18 Reasons Boomers Are Turning Their Backs on the Church - Boomer insight

Cathy Dean

18 Reasons Boomers Are Turning Their Backs on the Church

For many of us, Boomers are now our parents or grandparents, and as the older generation, we tend to think of them as being more religious, church-going folk. However, times appear to be changing. There has been a marked shift in the number of Boomers deciding to leave the church and turn their back on Christianity, and although this may seem surprising to some, there are some very valid reasons for their choices. 

Progressive Liberalism 

Editorial credit: Frank Wagner/ Shutterstock.

Sections of society are leaning more towards liberalism than ever before, and society’s culture has become much more progressive. Many forward-thinking Boomers agree with ideas around equality, diversity, and inclusion for same-sex marriage, LGBTQ+ rights, and controversial topics like abortion, which in many instances are polar opposite to the teachings of the church. This has resulted in many Boomers wanting to step away from their traditional and now apparently draconian Christian beliefs.

Sexual Abuse Scandals

Editorial Credit: Sreeyash Lohiya / Shutterstock.

Over the past few decades, the church has been rocked by many scandals of sexual abuse, and this goes against everything that the Christian faith stands for. Boomers simply can’t ignore the repeated wrongdoings and apparent attempts to hide or cover up such atrocities. 

Financial Abuse

Editorial credit: Yuriy K / Shutterstock.

Not only has the church been accused of instances of sexual abuse, but unfortunately, financial abuse is a prevalent problem, too, with many religious leaders having been exposed for either pressuring parishioners to donate money, committing fraud, or stealing church funds. This is just another abuse of trust that has put Boomers off the church. As faithful followers, they may have been contributing money for decades, and to think that their trust was abused and that their money may have been misused is just a step too far for many. 

Scientific Advancements 

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Boomers are an intelligent bunch, and they were the first generation to be highly educated. Therefore, Boomers pay attention to scientific developments and discoveries, of which we have been making many. For some, the scientific evidence of how the Earth was created is too overwhelming, and they can’t reconcile their religious beliefs with this robust science.

Increased Personal Spirituality 

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In the last decade, there has been a big increase in non-traditional forms of spirituality such as Buddhism, meditation, mindfulness, and experiencing spirituality through nature. Some Boomers have felt that these options offer a new dimension of spiritual expression, and they enjoy trying something different, which has led them away from traditional church worship. 

Technological Advancements 

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While some Boomers may have physically left the room, as in the church service, it’s not because they have lost faith or are disillusioned with the church; it’s because they now prefer to attend services online. The pandemic forced many churches to explore and implement digital services, and as Boomers age, some have health conditions that can make the weekly trek to church too difficult. So, although some Boomers may have left the pews, they are still very much there in spirit and on Zoom. 

Lack of Church Community 

Editorial credit: Maleo / Shutterstock.

Many Boomers feel disconnected from the church, as attendance has decreased vastly in recent years. There also appears to be a lack of community amongst the parishioners who still attend. This is another reason Boomers have been leaving the church, as they seek connection in other spaces, like social clubs and community groups. 

Meaning and Connection 

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What someone believes when they are 30 and 70 can change a lot. Most Boomers will have been faithful attendees of the church for years, but as they approach the latter stages of their lives, this can provoke questions about the true meaning of life. Some Boomers have felt called to explore this outside of traditional Christian teachings, leading many to take a step back from the church. 

Authoritarian Culture 

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/ Shutterstock.

The church is known to have some strict practices and to run within a regimented, precise order. While for some, this provides structure and guidance, for others, it’s too restrictive. Biblical teachings around sin and punishment can be seen as creating judgmental attitudes of blame and guilt, which ultimately isn’t congruent with some Boomers’ idea of a loving, accepting God.  

Shifting Worship Styles 

Editorial Credit: chayanuphol / Shutterstock.

Boomers prefer more traditional worship styles with an orderly recital of Bible passages, some well-known hymns, etc. However, to attract younger audiences, some churches have transformed their worship style to resemble a music concert more than a church service. The loud music puts many Boomers off. They can’t equate this kind of congregation with the traditional style of worship that they are used to. 

Changing Family Dynamics

Editorial credit: Juice Flair / Shutterstock.

Boomers are empty nesters, and their young have well and truly flown the nest by now. This has led many to reevaluate their priorities. While some may have enjoyed introducing their children to the church’s structure and the Bible’s teachings, they are now free to use their time as they see fit; thus, Sunday church might have been replaced with a round of golf or pickleball. 

Economic Pressures 

Editorial credit: Oleg Golovnev / Shutterstock.

We are in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis, and most churches expect their parishioners to give tithes and donations. Still, with skyrocketing energy costs and food bills, many Boomers simply can’t afford to attend church these days. 

Health Issues

Editorial credit: Andrew Angelov / Shutterstock.

Boomers are entering the latter years of their lives, and with age comes extra health concerns; some Boomers might simply not be well enough to stay engaged with the church and attend regular services. 

Negative Experiences 

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Not all church experiences are positive, and like anything else in life, people attend church to get closer to God. However, churches are still organizations made up of fallible human beings. Many church communities can struggle with conflict, rivalry, and jealousy, which often results in negative experiences that can put people off. 

Hierarchical Structure 

Editorial credit: Michael Stein/lightstock.

The church is traditionally based around a top-down, hierarchical structure with different ordained church leaders having differing power levels. In today’s society, where equality amongst all people is valued more than ever, many Boomers reject the church’s authority as it usually places its congregation at the bottom of its hierarchical structure. 

Judgmental Rhetoric 

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

Many Boomers have had life experiences that the church disapproves of, such as divorce, homosexual offspring, children out of wedlock, etc, and judgmental attitudes of the church have pushed many Boomers away.   

Out of Touch 

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Christian teachings are based on the Bible, which was written over 2000 years ago, and it’s fair to say that what might have been relevant then might be somewhat lacking in 2024. For many  Boomers, the church is out of touch with the reality of society today, and they feel a disconnect between what the church offers and what people need. With complex societal and economic pressures, Boomers have been leaving the church because they feel it doesn’t have much to offer them anymore. 

Attracted to Other Religions 

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The internet has made every part of the world accessible to each other, and this includes every culture and religion. For those who may be disillusioned with traditional Christianity, there are other options for them to explore. 

More Boomers have been changing their religious affiliation and branching out to explore different doctrines such as Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc., ultimately, leaving the church behind. 

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