18 Reasons Everyone’s Had Enough of California - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Reasons Everyone’s Had Enough of California

Thanks to all that sunshine and Hollywood glam, California used to be the place that everyone dreamed about. Lately, many Americans have changed their view on the Golden State and started to dislike it. Let’s look at 18 reasons why lots of us have turned our backs on California.

Everything Costs an Arm and a Leg

Editorial credit: Denys Kurbatov / Shutterstock.

If you’re thinking about living in California, then you’re definitely going to need a lot of money. Almost everything is top dollar, which means you’ll pay twice as much for your groceries or rent compared to other states. Paying more money also forces people to work much harder just to keep up with the bills, and that’s not something everybody wants to do.

Tax Troubles

Editorial credit: masamasa3 / Shutterstock.

In addition to those high prices, California has some of the highest taxes in America. State income taxes can make anyone’s wallet suffer. For businesses or people watching their budget, this can make them wonder if the California sun is worth the price. In many cases, it’s really not.

Where Are the Benefits?

Editorial credit: Panchenko Vladimir / Shutterstock.

Similarly, many people feel that the cost of such high taxes doesn’t match up with the benefits, or lack thereof. Numerous public services and infrastructure issues just don’t seem to go away. Some Americans feel the government isn’t putting their hard-earned money to good use, making them quite frustrated.

Too Much to the Left

Editorial credit: Alexander Lukatskiy / Shutterstock.

California is famous for its liberal policies, which is great for some people but not everyone’s cup of tea. If you’re not on board with this approach to politics, you’ll probably feel out of place in a state that’s as liberal as California. If you’re more right-learning, this hardline liberalism may make you consider moving out.

Shaky Ground

Editorial credit: austinding / Shutterstock.

Of course, it’s not just man-made problems that are the issue, as there are plenty of environmental ones. Living in California means constantly waiting for the next big earthquake, which isn’t an “if” but a “when.” Living under this constant threat is difficult, especially since it also means you’ll have to pay a lot more for insurance.

Water Issues

Editorial credit: alvarobueno / Shutterstock.

Likewise, even water is scarce in the Golden State. Frequent droughts mean that people are limited in how much water they can use, and it becomes a constant struggle to meet everybody’s needs. You might think that keeping your garden green is difficult enough, but just spare a thought for the farmers who are also struggling.

Endless Suburbs

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

California has many urban areas, but that’s not always a good thing. They destroy green spaces and force people to need a car to get anywhere. To make matters worse, all these cars worsen the state’s traffic nightmares. Some locals just wish they could live somewhere a little smaller and more walkable.

New Neighbors

Editorial Credit: blvdone / Shutterstock.

The state’s population has constantly changed over the last few years, meaning the California you knew a decade ago looks pretty different today. These changes are exciting for some people, but for others, not so much. Sometimes, they feel like they no longer recognize their own neighborhood.

Bye to Business

Editorial credit: William Barton / Shutterstock.

Many ordinary people are leaving California, and so are some businesses. Many big names have packed up and moved to friendlier and cheaper states. With so many of them packing up and heading out, the people left behind are worried about the state’s economy and their own job stability. Who’s to say their employer doesn’t decide to leave next year?

Social Services

Editorial credit: Fabrizio Misson / Shutterstock.

With such a large population, it’s hard for California’s social services to keep up. Many residents feel the strain of waiting times for medical appointments and overcrowded schools. Many feel frustrated and like the system isn’t keeping up with people’s needs, causing them to resent everything in the state.

Tourist Traps

Editorial credit: ESB Professional / Shutterstock.

Although tourism might help California’s economy, tripping over visitors just to get a coffee near the beach means the whole idea of tourism gets old fast. Locals must deal with all the consequences of having so many visitors, like congested attractions and price hikes during tourist season. Soon enough, the charm of living in such a popular place wears off.

Red Tape

Editorial credit: CLS Digital Arts / Shutterstock.

If you’re trying to start a business or build a house in California, then good luck because you’ll have plenty of regulations to work through. Even though these rules are meant to keep things safe, they make it quite expensive and complicated when you’re trying to get things done. After all, nobody likes having to work through so much red tape.

Homeless Crisis

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

It’s hard to ignore the homelessness problem in cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco. This serious problem is causing problems for community health and safety across the state. Sadly, it’s also a clear sign of the numerous social challenges in California, like housing affordability and mental health care.

Shrinking Middle Class

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Thanks to those higher costs, lower- and higher-income people in the state are being pushed to their limits. Unfortunately, it’s especially hard for people in the middle, which is why the middle class is being squeezed out. You need big bucks, or else you’ll go broke, which has left plenty of people out in the cold.

Problems With Power

Editorial credit: Khoonphoon Paungpun / Shutterstock.

California used to have a problem with rolling blackouts, and although the situation has improved, it’s still not perfect. Power reliability isn’t certain in some areas of the state, especially in places with frequent natural disasters or high demand. After all, having the lights go off suddenly is a little bit more than a mere inconvenience.

Poor Public Infrastructure

Editorial credit: Krumao / Shutterstock.

California’s roads and bridges have certainly seen better days. Even with those high taxes, the state is struggling to maintain its infrastructure, and it’s just not keeping up with the rising population. Many people here feel annoyed about the traffic and safety problems that come from such poor public services.

Tech Burnout

Editorial credit: Pincasso / Shutterstock.

While there might be more tech companies in the state, this has made many professionals feel burned out. All the opportunities in Silicon Valley come with long hours and some pretty intense competition, which can make even the most passionate people feel drained. This burnout is pushing some of them to look elsewhere.

Air Quality Issues

Editorial credit: My Photo Buddy / Shutterstock.

In the Bay Area and Los Angeles, air quality has steadily been worsening, mostly due to all those wildfires. This is a major health risk and also affects people’s quality of life, making them question whether there’s any point in staying in the state. After all, would you want to be somewhere you’re struggling to breathe?

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