25 Reasons You Might Be Dreaming About Someone Who’s Passed Away - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

25 Reasons You Might Be Dreaming About Someone Who’s Passed Away

It’s never fun dreaming about someone who has passed away, mostly because it makes you feel a ton of different emotions. But understanding those dreams can help us understand our feelings better and perhaps find some comfort in them. Here are 25 possible meanings behind dreaming of someone who’s died. 

Catching Up With the Past

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Dreaming about someone who’s left us might just be your brain’s way of keeping their memory alive. Your brain’s trying to create a mental scrapbook and playing the highlights reel of the good times you shared, which is totally normal. In fact, research shows that the majority of people have these dreams after someone’s died. You get to relive the moments you don’t want to ever forget.

Tying Up Loose Ends

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If you have unfinished business with someone who’s no longer here, your dreams might be the place for you to finally say your piece. It could be hashing out an old argument or finally telling them something you never got the chance to say. Your subconscious is essentially rewriting the ending you never received.

Doing the Night Shift

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When we lose someone, our brains don’t just clock out at bedtime, and grieving can sneak into your dreams. It’s a part of how we heal by letting our emotions spill out in our sleep. You might wake up sad, but it’s just your mind’s way of doing some heavy emotional lifting when you’re off the clock.

A Nudge From Beyond

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Some people believe that when a loved one shows up in your dreams, they’re actually saying hello from the beyond. Whether or not you buy into that, it can be nice to think they’re coming around to check on you. Don’t feel upset about seeing them again, just be grateful that you’re able to.

Oops! I Did It Again

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Sometimes, you might wake up feeling guilty about something you did or didn’t do with someone who’s died. Dreams like this can be a sign that you’re feeling some regret about your relationship with them. It could be a way for your subconscious to tell you to find some peace with the past or maybe do something in their memory.

Feeling Stressed

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If you’re stressed out, don’t be surprised if people who’ve passed start popping up in your dreams. It might be your brain’s way of trying to get reinforcements from your memories. They’re bringing back the best coach or coaches you ever had to give you a pep talk during a difficult time.

You’re Not Immortal

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Now and then, these dreams can be like a reality check on your own life and mortality. Seeing someone who’s passed away can help you to think about the bigger picture and your own choices. You might even start thinking about how you want to be remembered, which is totally normal. After all, one survey found that 20% of us fear death.

Thinking About Health

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Similarly, these dreams might push you to think about your own health. If the person in your dream suffered from health problems before they passed, it might be your subconscious telling you to take care of yourself. Let your memories of this person remind you to make your own health a priority.

Healing Over Time

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If you start to notice those dreams happening less or that they’re changing in style, it could be a sign you’re moving through your grief. Your subconscious could be working through the loss while you rest. Over time, these dreams may be reminders that’ll allow you to remember the love without the pain.

Growing Each Night

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Sometimes, dreaming about people who have passed is a kind of personal growth. Even if it’s difficult, it’s a chance for you to reflect on what you’ve learned from them, and you can take those nightly visits as something from your subconscious, pushing you to use those lessons in your daily life.

Don’t Forget Me

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You might also be worried that you might forget this person, and dreams can help you keep their memory fresh. Dreaming of them lets you know that, while they’re gone, they’re still influencing who you are. It’s your mind’s way of making sure that those who’ve meant so much to you are still a part of your life’s story.

Celebrating Their Story

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Not all dreams about deceased loved ones are sad, and sometimes, they’re just a celebration of the life you shared together. These dreams can be a time for you to relive and cherish the good times you had with them. It might be sad to remember they’ve passed, but it can be comforting to see them once again.

Continuing Their Legacy

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It could also be a way for you to think about how this person influenced the world around them. Dreaming of them reminds you to live up to the example they set and carry forward the good things about them, like their kindness or courage. It’s your subconscious telling you to keep their spirit alive in a new way.

Change is Coming

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Whenever you’re going through big changes in your life, those dreams are likely to come to the forefront. As you face new challenges or major life moments, these dreams can remind you about your past support system. Essentially, you’re remembering that you’re not alone and that these people are there to help you, even beyond the grave.

Supporting Your Decisions

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Similarly, don’t be surprised if a loved one comes into your dreams when you’re trying to make a big decision. Your mind might be thinking of them to give you some support or to think about what advice they’d give you if they were still around. Your mind is pulling from your memories to help you make your choices.

They’re Really Here

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For anyone who’s a little more spiritual, it might really seem like your loved one is right there in your dream. These experiences can be pretty intense and do a number on your emotions. But even so, it can also be a way to feel like they’re still loving and watching over you from the other side. Don’t feel weird if that’s you because around 40% of Americans believe in spirits.

Facing Your Fears

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If you feel scared after dreaming about someone who’s passed on, it might be your inner fears coming out. These dreams are meant to make you feel uneasy, and they’re meant to push you to deal with your fears in a place where they’re supporting you. It’s a safe space for you to work through those anxieties with someone who always had your back.

Fears of Loss

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Speaking of fears, dreaming about someone who’s passed might be specifically about your own fears of loss. If you’re feeling vulnerable about losing someone or something else important, these dreams could be a sign of this anxiety. Your brain is trying to process the loss with the image of someone who’s already passed so you can cope with these fears.

Love Lives On

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More than anything, these dreams are a sign of your ongoing love for this person. They’re a reminder that you’ve got a strong connection to them that doesn’t end just because they’ve died. It’s a pretty comforting thought, knowing that those bonds can endure through time and even death.

Exploring Your Mind

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These dreams could also be a way to explore your deeper thoughts and feelings. They can reveal some hidden emotions and insights that you might not have realized you even had. It’s a chance for you to listen to your inner self and understand who you are more clearly as you move through life.

Reaffirming What Matters

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Sometimes, the person in your dream stands for certain values or ideals. They’re meant to tell you about the principles you hold dear, which this person might have represented. It’s a reminder that you should stay true to yourself and those values as you’re dealing with life’s challenges.

Comfort in Familiarity

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When you dream about someone who’s no longer with you, it might just be your brain looking for comfort in what’s familiar. If they’re a person who made you feel safe or loved, it’s no surprise you’re still dreaming of them. You’re just looking for some emotional support from those who knew you best.

Wishing For Tradition

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You might find that these dreams pop up more around holidays or family gatherings. In that case, it could be your subconscious hanging on traditions that were important to you when they were around. Whether you’re dreaming of grandma after baking her cookies or of grandpa when you’re putting up the Christmas tree, it’s like they’re there with you to keep the traditions going.

Missed Opportunities

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We all think about the “what ifs” now and then, and that’s where these dreams can come into play. Dreaming about a loved one in a scenario you never experienced together could be your mind exploring what could have been. It’s a way to imagine those missed opportunities for some closure or just for curiosity.

Lessons Learned

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Finally, dreaming of someone who has died might inspire you to learn from their experiences. It could force you to think about their life and the wisdom they shared with you by learning from their mistakes or adopting their strengths. Think of it like a life lesson to help you grow, just from beyond the grave.

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