25 Home Improvements You Can’t DIY Without Legal Risks - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

25 Home Improvements You Can’t DIY Without Legal Risks

When it comes to making some home improvements, there’s nothing more satisfying than rolling up your sleeves and doing it yourself. But before you start, there are some things that, legally, you can’t do yourself. Here are 25 projects that you’ll need to get a professional in to do or suffer the legal consequences.

Plumbing Beyond the Basics

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

Swapping out a faucet might be okay, but major plumbing work is a no-go for DIYers. Most states require that licensed plumbers handle anything beyond basic repairs to avoid any water damage. If it’s not installed by a professional, this could cause some pretty serious health issues. 

Removing Walls

Editorial credit: Paul Maguire / Shutterstock.

If you’re thinking about creating an open floor plan, you might want to hold off on that. Removing walls, especially load-bearing ones, without a permit and professional assessment can affect your home’s structural integrity, which can be pretty serious for your safety. Get an engineer to take a look to make sure you won’t literally burn the house down.

Roofing Replacements

Editorial credit: Vova Shevchuk / Shutterstock.

Replacing shingles is pretty easy on its own, but you’ll need a professional for a full roof overhaul. Incorrectly installed roofs can lead to leaks or mold, which can be costly to fix, so many local codes require a licensed contractor. Plus, climbing up there is difficult enough, so leave it to someone who does it for a living.

Electrical Works

Editorial credit: Virrage Images / Shutterstock.

Messing with your home’s wiring can be both risky and illegal without a license. This includes installing new outlets or circuits, which, if done incorrectly, can cause safety problems or even a fire. Even something that looks simple, like setting up outdoor lighting, needs a professional to hook it up right. There are also plenty of costs to consider.

Window Installations

Editorial credit: Andrew Angelov / Shutterstock.

You might think that installing new windows just means simply fitting glass, but it’s a lot more difficult than that. You’ll usually need to make some structural changes so that your home is insulated properly and doesn’t have any drafts. Building codes require professionals to make sure everything’s sealed tight and right.

Major Appliances

Editorial credit: Alisusha / Shutterstock.

If you’re planning to install any major appliances, especially those that involve complex electric setups like ovens, you’ll need to get an expert to do it. After all, they’ll know a lot more about safety standards and local building codes. They’ll also have the tools to get your new gadgets up and running without a hitch.

Gas Appliances

Editorial credit: berdiyandriy / Shutterstock.

Speaking of appliances, connecting things to gas lines isn’t a DIY job because doing it incorrectly could cause a gas leak. You don’t need us to tell you why that’s so dangerous. Get a qualified technician to do it for you because messing with gas yourself is an absolute recipe for disaster.

Adding or Altering Decks

Editorial credit: Artazum / Shutterstock.

Building or extending a deck means you’ve got to have a pretty detailed understanding of load-bearing structures and local building codes. So, it’s no surprise that this is something for licensed professionals instead of just a weekend project. They’ll be able to guarantee your deck will look good and last for years without trouble.

Modifying Fence Height

Editorial credit: jean.cuomo / Shutterstock.

Before you change your fence’s height, you’ll need to look into local zoning laws because many places have specific restrictions. If you violate these, don’t be surprised if you get slapped with a fine and demand to redo the work. It’s a lot cheaper and easier to get things right the first time with some help from people who know the rules.

Installing a Swimming Pool

Editorial credit: Chad Robertson Media / Shutterstock.

Installing a swimming pool is actually a lot more complicated than you might think, as you’ve got to think about zoning and safety barriers. And then there’s the issue of proper filtration, which local laws regulate and require a professional to do. Don’t do this project yourself unless you want to end up in hot water, legally speaking.

Pest Control

Editorial credit: Studio Romantic / Shutterstock.

If your house has pets that you’re planning to get rid of, think before you start spraying. You’ll need to get a professional to apply certain chemicals, especially those that involve hazardous materials or large infestations. They’ve got the gear and the know-how to wipe out those pests safely and effectively.

Asbestos Removal

Editorial credit: andre quinou / Shutterstock.

Removing asbestos is extremely dangerous, and it’s certainly not something you should do yourself. It’s not just the special handling you’ve got to worry about, as disposing of asbestos is a challenge in itself, which is why there are strict laws about who can do it. It’s one area you don’t want to cut corners on.

HVAC System Overhauls

Editorial credit: David Spates / Shutterstock.

Upgrading or replacing an HVAC system means dealing with some pretty complicated electrics and ducts, which have specific regulatory standards. A lot of the time, this goes beyond simple DIY work, so a proper setup will save you money and effort. After all, don’t you want your air to flow smoothly?

Septic System

Editorial credit: trufero / Shutterstock.

Health departments are quite strict on how to install or repair a septic system, and many of them require professionals to follow environmental principles. A mistake can be messy and expensive to fix, not to mention disgusting. Professionals have the right tools and training that’ll mean everything is set up perfectly.

Structural Foundation Work

Editorial credit: Kuchina / Shutterstock.

Any changes to your home’s foundation, even if they’re just repairs, can affect its structural integrity, which is why you’ll need qualified professionals to do it. They’re the ones who can keep your house standing and stable. Even making a small mistake in the foundations can cause huge problems.

Solar Panels

Editorial credit: myphotobank.com.au / Shutterstock.

Installing solar panels involves electrical systems and potentially making some changes to your house’s structure. An expert will keep things safe, and they’ll know the best way to capture that sunshine to save you money on energy bills. They might also let you know about any local or federal incentives for installing solar panels.

Hazardous Materials

Editorial credit: Jamie Hooper / Shutterstock.

It’s no surprise that handling materials like lead paints or toxic chemicals during renovations requires a professional trained in safe removal and disposal. This is particularly important for older homes, where these materials are more common. Getting rid of these dangerous substances will keep your mind and body healthy.

Water Heater

Editorial credit: DestinaDesign / Shutterstock.

Lots of places have specific safety codes for replacing a water heater since this involves plumbing and gas or electrical connections. Local authorities will need to inspect and approve installations, making it a pretty hefty job. Getting it right the first time will save you some money and frustration later down the line.

Soundproofing Rooms

Editorial credit: lucky boy studio / Shutterstock.

When you’re soundproofing a room, you’re not just adding insulation, as it can affect ventilation and fire safety. They’re two things you don’t want to mess with, which is why you’ll need a professional to install it correctly. They’ll stop you from risking your safety and they’ll improve your home’s overall comfort by doing so.

Expanding a Driveway

Editorial credit: Stuart Monk/ Shutterstock.

You’ve got to think about city land use and drainage planning when you’re expanding a driveway, so you’ll need a professional contractor. They’ll understand local regulations and codes better than you so that your new driveway is more spacious and legal. After all, a well-planned driveway can increase your property’s value.

Tree Removal 

Editorial credit: itman__47/ Shutterstock.

Getting rid of a big tree in your yard isn’t something you should handle on your own. Lots of local laws often require professionals to do it so the tree felling doesn’t damage your property or the environment. They’ll know how to take it down without any drama or damage to your neighbors’ places.

Fireplace Installation

Editorial credit: Andrew Angelov / Shutterstock.

When it comes to putting in a new fireplace or wood stove, you’ll have to follow some strict rules about air quality and safety. It’s not just construction. Having a professional do the work means that you can enjoy those fires in the winter without needing to worry about safety risks or airflow issues.

Adding Bathrooms

Editorial credit: Andrew Angelov / Shutterstock.

It goes without saying that adding another bedroom involves a lot of plumbing expertise and a detailed understanding of the local sewage rules. So, it’s definitely a job for the professionals who can do this for you. When it’s all done, your new bathroom will make your life easier, and your guests will appreciate the extra convenience.

Changing Your House’s Exterior

Editorial credit: Jaruwan Jaiyangyuen / Shutterstock.

Most simple changes to your home’s exterior are simple enough to do on their own, but giving it a new look with different siding or brickwork is another story. You’ll need to get approvals and make sure it’s done right to meet building standards. This way, your home will look better and can also weather elements.

Hardwood Flooring

Editorial credit: Patryk Kosmider / Shutterstock.

There’s no denying that laying down new hardwood floors can transform a room, but it’s not as easy as you might think. You’ll need precise measurements and special tools to get it right, as well as a good understanding of materials. Getting it wrong could mean uneven floors or gaps, so it’s best to leave it to the pros.

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