18 Unusual Foods That People Fake Enjoying - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Unusual Foods That People Fake Enjoying

We’ve all tried that one weird food before that other people swear by, but it actually left us feeling pretty confused. Whether it’s for health reasons or social points, let’s unpack some of these peculiar foods and why some people might be pretending to enjoy every bite. Remember, there’s no judgment here; if you enjoy these foods, then good for you.

Smelly Yet Celebrated

Editorial credit: Photoongraphy/ Shutterstock.

Known as the “King of Fruits” in Southeast Asia, durian has a smell that can clear a room. It’s a stench that’s a mix of onions and gym socks, but ten times worse. Even so, this fruit is a big deal in many cultures, particularly at fancy gatherings where people nod and smile while secretly wishing they were anywhere else. 

The Green Everyone Loves to Hate

Editorial credit: Elena Veselova / Shutterstock.

Kale burst on the superfood scene as the leafy green to end all leafy greens. But let’s be real: it tastes like a grassy spoonful of earth, and most people who eat it will put it into smoothies where they can’t taste it. Or better yet, they’ll hide it under a mountain of dressing to brag about eating healthy. 

Fancy Fish Eggs

Editorial credit: Marina Tachinska/ Shutterstock.

Caviar screams luxury and has a price tag to match, so you’ll see it at swanky events where everyone’s trying a bit too hard. Its salty, fishy flavor isn’t for everyone, but you’ll definitely see people downing it with a smile, trying to look like they eat this stuff all the time. Is trying to look posh really worth it?

Love It or Fear It

Editorial credit: Erhan Inga/ Shutterstock.

Blue cheese is, quite literally, moldy, and that strong taste isn’t for the faint of heart. While it might appear on fancy cheese platters, and some people genuinely love it, most of us just nibble so we don’t seem odd. Apparently, we’d rather keep up appearances than have clean taste buds.

Raw and Risky

Editorial credit: Katerininamd / Shutterstock.

Sushi is a real treat, thanks to its artful presentation and exotic flair, although raw fish isn’t everyone’s preferred snack. Many people eat sushi more for the cultural experience or because it’s trendy, not necessarily because they love the taste of raw tuna or salmon on their tongue. Honestly, can you blame them?

The Candy You Love to Loathe

Editorial credit: wasanajai/ Shutterstock.

Licorice is one of those candies that splits the room. People either adore it or despise it. Its flavor is almost like medicine, and it’s a staple in many European countries. However, it’s a different story in the States. Most people here eat it to keep their grandma happy, even if they’re not enjoying every bite.

Good for You, but How’s the Taste?

Editorial credit: Elena Shashki / Shutterstock.

Quinoa is another health food that people praise for its protein and fiber, which is why many people include it in their diets. However, its flavor leaves much to be desired, as it’s a bit nutty and sometimes bitter. Quinoa is a classic case of eating something because it’s good for you, not because you actually like it.

Slime and Sophistication

Editorial credit: Subbotina Anna / Shutterstock.

Oysters are certainly an experience, thanks to the slippery texture and ocean taste. It’s definitely not for everyone, although you’ll still see some people slurping these down at high-end spots, trying to look cultured. But most of the time, they’re actually just wondering why they didn’t just order the steak. 

Fancy French Snails

Editorial credit: YARUNIV Studio/ Shutterstock.

Snails, guys. We’re eating snails. In fancy garlic butter, sure, but they’re still snails. Escargot is a big hit in French cuisine, and it’s something people try to seem sophisticated. This is more of a food people eat to say they’ve tried it rather than actually craving it. Nobody wakes up dreaming about snails for dinner.

Flirting With Danger

Editorial credit: Sakis Lazarides/ Shutterstock.

Fugu, or pufferfish, is famous for being deadly if not prepared right, so people choose to eat it. Most people just want the bragging rights of eating something dangerous with fugu rather than its subtle flavor that most people think is quite mild. It’s another dish where the focus is on the experience and over actual enjoyment. 

Southern Staple

Editorial credit: Elena Veselova/ Shutterstock.

Down South, grits are a big deal, but your first spoonful might leave you puzzled if you’re not from around there. They’re bland and instead rely on what you mix in for any real flavor, which can make them taste pretty good. But even though they’re simple, many Southerners still swear by them. 

Barnyard or Gourmet?

Editorial credit: Moving Moment / Shutterstock.

You either love goat cheese’s tangy taste or you don’t, even though it’s quite popular at most modern restaurants or in hip artisan sandwiches. Some people eat it because of the gourmet label, even if it’s not their favorite, because they’re trying to seem trendy. It’s one of those things you find on a charcuterie board that you might just eat so you don’t seem picky.

Yeasty Beastie

Editorial credit: Rachata Chintawong/ Shutterstock.

Marmite is a super strong and yeasty spread that is popular in several European places. Even in places where it’s a breakfast staple, some people force themselves through a toast topped with it just to say they’ve tried it. We’d like to say it’s an acquired taste, but you’d have to get entirely new taste buds to even like this. 

Bitter Powder Power

Editorial Credit: Pinkasevich / Shutterstock.

Matcha is yet another popular health food, thanks to its antioxidants and lovely green color. But the truth? It’s pretty bitter, and not everyone’s excited about drinking something that tastes like grass. Yet, here we are, sipping away because it’s good for us and looks great for any Instagram pictures. 

Chew on Some Shark

Editorial credit: Piero_Facci/ Shutterstock.

Hákarl, or fermented shark, is a traditional Icelandic treat; as you might’ve guessed, it smells much like ammonia. People mostly eat it to get a reaction of “I can’t believe you ate that” from other people instead of the flavor. Anyone who manages to keep it down gets bragging rights that they can stomach this bizarre food.

From the Ocean to Your Plate

Editorial credit: nito / Shutterstock.

Seaweed has plenty of good stuff in it, like minerals and vitamins, but let’s not kid ourselves. It tastes like you’re munching on a piece of the ocean, and there’s no reason people eat it as part of their sushi or snacks other than for its health benefits. After all, it’s not exactly the new potato chip. 

Dirt by Another Name

Editorial credit: TalyaAL/ Shutterstock.

Just what is it with healthy food tasting so bad? Beetroot is really good for you, and it’s a popular choice for juices or salads, although eating it tastes like biting into a clump of dirt. Many people chuck it into their shopping cart, knowing they’ll have to get creative to hide its strong and earthy taste in their next smoothie.

Tofu’s Cousin

Editorial credit: Daniel Pawer/ Shutterstock.

Tempeh is popular among vegans and people on plant-based diets as it’s full of protein and potential. But you’ll have to cook it correctly, as its funky and fermented taste can be a bit much for most people. Many people do end up loving it, but usually, after some trial and error in the kitchen.

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