18 Pointless Things You Still Remember from Your Childhood - Boomer insight

Cathy Dean

18 Pointless Things You Still Remember from Your Childhood

Whenever we are small kids, we usually get taught to learn certain things by heart, not realizing that the songs, prayers, and even locker codes that we learn as children might stay with us for decades. Here are 18 useless things that people still have memorized from their childhood.

Old House Phone Numbers

Editorial credit: OlgaLis / Shutterstock.

How many of us were made to learn the house phone number or our mom’s mobile number by heart as kids so that we knew who to call in case of an emergency? We bet that if you try, you can still recite this perfectly in your head. 

Your Childhood Home Address 

Editorial credit: KayaMe/ Shutterstock.

This one gets us all up in our feelings as your childhood home has so many sentimental memories attached to it. Before the arrival of digital address books, the only way to remember your home postal address was to memorize it. 

Cartoon Theme Songs

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Hearing a cartoon theme song from your childhood is super nostalgic and instantly transports us back to being a small kid watching Saturday cartoons in our PJs. 

How to Sing the Alphabetic 

Editorial Credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

In kindergarten, one of the first things they do is teach kids how to memorize the alphabet by singing it along to a catchy tune, but what they don’t tell you is that in 30 years, you will still be repeating this song to yourself to locate a letter in the alphabet. 

The Pledge of Allegiance 

Editorial credit: Dennis MacDonald / Shutterstock.

Given that The Pledge of Allegiance is recited every day in some schools, it’s kind of hard not to still know this by heart, even if we are adults now. 

Spelling Long Words 

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

At one point in school, reading, writing, and spelling become a major focus of a kid’s studies. Schools come up with all kinds of ways to incentivize children’s motivation to learn to spell. This includes spelling bees and prizes for the best spellers. Therefore, many of us learned how to spell long and complicated words that we can still recite today as a party trick. 

Video Game Lay Outs 

Editorial credit: Oleg Elkov / Shutterstock.

If you spent many hours playing Super Mario Brothers with your friends, we bet that you still have the fastest routes and levels memorized. 


Editorial credit: New Africa/ Shutterstock.

In faith-based schools, most small kids are taught how to say prayers, and often, due to their short attention span, small children are taught to memorize religious prayers so that they can recite them perfectly by heart. This teaching practice means that many adults are walking around today who can recite prayers and bible passages verbatim without even thinking about it. 

Nursery Rhymes 

Editorial credit: Anna Kraynova / Shutterstock.

Whenever we were small toddlers, our parents and nursery teachers often used lullabies and nursery rhymes to settle us down for the night and put us to sleep. Often, these rhymes became memorized as we have heard them sun hundreds of times. 

Random Historical Facts 

Editorial credit: After Hans Holbein the Younger /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Most of us had to do school history projects where we had to learn, write about, or present facts about a historical event to our classmates. This often resulted in us having a permanent memory of the details of some random facts from history. But you never know, if your local pub quiz ever asks a question about King Henry VIII, it might just come in handy. 

Passages From Shakespeare

Editorial credit: Mr and Mrs Tkachuk / Shutterstock.

If you ever studied English Literature at school you will know that Shakespeare usually features quite heavily, and whether we like it or not, we might sometimes find ourselves ready to burst into a soliloquy at any moment. 

Rap Lyrics 

Editorial credit: RobertArt/ Shutterstock.

If you are a child from the ’90s, you’ll remember how much street cred you got if you could recite some rap lyrics by heart. Well, that’s why there are now lots of Gen Z and Millenials walking around who are ready to rap every word of Vanilla Ice at a moment’s notice. 

School Motto 

Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic/ Shutterstock.

Some schools had individual mottos that children were made to recite every morning. Naturally, this got stuck in many people’s heads, and they can still recall it word for word as adults. 

Commercial Jingles 

Editorial credit: Morrowind / Shutterstock.

As kids, there was always some catchy commercial tune or jingle on the TV that caught our attention, and whether it was for a brand of cereal or a children’s toy, many of us can still recall some of these songs from childhood.  

School Locker Combinations

Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images/ Shutterstock.

The fact that you most likely had to open and close your locker at school multiple times a day meant that you couldn’t help but memorize your locker code. If you ever needed to use that locker again today, we’re pretty sure that you’d have no issues remembering your combination number. 

Rules of Playground Games 

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Many of us spent hours playing children’s games outside with our friends, and whether these were games of hide and seek or dodgeball, it was usually pretty important that you stuck by the rules if you didn’t want to be accused of “cheating.” Therefore, many adults are still able to referee for kid’s games and tell you which side is out and how many goes each player should get. 

The Speaking Clock 

Editorial credit: LeManna / Shutterstock.

Believe it or not, for decades, people used to dial a number on the phone to find out the exact time. Whenever you called this number, a robotic voice would tell you the time, and you’d hang up. Even though we now have access to so many digital devices that tell us the time, many people still have the number of the talking clock memorized from childhood, as it was a novelty to call this now redundant service. 

The Periodic Table

Editorial credit: Lena Bukovsky/ Shutterstock.

In preparation for tests, we all had to study, and whether we used to write out our notes or learn catchy songs to help us ace a test, lots of kids had to memorize things like the periodic table for their chemistry exams and for many this information has stuck with them for life. 

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