18 Things You Should Stop Doing After Turning 40 - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Things You Should Stop Doing After Turning 40

Turning 40 is a great time because you’re smart enough not to sweat the small stuff but also young enough to still have plenty of fun. Sadly, some things just don’t go as well in your 40s as they might’ve done in your 20s or even your 30s. Here are 18 things you might think about doing once you’ve hit that big 4-0.

Joining the Military

Editorial Credit: Vital Hil / Shutterstock.

Most military branches have a cut-off at around 35, meaning you won’t be able to start a job in the military once you’re 40. But honestly, do you really want to swap your comfy bed for a barrack? No matter how noble it sounds, it might be better for the younger crowd, or at least a “what if” scenario over a coffee.

Heavy Weight Lifting

Editorial credit: BAZA Production / Shutterstock.

Lifting heavy weights becomes a little riskier once you’ve turned 40, as your body won’t bounce back like it used to. Overdoing it at the gym means you’ll spend more time nursing your injuries than building muscles. You’re better off lifting lighter weights and doing more reps to keep your body toned without the wear and tear.

Constant Backpacking

Editorial credit: Andrew Angelov / Shutterstock.

As amazing as trekking the Appalachian Trail with nothing but a backpack sounds, your back and knees might not agree. Long hikes with heavy gear are a sure way to get aches and pains that stick around longer than the memories. You may want to try short trips to have that same great outdoor experience, just without the strain.


Editorial credit: Photo_imagery / Shutterstock.

Once upon a time, pulling all-nighters meant you were either the life of the party or the most dedicated student, depending on the situation. It’s a lot harder to relieve those days once you’ve turned 40 because your body wants more sleep, and denying it can throw off your whole week. You’ll have to think about the quality now instead of just the quantity.

Getting Tatted

Editorial credit: Look Studio / Shutterstock.

If you’ve made it to 40 without any tattoos, you might want to keep it that way. Aging skin doesn’t take to tattoos the same way that youthful skin does, and the healing process takes a lot longer. Plus, the designs don’t look as good, so you might want to go for something a little smaller or more meaningful instead.

Eating Whatever You Want

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

The days of eating whatever you want and not seeing the scale the next day are over. Your metabolism usually slows down once you’ve turned 40, so your body won’t be so forgiving of those late-night treats anymore. It might be the perfect time to introduce more fruits and vegetables into your diet.

Starting Intensive Diets

Editorial credit: emilie zhang / Shutterstock.

Similarly, starting intense diet plans or drastic weight loss programs isn’t a good idea once you’re 40. Your metabolism has changed, and you need a more balanced approach to nutrition. Instead of going for a quick fix, focus on creating a sustainable eating plan that’ll give your body enough nutrients to support your health.

Skipping Regular Health Screenings

Editorial credit: Marcos Castillo / Shutterstock.

As tempting as it is to skip the doctor appointments, you need to have regular check-ups after 40. This way, doctors can catch any potential health issues before they become serious, and you can also learn about how to keep on top of your health. Even if you’re feeling great, these appointments need to be on your calendar.

Ignoring Vision and Hearing Checks

Editorial credit: Travelpixs / Shutterstock.

Similarly, turning 40 is the time to keep a close eye on your sensory health. Our vision and hearing can deteriorate quite gradually, so you’ll need to have regular assessments to keep an eye on them. They’re relatively quick and painless but can drastically improve your quality of life.

Starting Extreme Sports

Editorial credit: Fit Ztudio / Shutterstock.

Forty years old is a little too late to start doing extreme sports, as learning to skydive or hit the halfpipe is a lot harder on a body that already has a few miles on it. You might want to stick to the activities that keep your heart racing without too much risk, like kayaking or cycling. If you’re determined to them, just make sure you train properly and follow all safety advice.

Ignoring Bone Health

Editorial credit: Perfect Wave / Shutterstock.

Our bones stop being as strong after we turn 40, especially for women. When you ignore these issues, you’re increasing the risk of serious health problems like osteoporosis, which can cause major issues for you later. You can keep your bones strong by eating calcium-rich foods and doing weight-bearing exercises to keep your skeleton strong.

Frequent Drinking

Editorial credit: adriaticfoto / Shutterstock.

The occasional drink is okay, but frequent binges are a lot harder on your system when you’re older. Your body takes longer to recover from a night out, and this makes the effects of alcohol a lot more noticeable. You should enjoy those drinks in moderation and give your body the respect it deserves by not overdoing it.

Buying High Heels

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Once upon a time, high heels might’ve been a big part of your wardrobe, but not once you’re 40. High heels are bad enough for your feet when you’re young, and as you age, your feet can become more vulnerable to discomfort and injury from shoes that don’t fit properly. Stick to footwear that’ll keep your feet feeling comfortable and supported.

Parenthood Plans

Editorial credit: Ken Wolter / Shutterstock.

While starting or expanding your family after 40 isn’t out of the question, it does come with a few more medical considerations. There are possible complications in pregnancy that you’ll need to think about for both the baby’s and mother’s health. Don’t let your age stop you from fulfilling your dreams, but give it a lot more consideration.

Partying Hard

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Those days of partying till dawn and recovering with just a coffee are long gone. Now, a late night could leave you feeling the pain for days afterward. Why not just have a gathering that doesn’t go all night? You can still enjoy your quality time with friends, you just don’t need to spend the next few days recuperating from it.

Avoiding Mental Health Care

Editorial credit: REDPIXEL.PL / Shutterstock.

Coping with the pressures of life doesn’t necessarily get easier when you get older, and, if anything, it’s even more important to keep an eye on your mental health. When you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, getting help will help you manage everything life throws your way a lot more effectively.

Ignoring Insurance

Editorial credit: Barock / Shutterstock.

Although it’s not the most exciting job, you can’t ignore insurance once you’re 40. You have to review and get the right insurance to protect yourself and your loved ones from any unexpected events. You never know what’s going to happen, and being prepared for this is something you can’t put a price on.

Neglecting Your Friends

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Letting your social life slide is a big no-no when you get older because your connections with your friends and family are even more important for your mental well-being. Of course, it’s easy to get caught up in daily life, but make time for coffee dates and phone calls. You just can’t underestimate the power of a good conversation.

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