18 Foods That Consistently Fail to Meet Expectations - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Foods That Consistently Fail to Meet Expectations

Food is often a source of joy and comfort, but some dishes just don’t live up to the hype. Whether it’s a popular trend, a regional specialty, or a highly praised gourmet creation, certain foods consistently fail to meet expectations.

Truffle Oil

Editorial credit:Dream79 / Shutterstock.

You might see truffle oil on a restaurant menu and think it sounds fancy, but it’s not worth it. Most of the time, what you’re actually getting isn’t real truffle, just a synthetic flavor that’s not able to capture the same earthiness of real truffle. It’s one of those foods where the smell is better than the taste.


Editorial credit: Elena Veselova / Shutterstock.

Lots of health activists have been preaching kale as a superfood for a while, but let’s be honest, it’s just tough and bitter. Even if you add some dressing, it still feels like you’re eating a mouthful of grass. All those nutrients will never compare to the taste of pizza, and you won’t probably won’t ever crave kale in the same way, either.


Editorial credit: Moomusician/ Shutterstock.

If you want to have a fancy seafood dinner, then you’ll probably go for some lobster. Sadly, if it’s not cooked right, it turns into a chewy mess that no amount of butter can save. You’ll end up paying top dollar for something that doesn’t taste anywhere near as good as a simple shrimp cocktail.


Editorial credit: Elena Shashki / Shutterstock.

Everyone says quinoa is great for you, but those flavors? They’re not so great. Quinoa usually tastes pretty bland and feels like you’re chewing on bits of sand unless you mix it with the right ingredients to bring out the flavors. It’s one of those foods that shows that healthy food isn’t always the most tasty.


Editorial Credit: Pinkasevich / Shutterstock.

There’s no denying that matcha looks cool in all those cafe photos, although the real, unsweetened stuff is nothing like that. It’s a naturally bitter plant that’s a far cry from those sugary lattes and treats, so you should stay away if you’ve got a sweet tooth. It might be good for your health, but we’re not sure if it’s worth it.


Editorial credit: Photoongraphy/ Shutterstock.

Durian has a reputation that’s the only thing stronger than its stench. If your nose can handle that pungent smell, then you might get to enjoy its rich and custardy texture. But for most of us, it’s something we’ll start far away from because it’s just so nasty. There’s a reason why some hotels have banned tourists from bringing them inside.

Acai Bowls

Editorial credit: zjuzjaka/ Shutterstock.

Acai bowls are all the rage on social media, thanks to all those vibrant colors, but the real taste might surprise you. It’s actually quite tart unless you load the bowls with sweet fruits and granola to balance that out. The berry may leave your taste buds feeling confused since you’re probably expecting something sweet.


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Depending on how fresh it is, sushi can taste completely different from one restaurant to the next. When it’s fresh, sushi tastes delicious, but anything less than that is disappointingly bland and horribly mushy. Sometimes, it’s just not worth the risk because you never know what you’re going to get.

Blue Cheese

Editorial credit: Erhan Inga/ Shutterstock.

If you’re looking for something to divide the room, then blue cheese will certainly do that for you. That strong and pungent taste comes from the mold, which gives it character, and some people think it is overwhelming. People who love it swear by its boldness, but the rest of us will just avoid it whenever we can.

Coconut Water

Editorial credit:Here Asia/ Shutterstock.

It may look exotic, but more often than not, coconut water is guaranteed to fall far below your expectations. Of course, it’s full of nutrients and can be quite refreshing on a hot day, but if you’re looking for something sweet, it’ll probably let you down. It’s actually a little nutty and nothing like a tropical cocktail.

Vegan Cheese

Editorial credit: Nua Estudio/ Shutterstock.

Vegan cheese is changing, and some of the newer versions are starting to get closer to the taste of real cheese, although it’s not quite there yet. It doesn’t melt the same way, and it won’t satisfy that cheese craving, especially since it can sometimes taste too much like plastic. Maybe one day we’ll have vegan cheese that can compare.

Celery Juice

Editorial credit:New Africa / Shutterstock.

Of course, celery juice has a ton of health benefits, but its flavors aren’t for everyone. If you’re drinking it in the morning, be prepared for quite a strong earthy taste that’s nothing like the sweetness of other juices. It’s a drink that’s certainly an acquired taste, and that’s only if you can stomach it for long enough.

Soy Milk

Editorial credit: New Africa/ Shutterstock.

For anyone who can’t or doesn’t like dairy, then soy milk is a great choice, but for everyone else, maybe not. Its nutty and sometimes bean-like taste means that it’s not that similar to cow’s milk, which is disappointing to some people. You’re better off using it as an ingredient in food instead of making it into a drink.

Black Coffee

Editorial credit: Photoongraphy / Shutterstock.

Black coffee can sometimes be a little too bitter for some people, as it’s not the easiest to drink when you don’t have any creamer or milk. For some people, that bold flavor and shot of energy is heavenly, but for newbies, it’s too harsh. You’ll definitely need some time to get used to black coffee if you’ve never had it before.

Sugar-Free Candy

Editorial credit: YARUNIV Studio/ Shutterstock.

Going for sugar-free candy means dealing with all those alternative sweeteners that usually taste awful. That aftertaste will leave you wondering if it was worth the hassle of going sugar-free, as the taste lingers for quite some time. Forget about aspartame and stevia because we’d rather just have real sugar.


Editorial credit: DronG / Shutterstock.

Tofu is certainly a versatile food and a great source of protein for meat lovers and vegans alike. But unless you’re creative with how you cook it, it can end up quite bland, so you’ll need to marinate it or cook it in some rich sauces. It’s a food that needs a lot of effort, and sometimes, that’s just too much. 

Gluten-Free Bread

Editorial credit: MarinaMos/ Shutterstock.

Let’s be honest, gluten-free bread will never taste like wheat-based bread. Even though people with celiac disease or a sensitivity to gluten have to eat it, it’s nothing like the good stuff. It’s quite dry and crumbly, and that elasticity we love with regular bread? That’s practically non-existent.

Seaweed Snacks

Editorial credit: nito / Shutterstock.

Seaweed snacks are another health fad, thanks to their rich minerals, although that briny taste isn’t so great. They’re great for adding a crunch to your food, but unless you’re used to their flavor, you’re probably not going to enjoy them. That flavor can be pretty overpowering, no matter what you’re eating them with.

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