25 Ways the ‘Good Old Days’ Surpass Modern Times (Even If the Youth Disagree) - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

25 Ways the ‘Good Old Days’ Surpass Modern Times (Even If the Youth Disagree)

Many older people talk about the “good old days” and how much better they were. And honestly? They’re right. Here are 25 reasons why those days were better than today, no matter what some younger people will tell you.

Stronger Community Spirit

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Back in the day, our neighborhoods were tight-knit communities where everyone knew each other and looked out for each other. You’d see people spontaneously getting together and kids playing safely on the street. Everyone seemed to work together to make the community a better place, and this sense of community is something we don’t really have today.

More Personal Interactions

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Before smartphones and social media, it was normal to have face-to-face interactions because there were no other ways to communicate. Our conversations were more personal, and we weren’t so distracted by the constant buzz of technology. People spent time talking on the porch or even at the local diner, which helped us make stronger and more genuine relationships.

Different Values

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

The idea of a work-life balance might seem modern, but in the past, people knew that family time was much more important than putting in hours for the boss. This helped strengthen our family bonds, and weekends actually became time to spend with our loved ones. Sadly, today, we’re so obsessed with work that we sometimes forget the people who matter.

A Simpler Lifestyle

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Without the information overload of today’s world, life was much less complicated, and we took the time to enjoy the little things. We lived in the moment, not the moments to come. Yes, it was simple, and that’s what made it so beautiful because you could do things without the temptation of scrolling.

Different Music and Movies

Editorial Credit: Stock-Asso / Shutterstock.

Even the entertainment industry was different, creating lots of films and music that are now classics. Over the decades, the industry created timeless memories that we still love and can’t get enough of. Even just going to see a new movie or listening to the radio together made things feel so much more special.

Safer Environment

Editorial credit: Tatevosian Yana/ Shutterstock.

Lots of us look back on those years as being a lot safer than today, and it’s not just nostalgia. The rate of violent crime was a lot lower in many states, and this helped us feel safer than we do today. Children could play in the streets by themselves because, if the parents weren’t watching them, there was always a neighbor who would do it for you.

Better Economy

Editorial credit: Fishman64/ Shutterstock.

After the Second World War, there was a huge economic boom that helped to create plenty of jobs and gave regular people a better sense of financial stability. It was easier to plan for the future and make those big purchases, like buying a new home. Even saving for college was a lot easier and cheaper, especially compared to today.

The Importance of Education

Editorial credit: Cherries / Shutterstock.

Speaking of education, our educational systems back then were a lot stronger than they are today. Since there were no distractions from today’s technology, schools focused on the basics, like literature and math. The teachers had more time to teach kids and focus on being good role models for students.

Access to Education

Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images/ Shutterstock.

Since people actually understood the importance of education, getting an education was also a lot easier. After World War 2, lots of veterans got the chance to go to college without going broke, thanks to the GI Bill. It became a whole lot easier to climb the social ladder, unlike today, where getting a degree means you’re strapping yourself in for a ton of debt.

Healthier Eating

Editorial credit: Minerva Studio / Shutterstock.

Fast food wasn’t really a thing back then, and eating home-cooked meals was the standard. Yes, it meant a lot more cooking, but it was also a lot healthier without the amount of processed food we have today. We’d all get together around the family table for our meals, which also helped us grow closer.

Greater Respect

Editorial credit: RedStock/ Shutterstock.

In the past, everyone seemed to have a lot more respect for authority figures, whether it was teachers or the elderly. This respect made things feel a lot more orderly, especially in the way people interacted with each other. You’d follow the community rules without a fuss and do what people told you without questions.

Political Civility

Editorial credit: Microgen/ Shutterstock.

Yes, politics definitely had its moments back in the day, but even when things got heated, people managed to keep it civil. People would have debates, and yet they’d still shake hands afterward. Sadly, this kind of respectful back-and-forth is something a lot of us miss now, as everyone seems to be on the offensive during any kind of debate.

More Predictable Politics

Editorial credit: Vladimir Borovic/ Shutterstock.

Politics also felt a lot more predictable, too, because a lot of it was much more local. Yes, you’d hear about news across the world, but the focus was always on your local area, which helped things to feel a lot smoother. We knew what to expect from our leaders, and we could actually make plans because of this.

Quality Craftmanship

Editorial credit: EDDY H/ Shutterstock.

Things were built to last before, and research backs it up. It doesn’t matter if it was a toaster or a car because people knew their stuff would serve them well for years. Repair shops were also busier back then, too, because when something broke, you didn’t throw it away; you fixed it. It’s a pretty big change from now.

Clearer Careers

Editorial credit: Inside Creative House / Shutterstock.

In today’s world, career paths feel like a maze compared to the past. You’d get a job and stick with the same company for years, or at least until you were retired, and this stability helped us to build our skills. It was a lot easier to climb the corporate ladder, mostly because you’d actually be rewarded for doing so. Unfortunately, job loyalty doesn’t really exist today.

Childhood Innocence

Editorial credit: Studio Romantic / Shutterstock.

Unlike today, kids actually had the chance to just be kids. Since there was no social media or 24-hour news cycle, the harshness of the world didn’t hit them so early, so they got to grow up at a slower and more natural speed. They had a childhood that was genuinely carefree, where they played actual games instead of video games.

Less Pressure on Kids

Editorial credit: Halfpoint / Shutterstock.

Similarly, kids weren’t under the microscope like they are today, where every action gets analyzed and criticized by parents or on social media. Back then, kids had the freedom to explore their hobbies and learn at their own speed, which was much healthier for them. Yes, school was still important, but people understood it wasn’t everything.

Lower Cost of Living

Editorial credit: Nejron Photo/ Shutterstock.

Life wasn’t so pricey back then either, which made it a lot easier for families to manage the essentials on their budget. You could fill the fridge or even buy a house for much easier because your dollars stretched further. Want to go on a family vacation? Easy. Want to send your kids to college? Go and do it.

Greater Privacy

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Privacy was the rule, not the exception, and it was a lot easier to come by before the internet got big. You didn’t have to worry about someone sharing your personal info with the world because there wasn’t really a way to do that. Yes, we lived more in our own bubbles, but that was a good thing.

Sense of National Pride

Editorial credit: Sean Locke Photography/ Shutterstock.

After big events like World War 2, people had a real sense of pride in their country, and you could feel this strong community vibe during major holidays or parades. People came together to celebrate and remember the past, not be embarrassed by it. It was a time before national identity and pride became something to be ashamed of.

More Patience and Appreciation

Editorial credit: gualtiero boffi/ Shutterstock.

Thanks to the internet, our attention spans and patience levels are practically non-existent. But it didn’t used to be this way, as without the ability to get everything instantly, people were naturally more patient. When you were waiting for a special order or handcrafted item, it didn’t feel like a hassle, but it was part of the charm.

Collecting Physical Media

Editorial credit: Tetiana Tychynska/ Shutterstock.

There’s something so special about holding a vinyl record or a photo album because they make us feel happy in a way that digital stuff just can’t compare. It might be easier to do things digitally, but it’s ruined what makes these things so special. Collecting photos was a way to treasure your memories, not just post on social media.

Manners and Etiquette

Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych/ Shutterstock.

Everyone knew what good manners were back then because everyone stuck to them. It made even the most ordinary situations, like eating out or shopping, much smoother and more pleasant. Why? Because people respected each other and showed their respect by holding doors open and giving thank yous more freely, among other things.

Less Environmental Problems

Editorial credit: Ostanina Anna/ Shutterstock.

Of course, in the past, people didn’t really talk about climate change as much as they do today. But there was a reason for that, as there were less factories polluting and less plastic around. The environment was much better, and you could see it yourself, with cleaner rivers and fresher air. We saw real green places and not just garbage.

Better Taxation

Editorial credit: FAMILY STOCK / Shutterstock.

Believe it or not, rich people paid a lot more in taxes back in the day, and it actually worked out pretty well for the economy. The tax system was fairer because it felt like everyone was pitching in, and the middle class felt like it was actually getting somewhere. Sadly, we’re really missing that sense of fairness in the system today.

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