18 Things People Always Find Money for, Even When Struggling - Boomer insight

Micheal Brussel

18 Things People Always Find Money for, Even When Struggling

Going through financial difficulties can be stressful, as it’s not easy to combat all the challenges that come with that. Focusing on paying bills while prioritizing things such as food and clothing can be a challenge, and that means that other luxuries are something most people cannot afford. However, there are certain items that people always seem to manage to afford, regardless of their financial situation, showcasing how important they can be to people.

Streaming Services

Editorial credit: nikkimeel / Shutterstock.

Nowadays, it’s hard to imagine life without Netflix or Disney+ because this is how people typically consume television and movies. However, they come at a monthly cost that people have to budget for, which can be tough for those under financial strain. But regardless of their circumstances, most can afford at least one of these services to provide entertainment.

Gym Membership

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Everyone likes the idea of going to the gym regularly, staying healthy, and looking good. The problem is that memberships tend to be very expensive, and staying committed to going regularly is more challenging than it seems on paper. Many poor individuals sign up for these memberships or plans with the right idea but then end up not using them while consistently losing money.

Season Tickets

Editorial credit: red mango / Shutterstock.

Sport brings people together, regardless of their financial situations. People choose a team or an individual to support and become passionate about it. That passion can lead to people purchasing season tickets to watch each game, regardless of whether they can afford it. The idea of not being able to watch their team can be too hard for people, so they will push themselves into debt just to provide that support.


Editorial credit: RossHelen / Shutterstock.

Ordering food to arrive is a convenience beneficial to many as cooking can be time-consuming and something many don’t enjoy. However, ordering does come at a price, and that’s not always easy for people who don’t have much money. The simplicity and ease of ordering takeout can often overcome the time needed to cook a meal, which is why people do this regardless of their financial situation.

High-Cost Transport

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Transport often involves high expenses, which is why many people don’t own vehicles; they cost too much. While public transport can be much cheaper, many still choose more expensive methods, such as taxi services, because they are quicker.


Editorial credit: Pormezz / Shutterstock.

Alcohol might be something that a lot of people consume, but it’s ultimately a luxury. This isn’t something needed in life, but it doesn’t stop many people from buying it regularly. Whether it’s drinking out in a bar or purchasing drinks to have at home, many people who cannot afford it end up buying alcohol regularly because they’ve become addicted to it.

Impulse Buys

Editorial credit: GaudiLab / Shutterstock.

People with lots of money often don’t tend to make impulse purchases because they don’t need to. They’re not tempted just to buy something for the sake of it as they usually have more items and can save for them if needed. However, poor individuals often fall into this trap, typically buying things they see on impulse, so it happens rather than worrying about it over time.

Getting Nails Done

Editorial credit: Krasula/ Shutterstock.

Many people like to look as presentable as possible, often including paying for extras like visiting the nail salon. Fancy nails might look great, but they’re an expense. But people still get them done, regardless of how much money they own at the time.


Editorial credit: GrungeElfz/ Shutterstock.

Smoking is an addiction, whether it’s classic cigarettes or vapes; once someone ends up starting this habit, it can be challenging to break. They’re designed to be addictive and keep people coming back for more, and that’s precisely what millions of people do around the world. Regardless of how much money they earn, paying for them often goes to the top of the priority list.


Editorial credit: naito29 / Shutterstock.

An excellent coffee in the morning or heading out to the local shop to hang out with a friend can be a lot of fun. However, many people will pop into Starbucks every day, regardless of how much money they have. These drinks are often overpriced and will push people financially if they purchase lots of them, but that doesn’t stop people.

Designer Items

Editorial Credit: Sabelnikova Olga / Shutterstock.

Even if it’s just one bag, many struggling people like to purchase expensive designer items because they provide an image of wealth to people who might not know them, making their circumstances seem different.

Celebrity Products

Editorial credit: Simon Vayro / Shutterstock.

People look up to celebrities, often wishing they could have their own lives. That’s mainly due to the financial freedom that they’re able to have due to their chosen field, but celebrities typically take things even further by selling specific products to people. Celebrities will happily slap their name onto something and push people to buy it, whether it’s a particular aftershave or an online workout plan. Those struggling the most financially are usually the ones who dive into these products because they hope they can change their lives.


Editorial credit: Ann Haritonenko / Shutterstock.

Sunglasses are seen as an accessible way to enter high-end fashion because one great pair can make a big difference. But they do come at a cost. Despite that, many people choose to purchase them regardless of their money.


Editorial credit: Anna Quelhas/ Shutterstock.

Owning an Alexa product might not be the most expensive purchase, but this system is an additional one that isn’t needed. It’s an accessory that can benefit people, but considering it doesn’t need to be bought, it is a luxury item. Despite that, it’s typical to see these in a person’s home regardless of their financial situation.

Robot Vacuum

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Technology has advanced in many ways, and that includes the vacuum industry. Nowadays, many vacuums clean the house themselves after being set up, and many people have bought them. The reason for that is the convenience factor, as this is a chore that many people don’t want to do.


Editorial credit: beeboys / Shutterstock.

Everyone wants to own the latest sneakers because they provide a fresh look. The fact that celebrities constantly endorse different ones doesn’t help this situation, as it just encourages people to purchase even more.


Editorial credit: Alliance Images / Shutterstock.

Owning new clothes can provide a level of confidence that’s hard to gain from anything else. People always feel better when wearing something new because it’s fresh, and that’s why many people with financial struggles often buy new clothes. Whether they stretch the payments out over months or go for it in one fail swoop, it’s a popular way for people to use their money.

New Phone

Editorial credit: Prathankarnpap / Shutterstock.

Regardless of their money, people their money, people always manage to buy the latest phone that gets released. Considering how often iPhones are created and how expensive they are, it’s normally surprising to see people manage to keep up with these trends. While there are a variety of ways these can be paid for, such as stretching them out, people often put themselves into financial issues just to say they’ve got the latest tech in their hands.

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