19 Things Middle-Class Americans Will Have to Give Up in 5 Years - Boomer insight

Micheal Brussel

19 Things Middle-Class Americans Will Have to Give Up in 5 Years

The economy is ever-changing, which causes everyone involved to pitch their money a little tighter and make smarter decisions about what they choose to spend it on. That impacts everyone, and middle-class Americans can’t escape that fact. With the rising living costs and wages that aren’t increasing to match, it will become a challenge for many to maintain their current standard of living, which will lead to certain things being cut from their lives in the next five years.

Higher Education

Editorial credit: ITTIGallery / Shutterstock.

The cost of a college degree has been skyrocketing, putting significant pressure on middle-class families. At this stage, prices can climb as high as more than $100,000 for a four-year degree, and that’s something that many people simply cannot afford, regardless of how important higher education is. While it should be accessible to everyone, the sad reality is fewer people are going to explore this option in the future.

Streaming Services

Editorial credit: nikkimeel / Shutterstock.

With increasing entertainment costs and shifting economic priorities, middle-class Americans might soon find it challenging to afford multiple streaming services. As platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and others continue to increase their subscription fees to cover rising production costs, keeping all of them will take a lot of work. Instead, middle-class Americans might have to start being more selective, picking and choosing just a few rather than all.

Home Ownership

Editorial credit: Inna Dodor / Shutterstock.

Many people are slipping away from the dream of owning a home due to the prices involved. There’s now a real shortage of affordable homes for middle-class buyers, and with prices continuing to soar, it will become even more difficult for new families to enter the housing market. Other alternatives, such as renting, are being used instead.


Editorial credit: REDPIXEL.PL / Shutterstock.

Healthcare costs continue to rise, making it a significant burden for many. Many insured Americans worry about affording their monthly premiums, which is becoming an increasing concern. Many are postponing necessary medical care due to costs​impacting their long-term health.


Editorial credit: pu_kibun / Shutterstock.

Childcare expenses are becoming increasingly problematic. The pandemic has only increased the severity of the situation by reducing the number of available childcare options while costs continue to climb. Middle-class families may struggle to afford quality childcare, forcing some to consider reducing their work hours or transitioning to a single income​.

Retirement Savings

Editorial credit: Cozine / Shutterstock.

Saving for retirement is another growing concern for many middle-class Americans. They’re finding it difficult to save adequately due to high living costs and insufficient income growth. Unfortunately, this will lead to people working for much longer simply because they can’t afford to stop.

Home Renovations

Editorial credit: Stock-Asso/ Shutterstock.

With rising labor and material costs, home renovations are becoming less feasible for the average household. This forces families to make difficult decisions regarding what they change in their homes, often attempting to fix essential issues rather than hiring trained professionals.

Comprehensive Insurance

Editorial credit: Mr. Ashi. Sae Yang / Shutterstock.

The cost of comprehensive insurance, including car and home insurance, is rising. Many middle-class families might have to settle for minimal coverage, which could leave them vulnerable in the event of an accident or disaster​.

New Technology

Editorial credit: DAMRONG RATTANAPONG / Shutterstock.

Maintaining the latest technology is becoming a luxury many cannot afford. As prices for new gadgets and devices continue to increase, many hold onto their older technology for longer periods. This trend is likely to continue, with fewer middle-class Americans able to afford the latest smartphones, laptops, and other tech innovations​.

Cultural Experiences

Editorial credit: red mango / Shutterstock.

The cost of cultural experiences, such as concerts, theater, or museums, is increasing. Rising ticket prices and associated costs make these activities less accessible to middle-income families, who might have to cut back on such outings​.

Luxury Purchases

Editorial credit: fiphoto / Shutterstock.

Once within reach, luxury purchases like designer clothes, high-end electronics, and other splurges are now out of the question for many. Middle-class Americans’ lack of disposable income makes it challenging to justify or afford such expenses​.

Emergency Funds

Editorial credit: Ariya J / Shutterstock.

Building and maintaining an emergency fund is becoming increasingly difficult. With many people living paycheck to paycheck, saving for unexpected expenses is a significant challenge that many people cannot afford to face because they need the money for daily life.


Editorial credit: potowizard / Shutterstock.

Traveling, whether for vacation or visiting family, is becoming a luxury for most people. With rising transportation and accommodation costs, many middle-class families might find it hard to afford trips, impacting their ability to take breaks and maintain family connections​.

Dining Out

Editorial credit: Art_Photo / Shutterstock.

Eating out at restaurants is becoming a rare treat. The increasing cost of dining out, combined with tighter budgets, means that many middle-class families will eat at home more often to save money​, and the experience of dining out will become even rarer, which will impact that industry hard.


Editorial credit: Inside Creative House / Shutterstock.

Purchasing a new car is becoming a significant financial strain. As car prices and interest rates on auto loans increase, many middle-class families hold onto their older vehicles longer and avoid new purchases​. Even those who can buy a new car often have to choose a second-hand one simply because it’s the only option that makes sense financially.

Credit Card Debt

Editorial credit: kitzcorner / Shutterstock.

Managing credit card debt is a growing societal issue that will only worsen with time. With high interest rates and rising living costs, many middle-class Americans struggle to pay off their debts, affecting their overall financial health and ability to save for the future​.

Health and Wellness

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

Spending on health and wellness, including gym memberships and wellness programs, is declining. These expenses are often among the first to be cut from household budgets, as the priority is often given to other areas.

Personal Development

Editorial credit: Halfpoint / Shutterstock.

Investing in personal development, such as attending workshops and courses or pursuing hobbies, is becoming less feasible. Middle-class families struggle to allocate funds for self-improvement activities amid growing financial pressures​.

Leisure Activities

Editorial credit: Miljan Zivkovic / Shutterstock.

Leisure activities, such as hobbies and sports, are also being squeezed. The cost of equipment, club memberships, and participation fees are rising, making it challenging for families to maintain these interests​.

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