20 Things People Would Ban If They Had the Power - Boomer insight

Micheal Brussel

20 Things People Would Ban If They Had the Power

While people have a lot of say about what goes on in their lives, there are many aspects that they don’t get to impact. Things in society that frustrate people are situations that few have any influence over, but that would change if they were given the power to. Being able to ban things would be a popular decision for many, with plenty of situations creating frustration.

The Menace of Telemarketing Calls

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Telemarketing calls are a nuisance that many of us wish would disappear. It is frustrating to be persistently interrupted at inconvenient times by phone calls that nobody asked for. Even though there are regulations against telemarketing, they still happen regularly, which is why people would love to ban it.

Overpriced Concert Tickets

Editorial credit: red mango / Shutterstock.

Concert tickets have become so expensive that they often exclude average fans due to the price. The way companies like Ticketmaster hike the prices of tickets angers many because it leads to most being sold to people who aren’t genuine fans. The current system is something a lot of people would ban if they got the chance in a bid to make live entertainment more accessible.

Puppy Mills

Editorial credit: PETA/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

The cruel practices of puppy mills, where dogs are bred in poor conditions for maximum profit, are disgusting to many. No animal should be forced to live like this, as treating humans in this manner would be seen as inhumane. Creating a more ethical way of treating animals is something people would ensure happened if they had their say, which would start with banning these mills.

Payday Loans

Editorial credit: William Potter / Shutterstock.

Payday loans prey on financially vulnerable people, which isn’t fair. They trap them in cycles of debt with high interest rates, making it almost impossible for them to get back on their feet. That’s why people would like to eliminate them, simply because they often do more harm than good.

Single-Use Plastics

Editorial credit: Sorapop Udomsri / Shutterstock.

The environmental impact of single-use plastics is devastating. They are a significant environmental hazard, polluting oceans and filling landfills. Many people believe banning single-use plastics is a critical step toward a sustainable future that will help the world in the long term.

Spam Emails

Photo Credit: one photo/Shutterstock.

Spam emails clutter inboxes and often carry scams or malware that can cause even bigger issues if someone clicks on them. Despite advances in spam filters, many people would love to see a ban on spam emails to keep their digital spaces clean and secure and remove this annoyance once and for all.

Child Beauty Pageants

Editorial credit: ambrozinio / Shutterstock.

Child beauty pageants often expose young children to intense pressure and inappropriate standards of beauty that can have long-term negative impacts. Many want to see them banned to protect children from the associated psychological and emotional harm​, ensuring people have to be older and more mature before committing to this type of competition.

Loud Motorcycle Exhausts

Editorial credit: Hans Christiansson / Shutterstock.

Few things are as jarring as the sudden roar of a loud motorcycle exhaust. This noise pollution is not only annoying but can also disrupt communities. A ban on deafening exhaust systems could make neighborhoods quieter and more pleasant.

Overpriced Pharmaceuticals

Editorial credit: i viewfinder / Shutterstock.

The high cost of prescription drugs in the United States is a significant concern, with plenty of people simply not being able to afford them. Many argue that pharmaceutical companies exploit patients with high prices, which is why people want to put restrictions on that, ensuring they’re affordable for all.

Fake News

Editorial credit: Panchenko Vladimir/ Shutterstock.

The spread of misinformation through fake news can have severe consequences, from influencing elections to inciting violence. Donald Trump isn’t the only one who complains about this issue, which is why there’s a growing call for stronger measures to curb the spread of fake news and hold platforms accountable for their content.

Child Marriage

Editorial credit: HDesert / Shutterstock.

Despite being illegal in many places, child marriage still occurs, often under the guise of cultural or religious practices. It’s a significant event that children aren’t mature enough to deal with, generating genuine concerns. Banning child marriage outright is seen as essential for protecting the rights and futures of young girls and boys​.

Non-Compete Clauses

Editorial credit: Fishman64/ Shutterstock.

Non-compete contract clauses can severely limit workers’ mobility and career growth. Many believe these clauses should be banned, allowing employees to seek better opportunities without legal constraints​.

For-Profit Prisons

Editorial credit: karanik yimpat / Shutterstock.

The concept of for-profit prisons is controversial, and many want them banned. Critics argue that these prisons employ cost-cutting measures that negatively impact inmate care and rehabilitation as the focus is entirely on finances.

Hate Speech

Editorial Credit: asiandelight / Shutterstock.

While free speech is a protected right, many believe that hate speech should be regulated more strictly. This type of conversation allows for violence and discrimination, often just serving as a way to upset other people.

Plastic Microbeads

Editorial credit:Stephen Barnes / Shutterstock.

Plastic microbeads found in cosmetics and cleaning products contribute to water pollution. Many see banning these microbeads as necessary to protect marine life and water quality​.

Influencer Culture

Editorial credit: AlessandroBiascioli / Shutterstock

The rise of influencer culture, driven by social media, is often criticized for promoting unrealistic lifestyles that people choose to follow. Some suggest banning or regulating influencer marketing to combat its negative impact on society and mental health. People often look up to influencers and desire to copy them, which can pose many risks, especially for vulnerable individuals.

Food Waste

Editorial credit: Thomas Holt/ Shutterstock.

The amount of food wasted globally is staggering, causing substantial environmental impacts. Banning excessive food waste and promoting better food management practices could address this critical issue.

Excessive CEO Pay

Editorial credit: vitma / Shutterstock.

The difference between CEO pay and the salaries of an average worker is often huge. While a CEO deserves more due to the responsibilities that sit on their shoulders, some argue for capping CEO pay or tying it more closely to company performance and worker wages to promote economic fairness.

Corporate Lobbying

Editorial credit:fizkes / Shutterstock.

Corporate lobbying can disproportionately influence political decisions, often to the public’s detriment. Banning or strictly regulating corporate lobbying is seen as a way to ensure that policy decisions better reflect the public interest​.

Styrofoam Containers

Editorial PW.Stocker / Shutterstock.

Styrofoam containers are a significant pollutant, contributing to adverse environmental impacts. Banning them in favor of more sustainable options is a step many support to protect the environment​ for the greater good.


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