18 Signs of Being an Irresponsible Gun Owner - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Signs of Being an Irresponsible Gun Owner

No matter your opinion on owning a gun, we can all agree that the most important thing is to be safe with your firearms. Unfortunately, not everybody’s good at owning a gun, and sometimes, people are completely irresponsible with them. Here are 18 signs that someone’s a terrible gun owner and the reasons why.

Ignoring Safety Classes

Editorial credit: Maksym Dykha / Shutterstock.

Gun safety classes are the firearm equivalent of driving lessons, and there’s no reason good enough not to take them. Responsible gun handling starts with understanding the basics, so ignoring this step is a big red flag. You can’t be serious about gun safety if you don’t even know where to begin.

Forgetting Safety Locks

Editorial credit: Mikkel H. Petersen / Shutterstock.

Any gun owner who doesn’t use safety locks, especially around the house, is doing things all wrong. Safety locks are important to keeping curious hands off these dangerous weapons, which means everyone in the house is safe. If you’re not using them, you’re just asking for trouble.

Unsafe Storage

Editorial credit: Keith Rowles / Shutterstock.

Just throwing your gun in a drawer or under the bed is a big mistake. Proper gun owners know that they’re dealing with weapons, not toys, and they treat them this way by locking them when they’re not using them. Safe storage massively reduces the risk of accidents or the wrong people getting a hold of them.

Not Securing Ammunition

Editorial credit: William A. Ceron / Shutterstock.

Similarly, you should never just leave ammo lying around because that can be just as dangerous as an unsecured gun. Proper storage means you’re locking up your guns and keeping the bullets out of reach, which is always good practice. Try putting your ammo into locked containers or even keep them in a place away from your firearms.

Bragging About Their Guns

Editorial credit: UfaBizPhoto / Shutterstock.

When someone’s always talking about how great their gun collection is, they’re just showing off. This kind of attitude can make some a little too careless further down the line. Guns are serious business, and they’re not meant to be trophies, so people who focus more on the image than the responsibility might be ignoring the important side of gun safety.

Being Overconfident

Editorial credit: Sorapop Udomsri / Shutterstock.

Similarly, being overconfident with guns can be dangerous. Every responsible gun owner knows there’s always more to learn, and you should never take safety for granted, which keeps them aware of new firearms and safety policies. If you’re too confident with handling a gun, you might end up making some huge mistakes.

Too Generous

Image Credit:Trevor Bexon / Shutterstock.com

Being generous is almost always a good thing, but not when it comes to guns. Responsible gun owners keep track of their weapons at all times, and they don’t just give them out without doing proper checks. This way, only people who are legally and mentally able to use guns are actually doing so.

Mixing Guns and Booze

Editorial credit: Kaban-Sila / Shutterstock.

Using guns while you’re tipsy, or worse, is just a disaster waiting to happen. Alcohol and firearms are a terrible mix, and you’re just asking for trouble if you ignore this basic fact. Responsible gun ownership means knowing when to put your gun away because alcohol can seriously affect your judgment and reaction times.

No Regular Maintenance

Editorial credit: Dmitri T / Shutterstock.

When you regularly clean and maintain your gun, you’re keeping it safe and reliable, which is exactly what you want if you ever need to use it. Neglecting gun maintenance increases the risk that it’ll malfunction during those moments of literal life and death. Take a few seconds to make sure it’s working as it should.

Local Laws

Editorial credit: Zerbor / Shutterstock.

Of course, ignoring the rules about where and how you can carry or use your gun is illegal, but it’s also irresponsible. It shows you don’t really care about people’s safety or even the law. You have to understand and follow local laws so that you’re fully aware of how to keep yourself and other people safe.

Risky Handling

Editorial credit: PingPong56 / Shutterstock.

Irresponsible gun owners tend to play fast and loose with how they handle their weapons, while responsible owners always handle them with care and respect. Looking after firearms properly may be the most important part of gun safety. Without it, you’re asking for an injury or even worse.

Misunderstanding Limits

Editorial credit: Allen Henson / Shutterstock.

Every gun has its limits, and you need to know about this because ignoring them could cause you to make a miscalculation. You should know what your gun can and can’t do, like how far or accurately you can use it. And don’t forget about any mechanical quirks or issues that could affect how you use it.

Range Rules

Editorial credit: Arina P Habich / Shutterstock.

The shooting range is where people put their safety habits to the test, and your attitude towards these rules shows the world what kind of gun owner you are. If you’re ignoring the rules, then you’re making things dangerous for everyone and yourself. Follow the rules, no matter how much you might disagree with them.

Posting Violent Content

Editorial credit: Twin Design / Shutterstock.

Someone who’s just posting violent videos online probably doesn’t care about safety in real life. People who constantly post about gun safety are helping to create a more responsible approach to firearms, which is always good. Keep an eye on someone who’s focusing on the more violent side of things.

No More Learning

Editorial credit: Wolfilser/ Shutterstock.

Rules and regulations around firearms are always changing, which means that staying educated is part of being responsible. Anybody who doesn’t want to keep up to date with them isn’t being responsible and probably has no idea how to use their weapons safely. Plus, you never know what you might find out when you keep learning.

Self-Defense Lawyers

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

A responsible gun owner should have a good understanding of self-defense laws in their area, as these change from state to state. If you don’t know the law around using your weapons, this could lead to some serious legal issues for you down the line. Find out the laws and make sure you follow them.

Stolen or Lost Firearms

Editorial credit: Yevhen Prozhyrko/ Shutterstock.

Not reporting a stolen or lost firearm is extremely irresponsible, so make sure you do it quickly. Do you really want your gun ending up in the wrong hands? It’ll also help the police to keep track of any threats and recover these weapons before they cause any harm. Nobody likes losing their things, but you’ve got to let the law know what’s going on.

No Chamber Indicator

Editorial credit: Guy J. Sagi/ Shutterstock.

Chamber indicators are important because they’ll help you avoid accidentally discharging your weapon, which is even more important during a stressful or confusing situation. They’ll also let you know what condition your weapon is in so you can keep the chamber clear. It’s a small step, but it’s quite important.

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