18 Ways Aging Can Make Men Feel Miserable - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Ways Aging Can Make Men Feel Miserable

There’s a stereotype that older men tend to be a little grumpier than most, and in some cases, this cliché is true. As guys get older, they undergo many changes that can crank up the crankiness. But what’s going on? Here are 18 reasons men get a bit grouchier as they age.

Falling Testosterone

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Their testosterone levels naturally drop as men age, but that doesn’t simply affect their muscles. Testosterone can seriously affect men’s mood, and lower levels can make them feel less tolerant and more irritable. As they get older, they start waking up on the wrong side of the bed almost every day.

Health Hassles

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Getting older means more trips to the doctor for check-ups and other health issues. Dealing with these constant health problems can kill your mood, so it’s no surprise that old guys aren’t always in the best spirits. Having to go to the doctor so often makes them feel frustrated and even resentful. 

Meds With Moods

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Speaking of health, a lot of older men take many medications, and the side effects can include mood swings. It’s hard enough trying to manage your health thing with meds, but finding out they affect your mood is sometimes the last straw. Many older guys feel annoyed that they have to do this.

The Sleeping Situation

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Everyone gets annoyed when they don’t sleep well; older guys are no exception. Many older people struggle either falling asleep or staying asleep, and not getting enough sleep makes them snappy. Science shows that poor sleep quality can actually affect brain function and physical energy, making even small problems feel overwhelming. 

Eating Habits Change

Editorial credit: Ljupco Smokovski / Shutterstock.

Metabolism slows down with age, and sometimes diet changes with it, but not always for the better. Eating too much junk or not getting the right nutrients can leave anyone feeling off, which soon becomes grumpy. It’s much harder to feel good mentally when you don’t feel good physically.

Retirement Blues

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Going from full-time work to full-time lounging sounds great, but it’s difficult to deal with. You lose your routine, sense of purpose, and daily interactions with your colleagues. Many retirees start to feel a bit useless or bored, which can make them annoyed

Money Worries

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Similarly, it’s easy to start worrying about money more after you retire as you don’t have a regular paycheck. Any expenses like medical bills can make you feel stressed, and it’s hard to stay happy when you’re worried about money. Even the everyday costs start adding up, which makes you grumpier.

Losing Loved Ones

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

As harsh as it sounds, getting older often means saying goodbye to more people we love. Grief and loneliness can make someone seem withdrawn or irritable because they’re seriously losing companionship. They’re missing those who have passed and feeling left behind.

Moving Slows Down

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When you can’t move around like before, some of the things you used to do easily can become more challenging. If you’re used to being more active, this limited mobility is enough to annoy you. Losing your sense of independence is no fun, and needing help with simple tasks can be a massive blow to your pride.

Memory Mistakes

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Having slips in memory or not being as sharp as before can be infuriating for anyone. For guys used to being the smartest people in the room, these slips can make them frustrated and grumpy. This changes the way older guys interact with people, which causes a strain on even the strongest of bonds.

Social Changes

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Moving away from being the “man of the house” or the breadwinner can really affect your self-esteem. Some older guys start to feel less important, making them more irritable. After all, feeling lost about your place in society isn’t easy to deal with at any age, so you can’t really blame them.

Mortality Check

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Getting older makes you think about life and death more often, which can be pretty sobering and can make you feel angrier. The reality of having more years behind than ahead is hard to deal with, and this causes some guys to be more defensive towards other people. They’re not necessarily angry at them; they’re just trying to cope with these unsettling thoughts.

Poor Patience

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Maybe it’s because they’ve had to deal with so many little annoyances, but patience wears thinner with age. Older guys might’ve shrugged some things off in the past, but now, they’re more likely to respond with a sharp word or two. This lack of patience usually comes from their unhappiness with the physical and emotional challenges of aging.

Sensory Struggles

Editorial Credit: thodonal88 / Shutterstock.

As you age, neither your hearing nor your sight are what they used to be, which can completely change your life. This often leads to misunderstandings and frustration, which makes older guys even unhappier. They struggle to keep up in conversations, which causes them to be frustrated with everything around them. 

Feeling Isolated

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As people move away or go into homes, an older guy’s social circle will start to shrink, and they’ll begin feeling isolated. They can’t exactly slap on a smile because they’re feeling alone, and that can make anyone grumpy. These feelings of isolation are even worse during holidays or family gatherings, where they can really see who they’re missing.

Body Image Bother

Editorial credit: Chris Curry / Shutterstock.

Changes like gaining weight or losing hair can really affect how a man feels about himself. If you don’t like what you see in the mirror, don’t be surprised if you get stuck in a bad mood. These changes often affect a man’s self-confidence and can force them to avoid the things that once made them happy.

Less Exercise

Editorial credit: SasaStock / Shutterstock.

Science shows that regular exercise does wonders for your mood, but many older men find themselves doing less of it. Less activity means fewer endorphins, which means they feel more irritable overall. Worse still, this affects their overall energy levels and makes it far harder for them to deal with the world around them.

Thinking About Regrets

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Looking back on life, it’s easy to focus on what you might have missed or messed up, and many older guys dwell on these regrets too often. This sours their mood quickly, and it soon becomes a vicious cycle they can’t escape. With more time to think, older guys feel more cynical about things, and this perspective is hard to shake.

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