19 Sacred Boomer Traditions Now Mocked by Society - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

19 Sacred Boomer Traditions Now Mocked by Society

Remember when staying late at the office was a badge of honor, and Jell-O salads were all the rage? Those were the days. Sadly, it seems that some of the stuff we thought was pretty cool back then has become a bit of a joke today. Let’s look at 18 things that we used to respect that people today think are just plain silly.

Being a Workaholic

Editorial Credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

Back in the day, we were all workaholics and took an always-on approach to our careers. Why? Because we thought that more hours meant more dedication and success. Nowadays, younger people care about their work-life balance and mental health, so those endless workdays seem pretty outdated.

Sticking to Office Hierarchies

Editorial Credit: fotogestoeber / Shutterstock.

Speaking of work, boomers cared a lot about officer hierarchies, and they’d often follow the established chain of command. They thought it kept things orderly and respectful in the workplace. But a lot of younger generations think teamwork is more important and they’re more willing to shake up the status quo.

Food and Screens

Editorial credit: Minerva Studio / Shutterstock.

The classic TV dinner used to be a symbol of modern convenience and family time in front of the screen, but not anymore. Most people think TV dinners show someone’s lazy and don’t have any taste, and although TV dinners felt futuristic at the time, they seem like an antique now. Today, people care a lot more about eating fresh and organic food.

Smoking Advertisements

Editorial credit: AylinGuneyiPhotograpy / Shutterstock.

In the past, you couldn’t go a few seconds without seeing a smoking advert on TV or in the newspaper, mostly because we glamorized it as a cool way to live. But today, most young people can’t believe we used to be so casual about it. To them, these ads are a sign that we were somehow more uneducated than them, although that’s simply not true.

Jell-O Salads

Editorial credit: pixshots/Shutterstock.

At any boomer dinner, you’d see Jell-O salad because, for some reason, we thought mixing veggies and fruit into gelatin was the height of taste. In today’s world, people think we are crazy for even making it, let alone eating it so often. Honestly, we’re not sure how lime gelatin and cottage cheese became such a festive dish.

Tanning Beds

Editorial credit: Toyakisphoto/Shutterstock.

We used to think that using a tanning bed was a quick and easy way to get that bronzed look without needing to actually travel anywhere. Thankfully, we’re much more aware of the dangers of those UV lights, and you’re more likely to hear people speak out against them instead of in favor of them. After all, spray tanning is much better for you and also a lot cheaper.

Golf as a Corporate Sport

Editorial credit: Andrew Angel / Shutterstock.

In the past, people used to see golf as a corporate sport, which meant taking the time to play on manicured greens and network between shots. But today, time is money, and all those hours seem like a waste of time. Younger generations would rather do some more interactive activities to get ahead in the corporate world.

Wall-to-Wall Carpeting

Editorial Credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

There’s no denying that wall-to-wall carpeting was both impractical and a little bit ugly, but back in the day, we thought it was cool. We can’t blame them for laughing at it because, honestly, who wants to spend a Saturday shampooing the living room? Hardwood floors are much nicer to look at and easier to clean.

Transistor Radios

Editorial credit: Tero Vesalainen / Shutterstock.

Remember transistor radios? When they came out, they felt revolutionary because they meant you could take music and news wherever you went. But the idea of that seems pretty odd today, considering a smartphone can do the same job and much more. That old transistor looks cute, but it’s nothing more than a novelty now.

Wearing Hats as a Sign of Status

Image Credit: DepositPhotos.

For boomers, wearing hats, especially for men, was a part of your regular outfit and a sign of social status. The fancier your hat, the more respect you got from people. But today, outside of fashion circles, many people think that wearing a hat can seem a bit too formal, and many movies or TV shows use hats as a symbol of times gone past.

The White Picket Fence Dream

Editorial Credit: Artazum / Shutterstock.

Owning a home with a white picket fence used to be the ultimate American dream because it showed you were successful. Unfortunately, for many young people, that dream just isn’t possible anymore. Many of them think of it as something unrealistic, and data shows that more of them rent instead of buying a house outright.

Refusing to Throw Away Leftovers

Editorial Credit: Kmpzzz/ Shutterstock.

Boomers are famous for their “waste not, want not” approach to pretty much everything, especially when it comes to food. Even saving the tiniest amount of leftovers was a good way to cut down on trash. Sadly, in today’s world, people tend to be a lot more wasteful and they’ll happily throw everything away without giving it a second thought.

Ironing Everything

Editorial credit: pikselstock / Shutterstock.

There used to be a time when a well-ironed shirt was a sign of professionalism, so boomers would spend hours ironing everything, whether it was bed sheets or jeans. But today, nobody has the time for wrinkle-free fabrics. You can dress casually almost anywhere you go, so why bother wasting time ironing?

Watching Shows When They Air

Editorial credit: Ground Picture/ Shutterstock.

In the past, you’d plan your evenings around your favorite TV show because you only ever had one chance to watch it unless the network repeated it. You either watched it live or missed it. Now, the idea of doing this instead of streaming or DVR-ing the show sounds pretty outdated, and it’s more like the setup for a joke on a sitcom.

Keeping a Handkerchief

Editorial credit: Serhii Khomiak / Shutterstock.

Once upon a time, you wouldn’t catch a boomer without a handkerchief tucked neatly into their pocket because it was practically a necessity. Fast-forward to today, and people see it as something completely old-fashioned. They don’t understand why you’d want to use a handkerchief when a pack of tissues is much more convenient.

Using a Thomas Guid

Editorial credit: Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.

If you wanted to get around in the past, you had no choice but to use a Thomas Guide to tell you where to go. They were worth their weight in gold, especially for road trips, but lots of younger people don’t even know what one is today. They can’t believe someone would have to use their own skills to find the route instead of a digital voice telling them where to turn next.

Reading the Newspaper Front to Back

Editorial credit: Freebird7977 /Shutterstock.

A boomer’s morning routine used to involve having a coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other, which you’d read front to back. Today, younger people are far more used to getting updates from a screen anytime they want, and the idea of waiting or not being up-to-date every minute is confusing for them. It’s no wonder newspaper readership is declining.

Being Formal

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Finally, boomers thought that formality was pretty important in business communications because they saw it as a sign of professionalism. Most young people care more about being relaxed, and being too formal comes across as a little odd to them. They’d much rather communicate quickly and directly.

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