18 Values the Greatest Generation Instilled in Boomers - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Values the Greatest Generation Instilled in Boomers

We’ve all heard those age-old sayings from our parents and grandparents that, no matter what, they stick with us through thick and thin. Boomers are no different, and they’ve heard plenty of things from the Greatest Generation, time and time again. This was the generation that made it through the Depression and World War 2, yet still held on tight to their values. Here are 18 nuggets of wisdom from this generation that they always told boomers.

Saving for a Rainy Day

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

They’d usually tell boomers to “save some money for a rainy day,” as they lived through some really rough economic situations. They knew all too well that having a little something in the bank can make all the difference when the unexpected hits. They weren’t trying to make us hoard our money, just be smart and ready for whatever life threw our way.

Respect Your Elders

Editorial credit: RedStock/ Shutterstock.

It sounds a bit old-school, but there is some truth to telling someone, “Respect your elders.” After all, they’re the people who have years of experience and plenty of hard-earned knowledge to share with us. They could even teach boomers a thing or two along the way, and you just can’t put a price on that.

Hard Work Pays Off

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

“Hard work pays off” seems like a no-brainer, but it really was the motto of the Greatest Generation. They built and rebuilt their lives from scratch in so many different ways and during so many different times that it’s almost hard to believe. They knew the value of putting in the elbow grease to move ahead.

Waste Not, Want Not

Editorial credit: Tyler Olson / Shutterstock.

The Greatest Generation grew up during times when you couldn’t be sure if there’d be enough, so they taught the younger generation, “waste not, want not.” Instead of throwing things away, they learned to use and reuse everything that they had. Honestly, this was some good financial advice, and also a good way of life.

Buy American

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“Buy American” was something the Greatest Generation wanted to do at every stage of their lives because it helped support local jobs and kept the community strong. They thought that buying from homegrown businesses was patriotic and something that kept our economy going. It made them proud to own something that helped the community directly around them.

Strong Work Ethic

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

The Greatest Generation lived through some of the hardest moments in American history, like the Great Depression and World War 2, and they knew all about sticking to their work, day in and day out. They told boomers to “keep at it” because they knew determination would eventually lead to success. It created a standard that the younger generation just had to follow.

Live Within Your Means

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

There was no splurging for this generation because “live within your means” was the rule they lived by. You would, too, if you had seen that many people fall hard during the economic crashes, which taught them that you’ve got to spend wisely and save up. This helped them avoid all kinds of debt and financial problems, which they passed on to boomers.

Family Comes First

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Before the days of social media and smartphones, “family comes first” was the most important thing of all. The Greatest Generation relied on their family for everything, like babysitting and working through difficult times. This family unit gave them emotional and practical support that just wasn’t the same coming from anybody else.

Get a Good Education

Editorial credit: Cherries / Shutterstock.

The Greatest Generation taught boomers that education could change their lives by telling them to “hit the books.” They encouraged them to go to school because they knew it would open doors for them and help them rise above their circumstances. Even outside of a job, the older generations knew that schools gave the younger generation the tools they needed to succeed.

Be Self-Reliant

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

We all know how important it is to stand on your two feet, but the Greatest Generation knew that better than the rest of us. They told younger people to “be self-reliant” because it was practical advice and taught them to take pride in dealing with their own issues. It gave them a sense of independence and confidence they couldn’t get from elsewhere.

Honor Your Commitments

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

If there was one thing that really got respect, it was sticking your word, which is why the Greatest Generation told boomers, “honor your commitments.” It didn’t matter if it was a business deal or a personal promise because they believed being reliable helped people trust you. They knew that this was the only way to build stronger relationships.

Be Frugal

Editorial credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.

When the Greatest Generation said, “Be frugal,” they taught boomers to appreciate what they had by helping them be smart spenders and even smarter savers. They learned that they should prepare for the future by not necessarily buying everything they wanted. This way, they’d always have enough for when they truly needed it.

Take Care of Your Health

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

“Look after yourself” sounds like common sense, but back then, it was important advice. The Greatest Generation knew all too well that a healthy body is the best way to get ahead, especially when you can’t always count on healthcare. They knew that looking after your health would benefit you now and in the future.

Mind Your Manners

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

“Please” and “thank you” go a long way, and “mind your manners” was the best way to teach boomers to be polite. Saying these things showed respect and that you thought about other people, which made everything a lot better. It’d open doors for your personal and professional life.

Trust God

Editorial credit: Kristina Kuptsevich / Shutterstock.

During all the difficult times they lived through, faith was one of the few things that got them through. They taught boomers to “trust in God” to help them feel hope when the going got tough, which it certainly did. It gave them a sense of peace and purpose that was completely priceless.

Plan For the Future

Editorial credit: emilie zhang / Shutterstock.

Forget about detailed spreadsheets or retirement accounts because “plan for the future” meant a lot more than that. It taught boomers that they needed to have a vision for where they wanted to go. The Greatest Generation wanted their kids to know that they should plan their goals and work out the steps to achieve them so they’d have a good future.

Enjoy the Simple Things

Editorial credit: insta_photos / Shutterstock.

Life doesn’t need to be complicated, which is why older people told boomers to “enjoy the simple things.” It was important advice that told them to find happiness in everyday things and celebrate all moments, big or small. They knew it gave them a kind of joy that went beyond just material things.

Give Back to Your Community

Editorial credit: ESB Professional / Shutterstock.

Last but not least, the Greatest Generation told boomers, “give back to your community” because they knew it was important to help the place that supported them. They were helping them understand the power of being a volunteer and making the community a better place. After all, this is the best way to give your life meaning.

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