18 Slang Words That Make You Sound Older Than You Think - Boomer insight

Cathy Dean

18 Slang Words That Make You Sound Older Than You Think

Slang words are very fickle, and what might seem like the coolest saying one week will have you looking like an old-fashioned loser the next. Each generation seems to develop its language, specifically its own unique way of communicating that something is “cool.” However, trends and fads change, and what once was in fashion can quickly become outdated faux pas. 

If you don’t want to sound like you’re stuck in a bygone era, here’s a list of 18 outdated slang words that you need to stop using ASAP.


Editorial credit: Mangostar / Shutterstock.

We are sorry if you feel compelled to shout YOLO in any social situation, but we cannot be your friend. YOLO is slang for “You only live once,” which is a cool sentiment, but this saying is so 2008, and if you’re still using it, you’re 2000 and late. 

Far Out 

Editorial credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.

Far out is slang for cool or brilliant, but this saying has been outdated for a couple of decades already. If you hear anyone saying this in 2024, it’s time to update them on how cringy they sound. 


Editorial credit: adriaticfoto / Shutterstock.

The term dope is giving early 2000 R’n’B rapper vibes, and as cool and nostalgic as that is, we aren’t in the year 2000 anymore, and if you feel inclined to call something “dope,” just be careful who’s around as it is also slang for cannabis. 


Editorial credit: Kwangmoozaa / Shutterstock.

Bling is slang for shiny, expensive, diamond jewelry and basically anything that sparkles. But this word is very circa 2004, instantly making us think of Beyonce and the Destiny’s Child era. 


Editorial credit: Cat Box / Shutterstock.

Groovy Baby is synonymous with hippies from the ’60s and the Summer of Love. This slang term means cool, great, or ok, and Austin Powers adopted it in his comedic parody of a 1960s spy from London who also regularly used the term “shag.” Therefore, unless these are the kind of vibes that you want to emit into the world, we suggest you drop this outdated slang term ASAP.  

Cool Beans 

Editorial credit: Mr.Music / Shutterstock.

Who says “Cool beans” in 2024? I mean, this is a seriously outdated slang term that you only ever see used in dated movies these days, so if we were you, we’d stop using this slang ASAP as it will make you look ancient and out of touch. 


Editorial credit: wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock.

Excuse us while we cringe silently; we’re sorry, but this surf slang from the 1980s which was used to describe something as awesome sounds far from awesome in 2024. 

Take it Easy 

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Unless you are referring to the Eagles song, Take It Easy you should not use these words in the same sentence. Older generations often used this as a way of saying goodbye, but now it sounds like some hippy speak that we could all do without. 


Editorial credit: Motortion Films / Shutterstock.

If you find yourself going around saying the word “Radical, or even worse, ”Rad,” you may indeed need a radical personality transplant as this term has been out of date for decades. 

What’s Up Dawg 

Editorial credit:chiroo / Shutterstock.

Calling people “dawg” was popular in the early 2000s, and rappers like Snoop Dogg made the term part of pop culture; however, those days are gone, and you need to stop referring to people as your “dawg” in 2024.


Editorial credit: ASDF_MEDIA / Shutterstock.

This began a craze in the late ’90s and early 2000s thanks to a well-known beer commercial. People thought it was the coolest, funniest way to greet each other for around ten years, and then it became annoying. 


Editorial credit: Kite_rin / Shutterstock.

Thanks to Will Smith and his 1997 hit song “Getting Jiggy With It,” an entire generation grew up using the term “jiggy” to refer to multiple things, such as romantic affection, stylish fashion, or lively energy. 


Editorial credit: Derick P. Hudson / Shutterstock.

Phat was used a lot around music in the 1990s and early 2000s to indicate that something was brilliant or great, whether it had a phat base or phat sound. But now, this slang word just sounds cringy and outdated. 


Editorial credit: Just Life / Shutterstock.

Fly is a 90s slang word that describes something as stylish or cool-looking. But the popularity of this word really has run its course, and we suggest that you stop using this outdated slang term ASAP. 


Editorial credit: Kraft74/ Shutterstock.

Used in the 1980s and 90s to signal agreement with what someone was saying, the term “word” is synonymous with rappers like Tupac Shakur and that entire genre of music culture. But using this slang term in 2024 is viewed as cringy and almost humorous because it’s so old-fashioned. So, if you don’t want people to laugh at your outdated slang, drop this out of your vocabulary. 


Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.

“The beat is bangin”” is slang for, the beat is good, loud, and hard-hitting in a music track. While this slang term wouldn’t be out of place in a club in Ibiza in the early 2000s, it would certainly be out of place anywhere else. 


Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

“That’s a totally bodacious dude” is a sentence that might instantly make you think of Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, which is a cult classic movie from the late 80s that spoke in very clichéd, Californian surfer-style accents. However, if you said bodaciously to someone now, they would most likely have no idea what you are talking about. 


Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Hella is a slang term meaning “a lot of” or “very.” For example, someone might say, “There were a hell of a lot of people at the concert.” However, this slang word originated in the ’90s in California, and it’s considered an outdated way to talk these days, so unless you want to look hella old-fashioned, we suggest that you stop using it. 

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