18 Acts Considered Elegant if You’re Wealthy but Gaudy if You’re Poor - Boomer insight

Amy Watkins

18 Acts Considered Elegant if You’re Wealthy but Gaudy if You’re Poor

One of the benefits of wealth is the ability to make trashy behavior look sophisticated. Poorer people don’t have this luxury. What’s considered unique and a form of self-expression in wealthier communities is considered tacky and attention-seeking among working-class and poorer communities. Here are 18 things considered classy if you’re rich but trashy if you’re poor.

Taking Money from the Government

Editorial credit: vitma / Shutterstock.

When wealthy people receive financial aid, a tax cut, or other type of government assistance, it is viewed as something they are entitled to due to their higher social position. However, welfare, handouts, and socialism are all terms used to describe government help given to those who struggle financially.

Minimal Home Furnishings

Editorial credit: Sanatana / Shutterstock.

Living in homes with little furniture is known as minimalist design among the wealthy. But when poor people live in homes with little to no furniture, it is assumed that they cannot afford it.

Help Raising Your Kids

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Having help from a live-in nanny is common among upper-class families and is considered a status symbol. It means they don’t have to deal with the day-to-day responsibilities of parenting. But lower-income people, on the other hand, are seen as inadequate, inattentive, or irresponsible parents if their children are raised by someone else.

Old Cars

Editorial Credit: James Hime / Shutterstock.

When the most expensive thing you own is an old car, it means something different if you are wealthy than if you’re not. If you own an old car and are wealthy, it implies that you are a collector of rare and vintage vehicles. If you’re poor and own an old car, you cannot buy a new one.

Ripped Clothing

Editorial Credit: Tusia/ Shutterstock.

Wearing clothing that appeared like it had been ripped was once considered a sign of poverty. It was embarrassing to wear such worn-out clothing in public. Today, popular designers charge a lot of money for new clothes that are tattered and appear to have been used for years.

Fast Food

Editorial credit: Juliana_haris / Shutterstock.

Fast food is popular among regular people since it is inexpensive and widely available. The upper classes can afford gourmet dining, but when they buy fast food, they are treated the same as everyone else. But when an ordinary person purchases fast food, they are chastised for making bad nutritional choices.

Living in a Hotel

Editorial credit: Boyloso / Shutterstock.

Some wealthy people choose to live in luxury hotels. But most people who live in hotels do because they can’t afford to rent a house or an apartment.

Vintage Clothing

Editorial credit: Marbury / Shutterstock.

Wealthy people often appear wearing vintage clothing, which is regarded as an elegant fashion statement that pays homage to another era of fashion. Everyone else refers to vintage clothing as second-hand and tacky. 

Unique Children Names

Editorial credit: Julija Sulkovska / Shutterstock.

When poor parents get creative and give their children unique names, they’re frequently mocked and strongly criticized for doing so. It unfairly impacts kids when no one can spell or pronounce their names. But when wealthy parents do it, it’s perceived as giving their children cool and trendy names.

Estates and Manors

Editorial credit: BM_27 / Shutterstock.

The wealthiest people in society frequently live on huge private grounds with mansions classified as manors and estates. But if you live in a neighborhood with a name that ends in Manor or Estate, it’s assumed that you don’t have any money. 

Dumpster Diving

Image Credit: DepositPhotos.

Unfortunately, some people are so impoverished that they have no choice but to collect wasted food from dumpsters to survive. But when people with money collect their food from dumpsters, they are pilgrims helping to save the planet. 

Living in a Trailer or Small Home

Editorial credit: Greg Kelton/ Shutterstock.

The wealthy often choose to live in a trailer or trendy small home out of a desire for simplicity and portability. However, for people with lower financial resources, living in a trailer or small home may be viewed as a need rather than a choice. The lack of space and amenities in such living arrangements contributes to the perception of poverty or lower social status.

Large Families

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

For wealthy individuals, having a large family is socially acceptable and is seen as expanding an empire more than building a family. But when poorer families have a large family, it’s assumed that they’re irresponsible or can’t afford birth control.

DIY Home Projects

Editorial credit: The Finishing Company Richmond Va / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY 2.0

When the rich do DIY home projects, they’re creative and skillful. They’re spicing up their homes with creative and unique designs or trendy objects, and they’re even applauded for their upcycling efforts to save the planet. But when lower-income individuals do DIY home projects, they’re deemed cheap and tacky, and it’s only because they can’t afford to hire someone or buy a brand-new product.

Exotic Pets

Editorial credit: Ermolaev Alexander / Shutterstock.

For the rich, owning exotic pets is fascinating and luxurious. Exotic pets are often considered status symbols, showing the owner’s wealth, sophistication, and unique taste. But for the regular folk, owning exotic pets is just dangerous and irresponsible.

Large Tattoos

Editorial credit: FXQuadro / Shutterstock.

Tattoos are artistic and a form of expression—at least for wealthier individuals. Large tattoos can be seen as trendy and culturally significant, representing individuality and rebellion against traditional norms. But for working-class people, tattoos are tacky, unprofessional, and impulsive.

Homeschooling Your Children

Editorial credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.

It’s not uncommon for wealthy parents to homeschool their children to ensure that they receive the best education and academic opportunities possible. With help from tutors, parents can tailor the curriculum to suit their kids’ interests and skills. But when lower-income parents homeschool their children, it’s assumed that it is because of necessity rather than a choice. Their kids must be homeschooled because they can’t afford traditional schooling or their work hours aren’t flexible enough.

Multiple Piercings

Editorial credit: Mangostar / Shutterstock.

Piercings are another form of self-expression and are incredibly popular among celebrities and wealthier people. But much like tattoos, if a poorer person is walking around covered in piercings, it’s attention-seeking and tacky to ruin your appearance.  

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