18 Reasons Why Gen X Sees Boomers as Problematic - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Reasons Why Gen X Sees Boomers as Problematic

Each generation is bound to have conflicts with one another, and Gen X and Boomers are no different. Both groups see the world in very different ways, which causes all manner of issues. But why? Let’s look at 18 reasons why these generations are determined to always clash.

Words Matter

Editorial credit: adriaticfoto / Shutterstock.

Boomers love a good chat over coffee and those long phone calls where you actually have to talk. But Gen X? Not so much. They much prefer quick texts or an email that gets straight to the point. Gen X feels like Boomers don’t get the urgency of communicating with someone else, which causes conflict.

All Work, No Play

Editorial credit: Stock-Asso / Shutterstock.

Many older generations have a reputation for being glued to their tests because they think staying late means you’re more productive. Gen X sees things differently, and they’d much rather clock out on time to enjoy their lives or be with family. This work-life balance debate can sometimes make Boomers seem a little old-school to their younger coworkers.

School Days

Editorial credit: EduLife Photos / Shutterstock.

Growing up, Boomers believed that success meant getting a solid education, usually through college. But Gen X prefers to take some classes and have some real-world experiences as well. This sometimes causes some issues because what was normal in the past just isn’t the same way anymore.

Politics at the Dinner Table

Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock.

Politics is always a divisive topic, particularly between different generations. Boomers usually lean a little more to the right, while Gen X is usually more left. Although political differences can be good for debates, for these two, these differences can lead to major arguments over even the tiniest things. It’s hard to get along if you can’t agree on taxes or who should run the office next.

Saving vs Spending

Editorial credit: lovelyday12 / Shutterstock.

Since boomers are preparing for retirement, they’re big on saving up, which is quite different from Gen X. They’d rather live in the here and now, perhaps spending a little more on that big vacation instead of adding to their retirement funds. These two generations will usually argue about how to handle money wisely.

Troublesome Technology

Editorial credit: Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.

While boomers are figuring out how to use the latest smartphone, Gen X has it down without a care in the world. To their kids, boomers seem a little behind the times, as they can’t imagine a life without Wi-Fi. But honestly, everyone has their technological struggles now and then, right? You can’t blame boomers for that.

Green at Heart

Editorial credit: encierro / Shutterstock.

Gen X is quite an eco-conscious generation, and they often believe that boomers don’t care enough about recycling or saving the planet. The world has changed a lot, and our views on the environment have, too. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that boomers aren’t bothered, as they may simply have a slightly different perspective.

Equality for All

Editorial credit: StunningArt / Shutterstock.

For Gen X, social justice is one of the most important things of all, and they’re usually front and center at the rally while boomers watch from the sidelines. They’ve each got different views on how to approach equality and rights, which makes dinner conversations a little more than lively. But neither one is more right than the other.

Doctor’s Orders

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Boomers usually do what the doctors tell them to, traditional medicine and all. Gen X, though, search the internet for the best holistic cures or to get another perspective on what the doctor tells them. They’ve got a more modern take on health that can sometimes confuse their parents, who usually swear by what they know.

Questioning Authority

Editorial credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Gen X constantly questions the status quo, but this makes boomers think they’re being too rebellious. This generation grew up respecting authority without any backtalk because they believe it keeps things stable and respectful. But Gen X feels like they have the power to challenge and redefine norms for progress and to hold leaders accountable.

Raising Children

Editorial credit: CandyRetriever / Shutterstock.

Parenting has changed a lot between boomers and Gen X, as the older crowd cares a lot more about strict rules, while the younger generation believes in allowing kids to explore with fewer boundaries. Boomers think no rules mean less structure, but Gen X thinks it gives their children more freedom. Of course, there’s no one right way to raise a child.

Preparing for Retirement

Editorial credit: Juice Flair / Shutterstock.

Since they’re older, boomers spend their days dreaming of golf and free time in just a few years. Unfortunately, Gen X isn’t sure if they’ll ever stop working, thanks to the economy being what it is. The idea of planning for golden years seems out of reach to Gen X, and many of them are rethinking what their later years might look like.

Being Loyal

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Even these generations’ attitudes to working before retirement are quite different. Boomers stick to one job for the long haul because they think loyalty pays off, but Gen X often hops around as they’re chasing job fulfillment over company loyalty. They’re looking for a position that fits with their values and lifestyle, not just one that gives them security.

Global Views

Editorial credit: sdecoret / Shutterstock.

Boomers grew up in a time when everything was much smaller, and their views on life were much more national. Gen X, though, saw the world’s barriers open up through globalization, and they have rather different opinions on interacting with people from other places. They see these international connections as being pretty important for progress and success.

Investing for the Future

Editorial credit: Kamil Zajaczkowski / Shutterstock.

The places where each generation chooses to put their money is different, too. Boomers are usually more conservative and will put their money in things like bonds and blue-chip stocks, while Gen X is more likely to take risks with new tech investments or international funds. They want to throw themselves into new markets, and they don’t see the point in holding back.

Mental Health

Editorial credit: marekuliasz / Shutterstock.

During the boomer era, people didn’t take mental health anywhere near as seriously as they do today, which is one of the reasons why boomers think these issues are something to keep private. But Gen X is far more open about discussing and getting help to improve mental health. They think keeping things private is harmful and creates a stigma around mental health issues.

Health Fads and Diets

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

Back in their day, boomers might have jumped on a few diet bandwagons, like low-fat everything, but not to the same scale as Gen X. This younger generation cares a little too much about wellness trends like keto, intermittent fasting, and plant-based diet. They’re always on the lookout for the latest health trend that’ll completely change their lives.

Views on the Media

Editorial credit: Kaspars Grinvalds / Shutterstock.

Boomers grew up trusting the nightly news, mostly because they thought the media had no reason to lie, although Gen X is usually more skeptical. They prefer to get their news from different online sources and cross-check stories to form their own opinions. They believe trusting a single source can lead to misinformation spreading.

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