18 Modern Social Norms Baby Boomers Find Infuriating - Boomer insight

Ethan Knight

18 Modern Social Norms Baby Boomers Find Infuriating

In an ever-changing society, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest trends, especially for the older generation. Whether struggling to keep up to date with new ways to address our peers, strange fashion choices, or the intense digitization of almost everything, here are 18 things that boomers hate about modern society. 

Over-reliance on technology

Editorial credit: Thanakorn.P / Shutterstock.

Relying on technology for even the simplest of tasks can be frustrating. It can also be a worrying sign of overdependence. Physical cash has been made obsolete by card-only payments. Even grabbing a menu has been replaced by QR codes. Studies show that around 90% of people panic once their phone battery drops below 20%. Our over-reliance on technology is more apparent than ever. 

Ridiculous Fashion

Editorial credit: eranicle / Shutterstock.

The fashion pendulum swings from one end to the other within an instant, but modern fashion has plenty of questionable choices. Whether it’s ripped jeans, clunky designer sneakers, meaningless zips,  or wearing sunglasses indoors, there is much to question about modern fashion. 

Loss of face-to-face communication

Editorial credit: shurkin_son / Shutterstock.

The loss of face-to-face communication signifies a new era. The new era of communication consists of constant text messages, Snapchat pictures, memes, and anything that doesn’t involve face-to-face communication. Rather than going to birthday parties or visiting loved ones, people can send a digital message instead of celebrating and sharing memories in person.

Death of physical media 

Editorial credit: Derick P. Hudson / Shutterstock.

Remember when you would walk to the video store to buy that new movie you were dying to watch? Or, how about turning each page of the newspaper with your new cup of coffee? Digital newspapers and online streaming platforms such as Netflix have meant that everything is far too easy to obtain, and the death of physical media also signifies laziness in modern society. 

Loss of social etiquette

Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic/ Shutterstock.

There is a lack of respect for not only elders but many people in society. Whether saying please and thank you to the cashier or holding the door open to the person behind, basic manners are lacking in today’s society. This could be attributed to less face-to-face interactions and an over-reliance on communicating from afar. 

Increasing gas prices

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

While fluctuations in gas prices are normal, they’ve increased dramatically compared to previous decades.  Baby Boomers relished the days of cheap gas prices here in the States, making extensive road trips and supermarket excursions more affordable. 

Working from home

Editorial credit: shellygraphy/ Shutterstock.

Boomers may perceive working from home as another excuse for laziness when pursuing a career. Rather than commuting to work, modern workers may opt to stay in bed a little longer, swapping the physical work environment with the comfort of their own homes. This is a distasteful transition according to a generation that thrives on the 9-5 office grind. 

4-day work week

Editorial credit: WESTOCK PRODUCTIONS / Shutterstock.

Talks of companies shifting to a 4-day workweek schedule can irritate a generation that prides itself on its resilience and work ethic. The boomer generation encouraged longer working days and even weekend work to provide for their families. 

Gender pronouns

Editorial Credit: yanishevska / Shutterstock.

It can be difficult to keep up with the ever-changing gender landscape, especially when it can enlarge the generational divide. Switching from standard pronouns such as he and she to they/them can be confusing to grasp for the boomer generation. Not only are they expected to respect this new concept, but they’re also expected to remember each new gender pronoun as a part of their speech. 


Editorial credit: Freebird7977 / Shutterstock.

While we should all be mindful of preserving our environment, many people take it to the extreme. Eco-warriors frequently engage in illegal activities to get their message across. But this only creates more friction between eco-warriors and those they’re trying to attract. Whether they vandalize art or hold up traffic on busy highways, boomers struggle to see their intentions because of their problematic actions.

Online dating

Editorial credit: Rachel Moon / Shutterstock.

For boomers, online dating can appear to be a superficial and sleazy way to meet a potential partner. Rather than meeting someone naturally and then initiating the act of courting, boomers may perceive online dating as skipping romantic gestures to find a partner for instant gratification. 

Autotune in Music 

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

While music in the ‘60s and ’70s is characterized by funky, soulful, and creative expression, much of modern music relies on autotune. Musicians were once people who displayed immense levels of talent. While this is still the case for some artists, many often rely on autotune and a great deal of editing to make up for their glaring imperfections. 

Veganism and vegetarianism

Editorial credit:Julie208 / Shutterstock.

While there is nothing inherently wrong with eating your greens, many boomers may perceive this as hostility towards agriculture. Veganism and vegetarianism are becoming more fashionable in the modern setting, whether for ethical or health purposes. But this also comes with strong protests against the use of animals for food, which is an aggressive change from the boomer diet and a threat to the honest work of farmers and butchers. 

Starting a family later in life

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

One of the results of a developing economy and equal gender opportunities is that people start families much later in life. While members of the boomer generation are used to having children in their early 20s or even younger, their children and grandchildren are in no rush.  

Digital payments

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Only an estimated 18% of boomers make use of digital payments. While it can be convenient, it can also be very inconvenient for those who aren’t tech-savvy. Meticulously shopping around for items, only to be met with a QR code or card-only counter can cause headaches for boomers. If a card is declined, it only creates more frustration and longing for the simple cash-based society.

Decline in religious views 

Editorial Credit: chayanuphol / Shutterstock.

Boomers may also argue that modern society is more nihilistic and doesn’t share the same values in religion. Studies show that less of the general population believes religion has an active role in modern society. Since 2010, church participation has decreased dramatically, as has the general opinion that religion has a strong place in contemporary society. This can be attributed to developing economies, scientific advances, or general secularization in modern politics and culture. 

Cancel culture 

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

We now live in an age where a tweet from 10 years ago or an interview from 30 years ago can resurface and wreak havoc on your career and life. While no one is perfect, celebrities, athletes, and historical figures are not safe from modern society’s fixation on cancel culture. One person could revolutionize an industry or defend a nation, but their views on something more trivial could ruin their legacy in modern society. 

Mental Health Awareness

Editorial credit: marekuliasz / Shutterstock.

While preserving mental health has always been important, boomers may believe that many people overshare their mental health problems. Rather than confiding with friends, loved ones, or a licensed therapist, many take to social media to exclaim their negative emotions.

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