly and Affectionate

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“Snookums” is just pure historical fun. It’s the kind of nickname you’ll use when you’re just goofing around and feeling good with someone. Of course, not everyone will get it, but for those who do, it’s a sweet way to keep things feeling light and loving. “Snookums” is perfect for anyone who doesn’t take life too seriously. 

Beautifully Old-School

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There’s something that’s just so comforting about being called “pudding,” and it might be because it’s so old-school. After all, being told you’re as delicious as a homemade dessert is probably one of the highest compliments out there. You’d use “pudding” only for people who are a genuine delight to be around.

Not Just For Halloween

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Some people might think that a “pumpkin” is a seasonal treat, but for those of us in the know, it’s a term of endearment you can use all year round to talk about someone sweet and dear to your heart. It’s the right name for someone who makes you smile, no matter the season. Being someone’s “pumpkin” is like being their favorite part of every day.

Heavenly and Rare

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Calling someone “angel face” means you’re seeing them in the best light possible, but not just in terms of their looks. This name means you’re thinking about their pure heart and soul, and it’s something you’d reserve just for those people who uplift your spirits. It’s one of those names that shows you the beauty of the human spirit.

Clear Affection

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“Heart’s delight” shows the other person just how much happiness they brought into your life. You’d use it only on for that super special person who makes everything a bit brighter in your life. But weirdly, once upon a time, Silicon Valley was once known as the “Valley of Heart’s Delight.” Strange, right?

Friendly and Nostalgic

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Throwing “old sport” is a great way to bring back some old-fashioned respect with a sense of cool and class. Even today, you could still use it to talk about someone who loves old movies or just appreciates a timeless relationship. But don’t be surprised if people give you a funny look for using it, as it’s suddenly old-fashioned.

Valuable and Rare

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Calling someone “treasure” is one the highest compliments you can give someone because it means you think they’re utterly irreplaceable. It shows you see a real value in them that’s beyond the everyday. This is a term of endearment like no other, and their everyday presence in your life is priceless.

Cute and Cuddly 

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“Bunny” is one of those terms that worked for a long time, but it doesn’t really exist anymore. Perhaps it’s too adorable for modern audiences, or perhaps they’re just tired of the gentleness of it all. Either way, this is one of those names that reminds you just how wonderful the other person is.

Time-Honored Term

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Back when radio dramas were the most popular form of entertainment, calling your sweetheart “darling” was as common as saying hello. It was a name that was dripping with affection in a single syllable. Nowadays, “darling” sounds a little too formal and old-school for some, especially younger people who prefer things a little more casual.

Vintage Vibes

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“Dear” was once the ultimate affectionate nickname, and it didn’t matter who you were talking to. It was a great way of showing someone you loved them, although you don’t really hear it today. “Dear” has taken a backseat because most people would prefer to use it when they’re writing or playfully teasing someone.

Truly Nostalgic

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Finally, we’ve got “sweetpea,” which was a name we’d use to talk about someone you truly loved. Sadly, this name has largely disappeared from everyday use, possibly because it’s got an old-fashioned gentleness that’s not as common in our more direct culture. Still, there’s definitely a warmth to “sweetpea” that you can’t get elsewhere.

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