18 Handguns That Are Notoriously Unreliable - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Handguns That Are Notoriously Unreliable

If you’re in the market for a new handgun, you’ll know just how important reliability is. Sadly, some pistols can give you a real headache and are more hassle than they’re worth, whether it’s because of a jammed round or a broken safety. Here’s a look at 18 models you might want to skip and why.

Jennings J-22

Editorial credit: Hexidismal/ Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 3.0

Although the Jennings J-22 might be budget-friendly, it has a nasty habit of jamming when you least expect it. You really don’t want your gun to fail when you’re trying to protect your home, so it’s not the best choice. Stay away from this one if you’re looking for something reliable in a tight spot. 

Cobra CA380

Editorial credit: Josiah_S / Shutterstock.

The Cobra CA380 is a real party pooper because it has been known to misfire so often that you’ll start to wonder if it ever hits its mark. This gun is the opposite of reliable and safe, which are important when choosing a gun. 

Phoenix Arms HP22

Editorial credit: Fancy-cats-are-happy-cats/ Wikimedia Commons

The Phoenix Arms HP22 has a safety lever with a mind of its own, meaning it switches from safe to fire when it feels like it. You should want a gun that stays safe when you set it to safe, not one that flips when it decides to. Not only is this firearm unreliable, but it’s also pretty dangerous, too. 

RG Industries RG-14

Editorial credit: Winged Brick -/ Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 3.0

The RG-14 is the perfect example of “you get what you pay for,” as it’s made with less than stellar materials, so it wears out pretty fast. For something that’s supposed to last and be reliable, this one misses the mark by a mile. In self-defense, your firearm’s dependability could mean the difference between life and death.

Davis Industries P-380

Editorial credit: Geni – Photo / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 4.0

This firearm is the kind of gun that falls apart when you’ve barely gotten to know each other. Parts of the Davis Industries P-380 often break after a few uses, even if you treat it properly. That’s not what you sign up for when you get a gun. Reliability is important, and this model just doesn’t hold up under pressure.

Lorcin L380

Editorial credit: U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

If there were a trophy for the highest failure rate, the Lorcin L380 would be in the running. This gun is infamous for its unreliability, and that’s hardly a category you want your gun to win in. Since it malfunctions so often, this could leave you unprotected at some pretty tense moments, which isn’t exactly great. 

Bryco Arms Jennings Nine

Editorial credit: Sorapop Udomsri / Shutterstock.

The Bryco Arms Jennings Nine has a slide that just doesn’t stay back after the last round is fired. This gets annoying, especially when you’re trying to reload quickly. Any firearm owner will tell you how important a smooth reload is, and this issue could seriously affect your shooting experience quite a bit.

Jimenez Arms JA Nine

Editorial credit: JazzyGeoff / Shutterstock.

Nothing’s more irritating than a gun that doesn’t eject old cartridges properly, which is exactly the problem with the Jimenez Arms JA Nine. If you buy this gun, you’ll probably spend more time pulling out stuck cartridges than actually shooting. Dealing with these constant jams can disrupt your flow and worsen your shooting accuracy.

Sedco SP-22

Editorial credit: Carl Walther GmbH – Germany/ Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 3.0

With the Sedco SP-22, the luck of the draw is important, literally. Its trigger feels different each time you pull it, and if you prefer consistency or knowing how each shot feels, this might not be your best pick. But it’s more than just annoying; this inconsistency can be particularly problematic when you need some predictability.

Sundance Industries A-25

Editorial credit: Marcel Poncu/ Shutterstock.

Dealing with recoil is part of shooting, but the Sundance Industries A-25 takes it to another level. This gun usually kicks back harder than you expect, which can throw off your aim and actually cause you more injuries than your target. Not every shooter has the skills or strength to handle this much recoil properly.

Sterling Arms 302

Editorial credit: viicha / Shutterstock.

Like some of the other firearms on this list, the Sterling Arms 302 often jams its cartridges, which can be pretty frustrating when you’re shooting. If you’re in a situation where you need to defend yourself, these frequent jams can be quite dangerous. You may want to avoid this firearm unless you’re looking for a pointless challenge.

FIE Titan Tiger

Editorial credit: Memecry2 / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY 3.0

The FIE Titan Tiger will definitely give your finger a workout, thanks to its rough trigger action. This gun is hardly a smoother shooter, and the hard pull can make precise shooting more difficult. Don’t be surprised if, during extended shooting sessions, your hands feel absolutely exhausted.

Raven Arms MP-25

Editorial credit: DanMP5 at English Wikipedia /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Say hello to the Raven Arms MP-25, the king of misfeeds. With firearms, you need consistent bullet feeding, and a gun that stumbles every few shots can shake your confidence. You’ll have to clear the gun more often than you’d like, which can interrupt your focus and ability to react quickly.

Hi-Point C9

Editorial credit: Jack Kingsman / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 4.0

The Hi-Point C9 is as subtle as a brick, and its bulky design can make handling awkward, especially if you have smaller hands. While it’s not unreliable in the classic sense, it’s not exactly easy to use. This gun isn’t the best choice for everyone, and a better fit means better handling and overall shooting accuracy.

AMT Backup

Editorial credit: Podlesok86/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

The AMT Backup is tiny but tricky, and it can be a real handful. Its small size makes it hard to grip properly, so there’s a greater risk of accidental discharge. Even if you don’t own a firearm, you’ll know how important proper handling of one is, and a difficult grip affects your safety.

Zastava M70

Editorial credit: Armémuseum / CC BY 4.0/ Wikimedia Commons

The Zastava M70 doesn’t handle the heat well at all, and it’ll get hot enough to cause some real trouble after a short while. This excessive heat can affect your shooting accuracy, thanks to the metal expanding, and it’ll also speed up the wear on the barrel and internal mechanisms. If you want a gun that lasts and stays consistent shot after shot, this one’s not for you.


Editorial credit: Office of Public Affairs from Washinton DC/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Handling the SCCY CPX-2 can be quite difficult because it has an ultra-sensitive trigger. Even if you barely touch it, it could go off. This light trigger pull is meant to improve your shooting experience, but it often causes accidental discharges. You’ll have to maintain strict trigger discipline, which isn’t great for stressful situations where your focus needs to be on the environment. 

Taurus PT111

Editorial credit: Maksym Dykha / Shutterstock.

The Taurus PT111 has been back to the shop more times than it’s been to the shooting range. It seems like there’s a new recall every other month, so it’s no surprise people are questioning its reliability and safety. Some of these issues are with the firing pin, while others are problems with the safety mechanism. Either way, having a gun that’s being recalled isn’t a good idea.

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