19 Things You Should Never Say to a Millennial - Boomer insight

Cathy Dean

19 Things You Should Never Say to a Millennial

Millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, are often the subject of fascination and scrutiny in today’s cultural landscape.  As a generation shaped by rapid technological advancements, economic challenges, and shifting societal norms, they have cultivated unique values and pet peeves, especially regarding language. Here are 19 phrases that rub Millennials up the wrong way.

“Quit Job-Hopping and Settle Down “

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

With changing work dynamics and the gig economy, Millennials prioritize career growth and job satisfaction over long-term loyalty to a single employer. However, some people, especially older Boomers, don’t get the modern work culture of 2024, where it’s not always viewed negatively to switch jobs, and it’s often seen as career progression. 

“You Need to Buy a House and Stop Renting”

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Skyrocketing housing costs have made homeownership less attainable for Millennials than previous generations, leading to frustration with this advice. Honestly, most Millennials find this statement insensitive, as many of them have been working towards home ownership for years. 

“You’re So Entitled”

Editorial credit: RealPeopleStudio / Shutterstock.

Millennials are often accused of entitlement, which they believe ignores their economic challenges, such as student loan debt and a competitive job market. Millennials have missed out on many things that they maybe should have been entitled to, like a secure job, home ownership, and an affordable standard of living, so we get why this one gets their backs up.

“When I Was Your Age…”

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Comparing current struggles to past experiences can seem dismissive of Millennials’ unique challenges, such as economic uncertainty and housing affordability. However, it seems like a right of passage for older generations to say this phrase to younger people, and we bet that Millennials will soon be heard saying this to Gen Z. 

“You Should Just Save More Money”

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

While sound financial advice, stagnant wages, high rent, and high living costs can make saving a challenge for Millennials who are trying to balance multiple financial responsibilities. With all things considered, this statement comes off as insensitive and ignorant, and it definitely rubs Millennials up the wrong way. 

“Put Down Your Phone and Live in the Moment”

Editorial credit: ilikeyellow / Shutterstock.

Criticism of Millennials’ screen time can overlook how technology enhances their personal and professional lives, from networking to learning new skills. Plus, people forget that lots of millennials work from their phones, whether catching up on emails or researching a project. They’re not always on Facebook, as some critics might claim. 

“Follow Your Passion”

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

While well-intentioned, this advice can overlook the practicalities of career choices in a competitive job market where stability and benefits matter. Millennials would love to follow their passions and spend their days surfing or traveling, but the practicalities of life often prevent them from doing so. 

“Why Aren’t You Buying Diamonds/Cars/Houses?”

Editorial credit: michaeljung/Shutterstock.

Traditional markers of success hold less appeal to Millennials, who prioritize experiences, sustainability, and social responsibility in their spending habits. While older generations might not get it, Millennials are a lot less materialistic than previous generations, and they value being time-rich, having freedom, and having a work-life balance much more than a big house or a sports car. 

“Everything Happens for a Reason”

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

While meant to offer comfort, this phrase often leaves Millennials asking,Does it, though?” Especially regarding events like the Great Recession, the pandemic, etc. It can feel dismissive of Millennials’ struggles and challenges, minimizing their valid emotions and experiences.


Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

This term describes the act of behaving like a responsible adult, which can feel slightly patronizing to Millennials who have had to navigate multiple adversities during their early adulthood.

“OK, Boomer”

Editorial credit: Cagkan Sayin / Shutterstock.

While initially a playful retort, this phrase has evolved into a shorthand for dismissing older generations. It is often used when Millennials feel misunderstood or condescended to by their elder Boomer parents. But Millennials have now grown to resent this phrase, one because it has been heavily overused and two because they have received a lot of backlash for appearing to speak down to their elders. 

“It’s Just a Phase”

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Millennials often face belittlement of their lifestyle choices, such as delaying marriage and parenthood, which they see as valid decisions in a changing world. Millennials who have made the considered decision to delay having children, for example, have done so not on a whim but after careful evaluation of their financial position, the economy, and even the environment. 

“You Should Be Grateful for What You Have”

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

This phrase infers that Millennials are spoilt brats who lack appreciation for what they have, which is rarely true. This generation has learned to value the positives in life precisely because it has faced so many negative scenarios, such as the Great Recession, the housing crash, job insecurity, the pandemic, and now the cost-of-living crisis. 

“You’re Addicted to Avocado Toast”

Editorial Credit: sweet marshmallow/ Shutterstock.

Advo on Toast is a Millennial favorite, and they often hear criticism about buying expensive avocados when they complain that they can’t afford their rent. But let’s put things into perspective. Millennials can afford few luxuries as it is, and avocado is a healthy snack, so maybe we should get off their backs a little bit. It could be worse; they could be buying cigarettes or alcohol.

“You’ll Understand When You’re Older”

Editorial credit: VGstockstudio / Shutterstock.

Dismissing Millennials’ viewpoints as youthful ignorance can overlook their diverse experiences and insights into modern challenges and opportunities. Plus, this phrase comes across as super condescending, making Millennials feel belittled and undermined. 

“You Need to Start Planning for Retirement Now”

Editorial credit: Cozine / Shutterstock.

While this is great advice, and in an ideal world, Millennials would love to take advantage of it, most Millennials are struggling to keep the lights on and food on the table thanks to the cost-of-living crisis, so how do you expect them to start saving for retirement, too? This phrase just adds more pressure onto cash-strapped Millennials and annoys them. 

“You’re So Addicted to Technology”

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

Criticism of Millennials’ reliance on technology can ignore the benefits it brings, from remote work opportunities to global connectivity and access to information.

“You Need to Settle Down and Start a Family”

Editorial credit: GP PIXSTOCK / Shutterstock.

Pressure to conform to traditional timelines for milestones like marriage and parenthood can overlook Millennials’ desires for personal growth and career development. Plus, it is a very personal decision to either delay parenthood or avoid it, and this phrase can be seen as an invasion of privacy by Millennials. 

“You’re Too Sensitive”

Editorial credit: bangoland / Shutterstock.

Millennials are passionate about issues like equality, diversity, and inclusivity. Many of them champion same-sex marriage rights, mental health support, and gender equality. Dismissal of Millennials’ concerns about social justice, mental health, and environmental issues can undermine their efforts to create positive change in society.


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