18 Current Issues That Baby Boomers Just Can’t Understand - Boomer insight

Thomas Robinson

18 Current Issues That Baby Boomers Just Can’t Understand

Times have changed drastically since the days of the Boomers. Understandably people born between 1946 and 1964 can be easily confused by some of the problems faced by modern generations. Society is a completely different place now. But what are these problems that the Boomer generation cannot wrap their heads around? Here are some they find the most problematic.

The Dating World has Changed

Editorial credit: Ruslan Huzau / Shutterstock.

In the days of Boomers, the world of dating was a much more simple place. Back then the whole thing had a solid structure to it. It was simple, you met someone at work or a bar and asked them out on a date. Nowadays technology has created a different route to dating, and the dating app has changed everything. It is also something that Boomers do not understand, and do not intend to try.

New Types of Milk

Editorial Credit: DONOT6_STUDIO / Shutterstock.

Boomers know milk as something that comes from a cow. For them, it has always been this way. As time moved on, you could get full-fat milk and half and half but that was it. In these modern times, there is now a huge range of alternative milks. But you won’t catch a Boomer drinking almond milk, or any other nut-based milk for that matter.

The Online High Street

Editorial credit: Kwangmoozaa / Shutterstock.

In the old days, if you wanted to shop for new clothes or groceries, you would head down to the local high street. But with the rise of online shopping, you no longer have to leave the house. This causes a problem for Boomers who prefer a more “hands-on” approach. It also involves the use of technology, a well-known stumbling block to the Boomers.

Text Talk and Emojis

Editorial credit: Tada Images / Shutterstock.

There was something more formal about the way that Boomers were taught to communicate. The speech was taken seriously and used properly. Modern times have seen abundant use of so-called “text talk”. Between that and the use of Emojis and Emoticons, Boomers struggle to understand what is being said by younger generations much of the time.

Digital Friendships

Editorial credit: oneinchpunch / Shutterstock.

Boomers were born into a time of person-to-person communication. That or physical written correspondence. These days it is much more common to send texts or emails which makes sense to modern generations. But the idea that a person can start and maintain a friendship using only digital communications, to a Boomer is crazy.


Editorial credit: G-Stock Studio / Shutterstock.

The post-WW2 times that Boomers were born into was a time of economic hardships. They had a make-do attitude which saw them eat whatever was abundant and cheap. There was no space for the choosiness of modern times. This is why Boomers fail to grasp the idea of changing their diet to include only plant-based foods that are usually far more expensive.

Needing Therapy

Editorial credit: Nattakorn_Maneerat / Shutterstock.

There was no such thing as therapy in the days of the Boomers. If you struggled with any form of mental problem, you were expected to just figure it out. That or live with it. In extreme cases, you would find yourself in a straitjacket living in a padded room. Now people flock to the therapist’s couch on mass to relieve themselves of their issues. That’s not something a Boomer would ever dream of doing.


Editorial credit: Davor Geber / Shutterstock.

Looking after yourself to a Boomer means keeping your body and clothes clean and your hair neat. Maybe some very basic fitness. However, anything past that would be seen as unnecessary, both in terms of time and money. So Boomers do not understand these new “self-care” routines at all.


Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Boomers are usually very religious people. This is how they would have been brought up. You would follow the religion that your family followed. And that was that. So they turn their nose up at younger generations who change religion at will. And cannot stand when someone tries to “find themselves” through spirituality.

Housing Costs

Editorial credit: Mark Winfrey / Shutterstock.

Because the economy grew massively during their lifetimes, Boomers have seen many more things become affordable. From the family car, to travel, and even housing. This is the reason why they struggle to believe how much new generations are willing to pay to live in the hustle and bustle of the city. In their day they worked to move out of the city. Now people are working to move in.

The Tribulations of Social Media

Editorial credit: Twin Design / Shutterstock.

Having problems getting enough followers? That is a relatively new problem that will never be understood by the Baby Boomer generation. This is because they never had to worry about such things. Explain to them what a “like” is and they probably stopped listening at the start of the sentence.

Too Much Screen Time

Editorial credit: Simon Vayro / Shutterstock.

Screen time becoming something that gets in the way of normal day-to-day activities is another newfangled idea. Boomers were raised in a time where there was one screen in their lives and that was the family television set. You watched shows after work while eating dinner and that was it. They have not had to suffer through the pain of losing their lives to the screen of a phone.

Losing the Day to Scrolling

Editorial credit: effective stock photos / Shutterstock.

Because your average Boomer refuses to use technology as readily as younger generations, they don’t know what “scrolling” means. Let alone the trouble it can cause when “scrolling” gets too much. The idea of being taken over by the urge to watch video after video is a foreign concept to the Boomers.

Getting the Perfect Shot for Instagram

Editorial credit: Natee Meepian / Shutterstock.

Because photography was not available for everyone during their lifetime, seeing people taking snaps for the “gram” seems crazy to Boomers. They will never understand how important it is to younger people to get that perfect shot of whatever they are doing or eating. Especially since Instagram was only launched in 2010.

Owing Money for Studies

Editorial credit: ITTIGallery / Shutterstock.

The cost of an academic education has increased dramatically since the era of the Boomer generation. In their days it was either affordable or free. Modern times have seen it become the bane of many an existence. This is because of the massive debts that are now attached to education, leaving many owing for it well into their adulthood.

Lack of Job Stability

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Some Boomers followed in their parent’s footsteps and went to work at the same factory or store. They then proceeded to work that one job for their whole lives. This is no longer the case. Now, whole generations are becoming freelancers. That or moving from job to job.

Either way, Boomers will never get it.

Gender Specification

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

When men were men and women were women, that is when a Baby Boomer grew up. This is why they would never understand what it might be like to be born a woman in a man’s body. These days gender specification is necessary because there are more genders. Before now this was not the case, and so it leaves Boomers confused.

“Time’s They Are A Changin”

Editorial credit: TheVisualsYouNeed / Shutterstock.

Times are so different from when they were born and raised. The world is far less black and white. And nowhere near as simple. So you can forgive the Boomer generation for not understanding the problems that people face in the present day.

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