21 Things People Over 60 Are Often Advised Against - Boomer insight

William Furney

21 Things People Over 60 Are Often Advised Against

Hitting the big 60 can leave some people thinking that certain life choices are unacceptable. Society is due a massive awakening, as many people in their Golden Years are choosing to embrace their time doing the things they love. Why shouldn’t they? Let’s look at 18 things that people over 60 are advised against pursuing.

Starting a New Career

Editorial credit: Summit Art Creations / Shutterstock.

Starting a new career can be harder in your 60s, but that’s not to say that freelance or self-employed work is out of the question. Many people of this age are embracing careers and choosing not to retire because society tells them to. When people tell them to wind down and stop working, they’re deciding not to stick to the rules.


Editorial credit: Motortion Films / Shutterstock.

Age has no bearing on the benefits and joys that companionship can bring. It is often deemed unacceptable to date in the later years, but for those that have divorced, separated or lost their loved ones, there’s every reason for someone over 60 to seek companionship to have someone to enjoy their lives with.

Doing a Course

Editorial credit: Zoran Zeremski / Shutterstock.

Courses can enrich our lives without needing to have an endgame in place. It can be a pottery class, a yoga course, or even a degree; the choices are endless for those who embrace the idea of learning and widening their horizons.

Embracing Technology

Editorial credit: insta_photos / Shutterstock.

It is widely believed that the 60-plus age group has no idea how to use technology. Just because they’re not native to technology like their younger counterparts doesn’t mean that they can’t keep learning and embracing the must-have gadgets. Smartphones have no age limit, so anyone can get stuck into the worldwide web as they so desire.

Playing Video Games

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock.

It’s fair to say that playing video games and 60-plus age groups aren’t exactly synonymous with one another, but if the desire is there, then what’s to say it’s wrong? Video games and virtual experiences are a firm favorite amongst older generations these days. They’re fun to interact with and great for cognitive function.

Wearing Trendy Clothes

Editorial credit: Yuriy Golub / Shutterstock.

The unspoken rule about 60-plus-year-olds wearing old-fashioned attire is a thing of the past. What’s wrong with throwing on some brightly colored slacks and a baseball cap? The world is full of different, interesting people, and no one should be restricted in their fashion code. It’s more liberating to embrace diversity and dress as you please.

Use Social Media

Editorial credit: Twin Design / Shutterstock.

Many Gen Zs cringe at the prospect of their elders seeing their social media platforms, but that’s no one’s problem but their own. People of any age can jump on social media and share their pictures, experiences, and life journeys, and we applaud those who choose to do so. Facebook is a popular page for those over 60.

Have Long Hair

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Women have been socially conditioned to believe that long, flowing locks are restricted to their younger years. If you’ve been blessed with beautiful hair, who says you need to chop it off to meet social standards? Not all 60-plus-year-olds must don short haircuts; they’re free to express themselves as they see fit. Keep the long hair, and that goes for all genders.

Adventure Vacations

Editorial credit: Studio Romantic / Shutterstock.

Older generations are fitter than ever before, so retirement age is a great time to take on exciting adventure vacations. Whether it’s rambling, jet skiing, or a parachute jump, as long as their health is up to the gig, we couldn’t be more supportive of it. Adrenaline is great for keeping us young in mind, body, and spirit.

Having a Nightlife

Editorial credit: ARENA Creative / Shutterstock.

Going to clubs, bars, or concerts isn’t restricted to younger generations, contrary to popular belief. There’s still a huge amount of fun to be had. Social activity is a must for mental health and interaction, and there’s a club in London that you can’t even go to if you’re under 60.

Hosting Parties

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

Many seniors enjoy social interaction, and hosting a get-together is the perfect way of doing so. We’re led to believe that it isn’t the norm for people over the age of 60 but there aren’t any age restrictions that we’re aware of.

Having a Tattoo

Editorial credit: Cara-Foto / Shutterstock.

Many of us would balk at the prospect of our parents or grandparents having a tattoo, but as society moves towards a more expressive era, we’re likely to see a rise in seniors that decide to dive into their bucket list and get themselves a tattoo. It can be liberating and great for self-expression, so there’s every reason to lean into it.

Playing Competitive Sports

Editorial credit: Inside Creative House / Shutterstock.

Staying fit and healthy is essential in our older years, and competitive sports are a terrific way of making physical activity fun. It might seem strange to younger folk who think that sports are restricted to younger generations, but there’s no room for age discrimination on the tennis courts.

Wear Too Much Makeup

Editorial credit: MikhalchukStudio / Shutterstock.

Wearing a face full of makeup isn’t great for any age group unless they’re attending a special event. There’s a lot to be said for natural, glowing complexions, and overly made-up faces can look more aged than the alternative. We’ve come to expect our parents and grandparents to wear little or no makeup, but the only restriction is the one imposed by society. It doesn’t matter what age you are if a face full of rouge and bright red lips are your go-to. Embrace it wholeheartedly.

Having Kids

Editorial credit: Ron Adar / Shutterstock.

Women are often unable to conceive post-fifty due to changes in hormones that prevent pregnancy. However, they’re still able to adopt if they have the means and desire to do so. We’re seeing a rise in older fathers, too, so there’s nothing to say that you’re unable to be a parent when you reach your 60s and beyond. You only need to consider Robert De Niro if you don’t believe us.

Making Investments

Editorial credit: insta_photos/ Shutterstock.

Older people have the wisdom and experience to make valuable financial decisions, so if the money is available, it’s the perfect time to invest in stocks, shares, or a startup business. It can be an exciting venture that keeps them on their toes and young in spirit.

Buying a Dream Car

Editorial credit: oneinchpunch / Shutterstock.

If there’s ever a time to let yourself loose and do the things you’ve always wanted to, it’s when you reach retirement age. Working endlessly for several decades and being tied to the daily grind should earn people the right to enjoy their hard work. It’s the perfect time of life to enjoy long drives and show off that long-desired shiny new car.

Traveling Alone

Editorial credit: Halfpoint / Shutterstock.

Traveling solo is a concept that many attach to younger generations in search of identity. For those that have reached their older years and have a desire to travel, there’s everything to be embraced in going it alone. It’s always pleasant to have a companion, but in times when that’s not an option, or it’s simply a matter of preference, solo travel can be an unapologetically selfish way of visiting beautiful parts of the world.

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