25 Telltale Signs a Man Is Experiencing a Midlife Crisis - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

25 Telltale Signs a Man Is Experiencing a Midlife Crisis

Sometimes, when a guy’s in his 40s or 50s, he might suddenly switch things up, and that’s a sign that he might be going through a midlife crisis. Forget about flash sports cars or growing a ponytail because there are so many other signs of it. Here are 25 ways men change their lives during a midlife crisis and what all that fuss might be about.

Buying Sports Cars

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

So many men buy sports cars during a midlife crisis like they’re trying to hit the “restart” button on their youth. Zooming around in a fast and shiny car makes them feel like they’re born again and telling people they’ve still got it. The next time you see an older guy cruising around in one, just remember that he’s probably trying to rev up his spirits.

Changing Careers

Editorial credit: ASDF_MEDIA / Shutterstock.

It’s never too late for a career do-over, and lots of guys think that if they’re not excited about their jobs anymore, they might as well just go do something totally different. For some, that means starting their own business, while for others, it involves finally starting that passion project. Either way, changing careers like this can really help to improve a guy’s mood.

Switching Careers

Editorial credit: 4 PM production / Shutterstock.

Of course, not every guy will throw their entire career out of the window, as some of them will just shift around a lot. Instead of completely quitting their career, they might try out a bunch of different jobs to find out what they really want to do. Plus, it’s a great way to keep work life from getting stale.

More Exercise

Editorial credit: Stefanovic Mina / Shutterstock.

Suddenly, even those couch potatoes become focused on hitting the gym or running marathons. Why? Staying fit helps them look better and feel better, too. Plus, a lot of guys want to fight that bulge that appears when you get older, and getting into shape can really boost your confidence during those middle years.

Dressing Younger

Editorial credit: Ground Picture/ Shutterstock.

When you see a middle-aged guy starting to dress like he’s back in college, that’s a midlife crisis for you. That sudden preference they have for graphic tees instead of dress shirts? It’s not just a small thing, as it’s actually a way for them to feel trendy and, perhaps, blend in with the younger crowd.

Getting Tattoos

Editorial credit: Mangostar / Shutterstock.

A lot of older men start getting tattoos later in life, and that’s usually their way of flexing their creative muscles so they can express themselves or at least commemorate something important. They might get a tattoo of a band they’ve always loved or a quote that just hits home. Either way, getting inked is a pretty big statement during a midlife crisis.

Spending More Time Alone

Editorial credit: mikecphoto / Shutterstock.

Some men might spend more time by themselves when they’re older, but it’s not because they’re trying to be antisocial. Instead, this is a way for them to do some soul-searching and reflect on their past. It’s the perfect opportunity for some serious life planning so they can figure things out.

Being Adventurous 

Editorial credit: Maridav / Shutterstock.

Life’s short, so why not live it up? That’s why you’ll find so many men doing things like skydiving or traveling to exotic places. Some of them might just take a spontaneous road trip so they can shake off the routine and add some excitement to their lives. Plus, research shows that traveling has a ton of psychological benefits, too.

Old Friendships

Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.

There’s something about getting older that means lots of guys in their midlife crisis will try to reconnect with their old friends. Perhaps it’s because it reminds them of their more carefree days, or perhaps it’s because it makes them feel a lot happier. Either way, it’s always a good idea to talk to people who knew you when you had more hair and less responsibility.

Developing New Hobbies

Editorial credit: Svetlana Romantsova / Shutterstock.

New hobbies keep our lives interesting, so it’s no surprise that many guys will pick up the guitar or start a garden during their midlife crisis. After all, it’s a great way for them to learn new things and keep their minds just as active as their bodies. And who knows, perhaps some of those hobbies could turn into real passions over time.

Buying Expensive Gadgets

Editorial credit: Kardasov Films / Shutterstock.

Who doesn’t love getting some new tech? For many guys having a midlife crisis, getting the latest phone or newest gaming console gives their everyday lives a little upgrade. There’s no denying that new gadgets can make things a lot more exciting and that sense of novelty that comes with them? Truly unbeatable.

Focusing on Their Appearance

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

Men in a midlife crisis often start taking extra care of how they look, and that might involve getting a new haircut or even just a different bear style. Looking good can boost your confidence and help you feel more fulfilled in your social interactions. Plus, it’s a great way to get compliments from other people.


Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock.

Sometimes, getting away from it all means going into the wilderness and hiking or fishing. These moments alone with nature can be incredibly grounding and give guys going through their midlife crisis a bit of a break. It’s a chance to reconnect with yourself and the natural world, which can be incredibly refreshing.

Dietary Changes

Editorial credit: Minerva Studio / Shutterstock.

When a guy decides to jump onto the keto bandwagon or goes plant-based, they’re not trying to be trendy. They want to feel better and perhaps even live longer, which could involve learning new recipes and finding new healthy eating spots. They’re pretty serious about taking control of their health.

Revisiting Past Places 

Editorial credit: NakoPhotography / Shutterstock.

Visiting places from when you were younger is a great way to take a trip down memory lane, and it’s also pretty eye-opening. Of course, you can relive the old days, but you can also see how far you’ve come and reflect on your growth. It can be an emotional and enlightening time for a guy.

Starting to Meditate

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

More men are discovering the power and calming effects of mindfulness, and that includes meditation. It helps them find a quiet center when life gets overwhelming, and science shows that it has a ton of benefits. Regular meditation can improve your focus and emotional health, making it easier to handle whatever comes your way.

Joining Clubs

Editorial credit: Nejron Photo / Shutterstock.

Finding a group of like-minded people, like in a book club or poker night, can make all the difference because it can give you a sense of community and fun. These groups help guys to feel like they belong, which is pretty important during these times when they’re dealing with a lot of personal change. Plus, they can also build some new and meaningful friendships.

Back to School

Editorial credit: Diego Cervo / Shutterstock.

Whoever said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks was completely wrong. Night classes, online courses, or even full-blown degrees can challenge your mind, and they might even lead to a career change. Going back to school can allow guys to fulfill the ambitions they might have set aside earlier in their lives or at least discover some new ones.

More Volunteering

Editorial credit: ESB Professional / Shutterstock.

There’s nothing more rewarding than making a difference by volunteering, and taking part in community service can give guys a sense of purpose. It’s a chance for them to meet people from all walks of life, which can help them broaden their horizons. What could be greater than that?

Switching Up Social Media

Editorial credit: David MG/ Shutterstock.

During a midlife crisis, some guys will completely overhaul their social media from top to bottom. Why? It’s an easy way to freshen things up without worrying about any serious consequences. They can let everyone know about the new hobbies or life changes that they’re looking forward to.

Getting Counseling

Editorial credit: BAZA Production / Shutterstock.

One thing that almost every guy will do during their midlife crisis is start seeing a therapist. The therapist’s chair is the one spot where they can lay it all out and not fear they’re going to be judged. Plus, talking through the mess with someone who really gets it can help clear the fog and help them feel more grounded.

Writing a Memoir

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

If they haven’t got a therapist to hand, some guys will write down the story of their life instead. Of course, it’s certainly a difficult task, but it can also be pretty refreshing, too. When they put their thoughts and memories onto paper, guys will start seeing things more legacy and get to share their legacy. What could be better?

Simply Spiritual

Editorial credit: tairome / Shutterstock.

Let’s not forget how religion and spirituality can help guys in a midlife crisis. They might reconnect with their religious roots, or they could start doing entirely new spiritual things. Either way, this personal expiration gives them a sense of calm and stability as they figure out what they want from the next chapter of their lives.

Renewing Vows

Editorial credit: battler / Shutterstock.

A midlife crisis is the perfect time for guys to really think about their relationships. Some guys might renew their vows to show they’re still all in, while others might spend more quality time with their families to reinforce their relationships. It doesn’t matter what they choose because, either way, they’ll have a rock-solid support system to rely on during those shaky moments.


Editorial credit: Radovan1/ Shutterstock.

There’s a lot to be said for stripping back to the essentials, and many men use their midlife crisis to declutter both their homes and schedules. They’ll start ditching the stuff that doesn’t matter or, in the words of Marie Kondo, the things that “don’t spark joy,” and they’ll start making room for what does. It’s an easy way to make day-to-day life more enjoyable.

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