18 Reasons Millennials Are Now Pioneers in Climate Action - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Reasons Millennials Are Now Pioneers in Climate Action

Over the past few decades, millennials have swapped their climate change doubts for green banners. This generation is now at the forefront of pushing for a cleaner and cooler planet, even with their earlier skepticism. Why the big change? Here are 18 reasons why.

Everything at Their Fingertips

Editorial credit: Prathankarnpap / Shutterstock.

Thanks to smartphones and the internet, millennials can access any information they want about climate change. They don’t have to go to the library to find an encyclopedia anymore because a few taps on the phone can pull up everything, including the latest climate studies and real-time disaster coverage. It’s a lot harder to ignore what’s happening to our planet.

Screen Time for Good

Editorial credit: Nicoleta Ionescu/ Shutterstock.

Likewise, documentaries and online content that show the realities of climate change have had a big impact on millennials. These visual stories make the issue real and urgent, turning even the most passive viewers into active supporters. Millennials are taking more serious steps towards sustainability because they see the global consequences of their actions.

Feeling the Heat, Literally

Editorial Credit: Pearl PhotoPix / Shutterstock.

It’s one thing to read about climate change and another to live through a superstorm or a scorching summer that just won’t quit. For many millennials, experiencing these extreme weather events and the effects of climate change first-hand has made them change their mind from “maybe this is real” to “it’s definitely real.” It’s no wonder they’re so eager to fix it now.

School Days

Editorial credit: Dennis MacDonald / Shutterstock.

Back in school, many millennials started getting lessons on the environment that were pretty eye-opening. Schools have started teaching students why and how we should care about reducing our carbon footprint, which is the kind of education that sticks with you. Soon enough, millennials started turning these lessons into action.

Hashtag Activism

Editorial credit: tete_escape/ Shutterstock.

Whenever you scroll through Instagram, you might see a friend post about ditching plastic or joining a beach clean-up. Instead of being for selfies, social media has become a powerful way to spread the word about climate change and what we can do about it. Seeing their feeds fill up with green tips and climate rallies is pretty motivating for millennials.

Following the Leaders

Editorial credit: AlessandroBiascioli / Shutterstock

Similarly, when a millennial’s favorite celebrity or influencer speaks out about the environment, it catches their attention. These public figures inspire action and make it cool to care about the planet, which encourages millennials to act. It doesn’t matter if they’re just supporting campaigns or simply spreading green messages because they’re doing what they can.

Green Is the New Black

Editorial Credit: William Potter / Shutterstock.

There’s real money in the green economy now, including wind farms and sustainable startups, and millennials believe that jobs that help the planet can also pay the bills. After all, who doesn’t want a job that feels like you’re doing something good every day? Many young people are joining industries without options for the previous generation, like renewable energy projects and sustainable agriculture.

Votes for the Planet

Editorial credit: I’m friday / Shutterstock.

Politics plays a big part, too. As more politicians take climate change seriously, millennials feel like their votes can lead to change, so they’re supporting leaders who want to ensure we have a healthy planet to live on. These days, environmental policy is more important than ever in electoral platforms.

Cool Gadgets Save the Planet

Editorial credit: CC7 / Shutterstock.

Most millennials love a good gadget, especially if it helps save the planet, so they’re big on things like electric cars and smart thermostats. Not only does this technology look cool, but it also reduces carbon emissions. Research shows that young people are more likely to invest in things that promise a cleaner lifestyle, influencing others to do the same.

Banding Together

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com/ Shutterstock.

Joining an environmental group can make you feel like you’re part of something bigger. For millennials, who care a lot about community, teaming up with others to fight for the planet gives them strength in numbers, and it’s working. Whether it’s through clean-up drives or community gardening, they’re all working together to help the planet.

Breathe Easy? Not So Much

Editorial credit: DimaBerlin/ Shutterstock.

Living in a big city with dirty air is a constant reminder that environmental problems need fixing. Personal and community health have become huge motivators for millennials to engage in climate advocacy. Their worries influence all of their everyday choices, like biking instead of driving, among others.

Thinking of the Kids

Editorial credit: Owlie Productions/ Shutterstock.

Many millennials are now parents, and they’re starting to stress about what kind of world they’re leaving for their little ones. They want to give their kids a safe and beautiful world to grow up in, which involves caring for the planet now. Being so forward-thinking means many of them are adopting more sustainable lifestyles and supporting greener policies for the next generation.

We’re All in This Together

Editorial Credit: Lamyai / Shutterstock.

Millennials grew up with the internet and understand that what happens in one part of the world affects us all, including global warming. Their worldwide view makes them keen to join worldwide efforts to slow down climate change. They’ll often support agreements and efforts that target global warming on an international scale, not just a local one.

Local Heroes

Editorial credit: encierro / Shutterstock.

Some millennials have gotten involved locally through neighborhood recycling programs and clean-up days, which have shown them the direct benefits of caring for the environment. This makes the global issue of climate change feel far more personal. Now, millennials recognize how even small actions can impact the environment.

Saving Some Green

Editorial credit: myphotobank.com.au / Shutterstock.

Who doesn’t love saving money? As one of the least financially stable generations, millennials care a lot about those financial incentives for making eco-friendly choices, including tax deductions for electric cars or solar panels. It’s good for the wallet and the world, so they love it so much

Eco-Friendly Shopping

Editorial credit: New Africa/ Shutterstock.

So many products out there promise a smaller environmental footprint, and millennials love that they can support the planet with their purchasing power. They’ll make green choices in what they buy to feel good and also make a real impact. Just choosing a biodegradable product instead of a plastic one is one way they make a big difference every day. 

Peer Pressure for Good

Editorial credit: Ground Picture/ Shutterstock.

In many millennial circles, it’s now cool to be eco-conscious, and this peer influence has made it easier for millennials to adopt sustainable habits without feeling like they’re going it alone. When your friends carry reusable bags and bottles, you’re likelier to do so yourself. These days, green living is a community effort, not simply a solo task.

Justice for All

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Climate change affects poorer communities the hardest, and when millennials learn this, their drive for climate justice grows. They understand that the fight against climate change also fights inequality, which means a fairer future for everyone. This generation cares about policies and practices that lift everyone up, so it’s no surprise they support greener policies.

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