18 Life Lessons Boomers Have Mastered Over the Years - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Life Lessons Boomers Have Mastered Over the Years

Boomers have seen a lot, including moon landings and smartphones, and along the way, they’ve picked up some life lessons that only come with age. While these truths aren’t always easy to swallow, they’re part of this wild ride that we call life. Here are 18 nuggets of wisdom that most other generations find difficult to accept.

Aging Is Inevitable

Editorial credit: Oleksandr Lysenko / Shutterstock.

Getting older is part of the deal, with no refunds or exchanges. Those laugh lines and silver strands are just awards that we’ve made it through life’s various challenges. But honestly, realizing you can’t zip up those jeans from your 30s or that you might need a little more rest than before can be pretty difficult to accept for most Americans.

Health Deteriorates

Editorial credit: Alexander Raths / Shutterstock.

Speaking of aging, our bodies show signs of it quicker than most people think. Aches and pains start appearing out of the blue, and some things don’t work like they used to, which is no fun to admit. Even so, we learn to appreciate the good days and find new ways to manage the not-so-good ones. 

Change Is Constant

Editorial credit: mikeledray / Shutterstock.

Boomers remember a time when phones were stuck to the wall, and mail came with a postage stamp. Life has changed a lot since then, and it’ll keep on changing. That means that trying to keep up feels like a race where you’re always behind, but we’ve gotten pretty good at rolling with the punches.

Retirement Isn’t Always Relaxing

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

If you’re dreaming of kicking back and living the easy life in retirement, forget about it because it can be more like a second job. Having to manage your health and finances, not to mention a new daily routine, without the 9-to-5 is a whole new ball game. Just staying active and connected takes a lot of effort, too.

Losing Loved Ones

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

The older we get, the more goodbyes we say, and losing loved ones never gets any easier. Unfortunately, everyone has to accept it, and each goodbye reminds us to cherish the moments or make those phone calls while we can. Boomers learn to hold their loved ones a little tighter and never miss a chance to say, “I love you.”

Technology Changes Quickly

Editorial credit: violetkaipa / Shutterstock.

Just when you thought you had figured out how to use a smartphone, they came up with a new one. Technology moves fast, often making you feel like you’re playing catch-up. But on the bright side, there’s always a younger person to show you the ropes and keep you on your toes.

Economic Security Is Uncertain

Editorial credit: Lena Evans / Shutterstock.

Money matters, and it doesn’t get simpler as we age, no matter what younger people might think. Planning and adjusting your budget is a natural part of life, now more than ever, although we do learn to budget differently, perhaps even more cautiously. Either way, boomers care a lot about finding peace in preparedness.

Political Landscapes Shift

Editorial credit: Vladimir Borovic/ Shutterstock.

Politics is another constant, and it affects almost every part of our lives, including how much tax we pay and the services we get. Dealing with new policies and leaders is no doubt difficult, but staying informed is pretty important. You have to find your voice in the crowd and use it, no matter how the voices around you might change.

Social Roles Evolve

Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.

Life throws us new roles all the time, meaning that while you’re a parent one minute, you could be a grandparent the next. Each role change brings its own set of smiles and tears, so figuring out where you fit takes some trial and error. But the best thing to do is to celebrate each new role by re-discovering parts of yourself and creating better connections with the next generation.

Mental Sharpness Declines

Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock.

When you age, your mind slows down, too, which could mean you forget a name or miss a detail here and there. Either way, it’s frustrating but also a normal part of aging. We challenge ourselves with puzzles or even new hobbies that keep our brains engaged and working so we can fight off aging for just a little longer.

Life Isn’t Fair

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

One of the hardest lessons of all is that life isn’t always fair. Sometimes, bad things happen to good people and vice versa, but that’s not something to cry about. What truly matters is how we handle difficulties, and this realization encourages us to focus on our reactions and keep trying. There’s a real grace in life’s unpredictability.

You Can’t Control Everything

Editorial credit: adriaticfoto / Shutterstock.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a remote control for life? Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. We can’t control everything, and learning to let go and go with the flow is just part of being human. Accepting this will teach you to be patient and truly live in the moment by making the most of what you have and where you are.

The Future Is Unknown

Editorial credit: RealPeopleStudio / Shutterstock.

No one knows what tomorrow holds, and that can be pretty scary. Will there be enough money? What about health? We just don’t know, and worrying too much about it will stop you from being happy today. You can’t change the future, so try living more in the present instead, where you can appreciate each day as a gift.

Opinions Differ

Editorial credit: BearFotos/ Shutterstock.

It’s okay that not everyone thinks the same; if anything, that makes life more interesting. Would you really want to be around people who all think and act the same way as each other? We learn to love our differences and respect different ideas because they give us a new view of life and help us grow. 

Not Everyone Will Like You

Editorial credit: oneinchpunch / Shutterstock.

Not everyone will like you; the sooner you accept that, the better. Instead, you have to remember to stick to your values and surround yourself with people who appreciate you for who you are. Nothing matters more than self-acceptance and finding a community where we truly belong.

You Must Make Hard Choices

Editorial credit: Brian A Jackson/ Shutterstock.

Life is full of tough decisions, including financial and family matters. Each choice has its own set of pros and cons, and living with the outcomes is part of the adventure. There’s no point letting these decisions hold you back; instead, you should use them as a way to learn about priorities and the value of following your instincts.

Death Is a Part of Life

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

Death is another inevitable thing and the toughest truth of all. Facing our mortality and that of our loved ones is never easy, but that doesn’t mean it has to be a bad thing. Accepting our own deaths reminds us not to waste time and make amends. When you accept this, you’ll realize how to live every day to its fullest, with love and intention.

Happiness Is Self-Created

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Last but not least, happiness. Although you might think it comes from the latest car or expensive clothing, that’s not true, as we actually build our own happiness. Finding joy in the small things to create our own sunshine makes all the difference, and, believe it or not, we’ve got the tools to make it happen.

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