25 Behaviors That Scream ‘I’m Old’ - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

25 Behaviors That Scream ‘I’m Old’

We’ve all had those moments where we catch ourselves doing something and think to ourselves, “Does this make me look old?” Most of the time, it doesn’t, although there are some habits you might do that will definitely put you in the upper age bracket. Here are 25 of those things.

Calls Over Text

Editorial credit: Ingo Bartussek / Shutterstock.

There’s something about picking up the phone and having a real conversation that we still prefer. Maybe it’s the warmth of a familiar voice or the immediate back-and-forth banter, but either way, it creates a connection that texting just can’t copy. For anyone who’s lived most of their life without a smartphone, dialing a number just feels more personal.

Watching Live TV

Editorial credit: Ground Picture/ Shutterstock.

Gone are the days when you’d schedule your evening around your favorite TV show, although there are plenty of us who still do. There’s a real comfort in the routine and a sense of community in knowing you’re watching something at the same time as everyone else. You also don’t have the hassle of flicking through countless streaming options.

Using Cash Over Digital

Editorial Credit: Maryna Pleshkun / Shutterstock.

While the world moves towards digital payments, we still feel happy with handling cold, hard cash. It feels real in a way that numbers on a screen just don’t, and you can also control your spending physically. Sure, some people use cash because they don’t trust technology, but for most people, it’s just because they want to stick to a method that’s always worked well.

Collecting Physical Media

Editorial credit: TurboYoda / Shutterstock.

It doesn’t matter if it’s vinyl or even VHS tables because we love collecting physical media. Each piece is a collector’s item that reminds them of their favorite pop culture moments, and there’s a real sense of joy from flicking through your connection. Pixels on a screen will never compare to this.

Wearing Watches

Editorial credit: Nikita Savostikov / Shutterstock.

In a time when smartphones can do everything, including telling the time, wearing a watch is a style that many older people still follow. We’re not talking about smartwatches; we mean actual timepieces that also work like pieces of jewelry. Usually, there’s an heirloom that shows just how committed older people are to being on time, unlike the younger generation.

Reading Print Newspapers

Editorial credit: sebra / Shutterstock.

Who doesn’t love the rustle of paper and smell of ink? For many of us in the older generation, it’s still part of their morning routine because it gives them a peaceful start to the day. It’s the moment when they can get a bit of calm and not have to worry about getting screen glares that’ll strain their eyes.

Writing Handwritten Notes

Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.

Handwritten notes have a personal touch that you just can’t get from anything digital. It’s a moment of love that shows the other person you cared enough to take pen to paper, which isn’t exactly common these days. In today’s world of instant communication, some older people are taking a stand by showing their thoughts in a real way.

Enjoying Classic Rock

Editorial credit: Lenscap Photography / Shutterstock.

Classic rock is truly timeless, and people who grew up with it still listen to it. Sure, the music’s great, but the memories that come flooding back with each listen? Priceless. Classic rock is the soundtrack of youth, and it’s no surprise that around 20% of Americans say it’s their favorite genre.

Telling Past Stories

Editorial credit: Tyler Olson / Shutterstock.

When people over 50 share stories, they’re not just doing it for nostalgia but also to pass down wisdom and history. These stories are a way to bridge the gap between generations and to keep traditions alive in the best way possible. After all, who doesn’t love a good story? We know we do.

Having a Landline

Editorial Credit: StockLite / Shutterstock.

Yeah, smartphones are everywhere, but there’s still a bunch of people rocking a landline at home. To be specific, around 2% of Americans only use landlines. Why? Well, for starters, you never have to worry about losing reception or finding a charger, and they’re way more dependable than a cell phone.

Preferring Printed Photos

Editorial credit: Volkova Vera / Shutterstock.

Nothing beats the feel of printed photos, no matter how advanced digital technology gets. The feeling of flipping through a physical photo album and reliving those moments are little pieces of time we can actually touch. And passing them down to younger people feels like we’re giving them a piece of our lives.

Using Physical Maps

Editorial credit: Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.

GPS is cool, but give us a good old map any day. There’s something about spreading it out on the hood of our car and tracing routes with our fingers that feels so real, unlike Google Maps. You, quite literally, get to see the big picture with a map, and you never have to worry about losing your connection. 

Cooking From Memory

Editorial credit: Just Life / Shutterstock.

Forget about following online recipes because our best dishes come straight from the heart. It’s the time when all those years in the kitchen that we spent tweaking and tasting our dishes finally pay off. When you cook from memory, every meal is a part of a story that comes filled with a whole lot of love.

Being Skeptical About Social Media

Editorial credit: Twin Design / Shutterstock.

We’re not exactly against social media, but let’s just say we’re not its biggest fans either. Sure, social media is great for keeping in touch yet it’ll never compare with the warmth of real-life conversation. We prefer genuine connections that don’t involve just hitting “like” or “add friend” on a screen.

Holding Doors Open

Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock.

Yes, it seems old-school, but we’re still here holding doors open for anyone coming through. It’s just nice to be nice, y’know? A little politeness goes a long way in making the world a little bit friendlier, and it’s those small gestures that can brighten someone’s day. It’s a few seconds that can remind people we’re all in this together.

Enjoying a Good Book

Editorial credit: Branislav Nenin / Shutterstock.

Of course, people still read, but the number of people who actually read books seems to be falling. There’s a real magic in turning those pages to read something that stretches the imagination. It’s a break from the buzz and beep of screens that we’re so used to seeing all around us every day.

Wearing Practical Footwear

Editorial credit: marozzau/ Shutterstock.

Choosing the right pair of shoes used to just mean looking good, but now? Yeah, we’ve moved past that, as there’s nothing more important than your comfort. If we can spend the whole day in shoes without wincing, those shoes are keepers because we want to treat our feet right. After all, happy feet make for a happy day.

Preferring In-Person Shopping

Image Credit: Ollyy/Shutterstock.

Online shopping’s fine for some people, but we prefer the real deal because we love the hunt and the smiles from other shoppers. And being able to actually physically handle your items before walking out of a store with them in hand is happiness on the spot. Plus, you can get your goods without having to wait for a delivery truck.

Using a Paper Calendar

Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock.

Digital reminders just don’t cut it for us because we love being grounded by scribbling on a physical calendar. It doesn’t matter if it’s birthdays or doctor’s appointments because it all gets real when we write it down. And marking off the days with a pencil? Well, that’s just pure satisfaction.

DIY Home Repairs

Image Credit: BAZA Production/Shutterstock.

Why toss it when you can fix it? Doing home repairs ourselves gives us real pride that you can’t buy from the hardware store or even from assembling a piece of flat-pack furniture. Yes, it saves us some bucks as well, but the important thing is that “I did it!” feeling we get from being hands-on.

Collecting Antiques

Editorial credit: Gonzo_070 / Shutterstock.

Each antique tells us a story, and we’re all ears. Hunting for the best pieces and learning their secrets is like holding a piece of history in our hands that we can fill our homes with. Each piece keeps the past alive, and when you finally find that perfect one that fits into your space, it becomes a historical story that you’re now a part of.

Playing Board Games

Editorial credit: Nattakorn_Maneerat / Shutterstock.

Board games are totally our jam, and not just because it’s a bit of fun. These games pull us all in together and help us to create bonds over dice rolls and moving pieces. It’s pure, unplugged fun, and we’re not really surprised the board game industry is still growing in America. According to some reports, it was worth around $4.85 billion in 2022 alone.

Practising Cursive

Editorial credit: Triff/ Shutterstock.

Unlike other ways of writing, cursive is a true art from. It’s a way of putting our own stamp on the paper that feels even more special in our world of typing and tapping. Cursive writing also keeps us connected to a way of expressing ourselves that’s way more graceful than anything we can do today.

Valuing Quiet Time

Editorial credit: Branislav Nenin / Shutterstock.

In the constant buzz and noise of today’s world, getting a little silence is golden, and it’s no wonder us older people prefer it. After all, it’s during those quiet moments that we can find some peace and a chance to be. Plus, science shows that silence can have a number of health benefits.

Showing Patience

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

We have patience in spades, and it seems like the younger generations will never understand that. It’s a virtue that’s served us well time and time again, and it seems especially rare in a world that seems to value speed over anything else. Our ability to wait might age us, but we think it’s more of a strength than anything.

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