25 Baby Boomer Traits That Set the Standard for Every Generation - Boomer insight

Ethan Knight

25 Baby Boomer Traits That Set the Standard for Every Generation

The generational divide is highlighted through our different habits and outlook on life. Often, one generation will note the negative habits and behavioral traits of a particular generation. But there are many positive habits that generations should adopt from each other. Whether it’s by putting family first, developing a goal-oriented work ethic, or simply appreciating outdoor time, here are 20 Boomer traits that every generation should adopt.

Community Values

Editorial Credit: Lomb / Shutterstock.

For Boomers, community values are imperative. The community was at the heart of a functioning society, and everyone had a role to improve and maintain the community in one way or another. Whether someone is dedicated to litter picking, a member of the neighborhood watch, or simply checks in on their fellow neighbors, everyone has a role to play. But today, fewer people believe that patriotism or religion is important.


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In the age before advanced technology, Boomers had to rely on their hands and their keen eye for detail. Craftsmanship was more common among community members. Whether this craftsmanship was exemplified through cooking, ceramics, carpentry, tailoring clothes, or else, craftsmanship is a valuable skill to have. 

Appreciation of Outdoor Time

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Boomers are also known to appreciate their outdoor time, whether they like to stroll in the park, engage in birdwatching, or simply sit on their porch. This is likely because they often spent their childhood outdoors playing sports, climbing trees, and cycling around the neighborhood with their friends. Rather than sitting indoors playing the latest console or scrolling on their smartphones, this allowed them to appreciate the simpler things in life. Studies show that Boomers are most likely to spend more than one hour outdoors than any other generation.


Editorial credit: Inside Creative House / Shutterstock.

Boomers are also very resourceful. Having lived through many economic crashes, natural disasters, and social upheavals, Boomers have learned to value what they have. Whether they are resourceful with their food, clothes, furniture, or else, Boomers grew up in an environment where they made the most of what they had.

Work Ethic

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A Boomer’s work ethic is not to be understated. Boomers have a renowned work ethic because they are goal-oriented. Boomers are known for working long hours, exemplifying unwavering loyalty to their employer and company without complaining.

Family Values

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The only thing more important than community is family. Boomers understand that family comes first. Boomers value relationships and are particularly concerned with the welfare of their loved ones. 


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Having lived through countless political divides and economic crises, Boomers are known for their resilience. When the going gets tough, you can count on the Boomer generation to maintain a positive attitude and perseverance. 


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Boomers are a generation which were often unable to rely on the wealth of their parents. Instead, they developed a goal-oriented mindset and an entrepreneurial approach to work. This allowed them to exercise their economic independence and provide for themselves and their families. 


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Similar to resourcefulness, frugality is a common trait among Boomers. Boomers would often spend their money on things they deemed essential. They didn’t spend as much as younger generations do on superficial items.


Editorial credit: Kristina Kuptsevich / Shutterstock.

Tradition is important to Boomers. Boomers are also generally more religious than younger generations are, and traditions are rooted in religion. Recent studies show that the younger generation is less likely to value religion as an important part to their society.


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Boomers are sometimes brutally honest and realistic. Or, they would see this as being practical. While they value independence and ambition, they don’t often get carried away with unrealistic dreams and they don’t fret so much as the younger generation does. 

Manual Skills

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Having manual skills is a sign of independence and self-reliance. The Boomer generation is used to having to develop a range of manual skills to maintain the quality of their house, vehicles, and more. 

Respect for Authority 

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Boomers come from a generation where corporal punishment was prevalent. With this comes a greater level of respect for authority. Whether they were showing greater levels of respect for their parents, their school teacher, or elders in general, Boomers rarely undermined their superiors. 

In-Person Social Interactions

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Since Boomers didn’t grow up over-relying on social media and smartphones, they value in-person interactions much more. They enjoy socializing with people in person rather than tediously texting and messaging others, which lacks authenticity. 


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Boomers have worked with and without technology. They’ve worked in extremely different environments, and instead of letting technology push them aside, they’ve adapted accordingly. While grandparents may not be as tech literature as their grandchildren, they’ve learned the ropes enough to fulfill their occupational responsibilities.


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Entrepreneurialism is also a sign of independence and intuition. The opportunity to make money and a name for yourself by providing a well-needed service is one that Boomers value. 

Loyalty in the Workplace

Editorial credit: Ground Picture /Shutterstock.

The younger generation is defined by its boundary-setting and independent attitude. But Boomers display a higher level of loyalty to their employers and companies. While younger generations are more likely to establish limits within the workplace, Boomers are more likely to work without defying their employer’s authority. Boomers place more value on stratification within the workplace

Social Media Detox

Editorial credit: Twin Design / Shutterstock.

Boomers can also go days without having to update their Instagram or Facebook status. While members of the younger generation are dependent on social media engagement for dopamine release and attention, Boomers can go extended periods of time without the need to use social media. 

Work Longevity

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Not only did Boomers work long hours, but they also worked for years and years. Many Boomers chose to ignore their retirement age in favor of working for longer. This not only made them feel more valuable but it kept them active in their life, rejecting the idea of isolating themselves and only focusing on leisure during their later years.   


Editorial credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Boomers also come from a competitive environment. This is because they take great pride in their work and what they are able to achieve. But this doesn’t mean that they are team-oriented. It just means that they are focused on delivering the best result possible. 

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