18 Reasons Millennials and Gen Z Give Baby Boomers Flak - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Reasons Millennials and Gen Z Give Baby Boomers Flak

Young people often have a few bones to pick with the boomer generation, but it’s not just because of different music tastes or who had the cooler style trends. Instead, there are many other reasons why younger people seem to dislike boomers. Here are 18 of them.

Social Attitudes

Editorial credit: Lomb/ Shutterstock.

Some boomers can seem stuck in thegood old daysover social issues, and young people today care a lot about inclusivity and shaking up old norms. Things like gender roles and who loves who are pretty important to them, so they hate to hear a boomer dismissing these progressive ideas. Young people believe they’re on the right side of history.

Environmental Concerns

Editorial credit: Miljan Zivkovic / Shutterstock.

Younger generations are super into saving the planet and sometimes feel like boomers missed the boat on this one. They believe boomers are the people who didn’t worry enough about recycling or cutting down on plastic bags, and they’re encouraging everyone to think green and reduce our carbon footprints. They wish boomers had started these habits a bit earlier.

Energy Policies

Editorial credit: BOY ANTHONY / Shutterstock.

Similarly, on the energy front, younger people are pushing hard for renewable resources and green policies, something they feel boomers have been a bit slow to support. They’re worried about the planet’s future and want everyone, especially boomers, to take it seriously. They’re easily the greenest generation out there.

Economic Policies

Editorial credit: Giulio Benzin/Shutterstock.

Money matters, and younger people often feel like they’re getting the short end of the stick with things like sky-high student loans and impossible house prices. They believe boomers are responsible for some of this, as they’re the generation that created many policies. Younger people are asking for help because the economic ladder seems to be just out of reach.

Political Engagement

Editorial credit: Niyazz / Shutterstock.

They also think boomers have a tight grip on politics and don’t always make room for the younger voices that want to chime in. Whether it’s climate change or health care, they wish some of the older politicians would pass the baton and start listening to what younger voters want and need. After all, it’s their future.

Technological Adaptation

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Helping a boomer with their smartphone or explaining a meme can be pretty frustrating for some people. They think boomers are slow to catch up with things that seem like second nature. To them, it’s an important part of staying connected and up-to-date, so they can’t deal with anyone who doesn’t understand that.

Healthcare Views

Editorial credit: REDPIXEL.PL / Shutterstock.

Healthcare is a hot topic, and younger people are confused about why some boomers oppose universal healthcare. Many younger generations think such a system should be a no-brainer because it means everyone gets the care they need without going broke. But for boomers, this just doesn’t make any sense.

Cultural Consumption

Editorial credit: Mr.Music / Shutterstock.

They’re also divided over entertainment, as young people are tuned into various global and different media. Meanwhile, many boomers prefer to stick to what they know, and such a difference can cause problems. Younger generations introduce new music or films that boomers don’t understand or care about, which can worsen things.

Work Ethic Perceptions

Editorial credit: garagestock/ Shutterstock.

Boomers are known for theirnose to the grindstoneapproach to work, but younger generations think flexibility is far more important. They don’t see the appeal in the 9-to-5 grind and prefer jobs that fit their lifestyle, not the other way around. As such, it’s no wonder these generations are always bickering over work ethic.

Housing Market Impact

Editorial credit: ARMMY PICCA / Shutterstock.

Most young people are priced out of the housing market, so guess who they think contributed to those soaring prices? As you might expect, it’s the boomers. It doesn’t matter if they’ve bought investment properties or fought new housing policies because young people think the older generation is part of the problem, not the solution.

Consumer Habits

Editorial credit: Mykola Romanovskyy / Shutterstock.

Everyone’s a little materialistic, but young people think boomers are a bit too into their stuff, whether that’s big houses or fancy cars. This is one of the main reasons they’re pushing for minimalism and sustainability, as they believe less is more. They’re hoping boomers might start to see it that way, too. 

Education Funding

Editorial credit: Matej Kastelic / Shutterstock.

While boomers enjoyed more funded and affordable education, millennials and Gen Z are left struggling with cuts and tuition fees that are through the roof. They’re also frustrated about the quality of education, as younger people are dealing with overcrowded classrooms and less access to resources. They hate hearing boomers’ stories of how things used to be.

Retirement Benefits

Editorial credit: szefei / Shutterstock.

Boomers may be settling into retirement with pensions and benefits, but younger people wonder if they’ll ever be able to retire. Financial security is a big difference, and it’s often a sticking point for the newer crowd. Many young people are anxious about their future, so they want changes in retirement planning and funding.

Wealth Inequality

Editorial credit: pathdoc / Shutterstock.

Likewise, boomers hold the biggest portion of wealth in the country, so young people want a fairer share. They’re hoping for policies allowing wealth to be more evenly distributed through higher wages and better job opportunities. It’s not just because they want to earn more but also because they want to start bridging this huge wealth gap.

Resistance to Change

Editorial credit: Andrii Yalanskyi/ Shutterstock.

If there’s one thing that young people really hate, it’s being resistant to change. They wish boomers were a bit more on board with evolving and not just stuck in their ways with things like new social norms and technology. You’ll see young people’s frustration in the workplace, where they’re eager for improvements they believe everyone will benefit from.

Public Health Views

Editorial credit: Panchenko Vladimir/ Shutterstock.

Some boomers’ views on public health can really confuse the younger crowd, particularly things like anti-vax movements and skepticism over modern medicine. Gen Z and millennials see this as dangerous because it risks everyone’s health in the name of sticking to their guns. During a crisis, this generational divide causes severe public health challenges like we’ve already seen.

Cultural Sensitivity

Editorial credit: Vitalii Vodolazskyi/ Shutterstock.

We’re more focused on social justice and equity than ever, which is why younger folks see some boomers’ lack of cultural sensitivity as a bit embarrassing. They’re all for educating and bringing everyone into the conversation about diversity. To them, accepting a wide range of perspectives can improve society as a whole, which sometimes puts them at odds with some boomers who disagree.

Family Dynamics

Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock.

Even at home, things can get tense because young people often think boomers stick too rigidly to traditional family roles and expectations. Following social norms doesn’t fit their more modern views on family life and parenting. They’d rather people understand and adapt to the world around them, not simply stick to thingsbecause we said so.”

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