18 In-Demand Job Roles Employers Are Struggling to Fill - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 In-Demand Job Roles Employers Are Struggling to Fill

Across several industries, there are some jobs that employers just can’t seem to fill. Whether it’s because there aren’t enough qualified candidates or simply because people don’t want to do them, several industries are dealing with a major labor shortage that could cause them to collapse. Here are 18 job positions that seem like they’re permanently vacant.

Cybersecurity Specialists

Editorial credit: thinkhubstudio / Shutterstock.

With hackers getting smarter every day, companies are looking for cybersecurity specialists to help them keep their data safe. Unfortunately, there just aren’t enough of them, and this has left many businesses in a sticky situation. They’re taking anyone who knows how to protect their company digitally.

Rural Veterinarians

Editorial credit: Bee Bonnet / Shutterstock.

Out in the countryside, they’re practically begging for vets to look after their farm animals and family pets. Sadly, not many people want to trade in city life for more rural pastures. After all, the pay’s not always great, and you’ll have to travel quite a bit from place to place, which just doesn’t seem worth it.

Railroad Engineers

Editorial credit:Viewfoto studio / Shutterstock.

While chugging along the railway might sound like fun, finding engineers who can handle the long hours and constant travel is proving anything but. Along with driving a train, they’ve also got to maintain it and make sure everything runs on time, all the time. Add in those nights away from home, and it’s no surprise people don’t want to do this job.

Construction Laborers

Editorial credit: Bannafarsai_Stock / Shutterstock.

Construction sites are everywhere, but the companies running them are struggling to find laborers. It’s hard and dirty work that needs someone who’s physically tough to do it. You’ll also have to move around to wherever the work is, which is a no-go for people who want something a little more stable.

Commercial Divers

Editorial credit: Virrage Images / Shutterstock.

Commercial diving is a pretty dangerous job, and only people with serious skills are capable of it. This job involves going underwater to do repairs or even salvage operations. To do this job, you’ve got to be able to handle the risks and undergo some intense training, and that’s enough to turn people away from this job.

Childcare Providers

Editorial credit: Oksana Kuzmina / Shutterstock.

Who doesn’t love kids? Apparently, not enough people, as many kindergarten and childcare facilities are suffering from a lack of staff. The pay isn’t always great, and certainly not enough to make those long and stressful days worth it. Many parents are crying out for reliable childcare, and it has become a real issue for families everywhere.

Long-Haul Truck Drivers

Editorial credit: 5m3photos/ Shutterstock.

Even with all the freedom of the open road, not enough people are interested in becoming long-haul truck drivers. It’s the kind of job where you need to be away from home for days on end and deal with road fatigue. And let’s not forget those tight delivery schedules, which are enough to make anyone steer clear.

Skilled Manufacturing Workers

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

Today, manufacturing involves a lot more than simply manual labor, and factories need people who know how to use technology as well. Finding someone who can do that and knows how to use tools is a lot harder than you might think. Unfortunately, many important manufacturing roles are still wide open, and it doesn’t look like they’ll be filled anytime soon.

School Bus Drivers

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Getting up at the crack of dawn to drive a bus full of noisy kids? That sounds like a horror film for most of us, which is why so many people don’t want to be school bus drivers. Managing a busload of children means you’ll have to have a lot of patience and a cool head. Only a special kind of person can do this job.


Editorial credit: Attasit saentep / Shutterstock.

Being a roofer means having to deal with hot summers and freezing winters, along with the danger of being just a few steps from a nasty fall. It’s a physically demanding and dangerous job, which makes finding people willing to do it a bit of a challenge. You’ll also need nerves of steel to work that high up.


Editorial Credit: Jaromir Chalabala / Shutterstock.

While we all appreciate the hard work that goes into being a paramedic, most of us aren’t willing to put in the effort to be one. Odd hours and literal life-and-death decisions have made this job hard to staff, even though it’s incredibly important. But can you blame us? That kind of stress really takes a toll on you.

Sewage Plant Operators

Editorial credit: zstock / Shutterstock.

Being a sewage plant operator isn’t the most glamorous job, but somebody’s got to do it. Working in a sewage plant means having to deal with smells and sights that we all hate, although it’s a job that keeps our world ticking over. Even without all that nastiness, you need a lot of technical know-how to do this job, which is a little too much for some people.

Forensic Technicians

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff/ Shutterstock.

Crime shows might make being a forensic technician look cool, but the reality’s quite different. The hours are long, and the work can be pretty grim at times, so it’s not exactly a field that’s overflowing with candidates. You’ll have to piece together each scene piece by piece, and that’s a bit too creepy and tiring for the average person.


Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock.

Commercial fishing is probably one of the most dangerous jobs out there, and regulations around it are always changing. And when you factor in the unpredictable pay, it’s no surprise it’s a career that most people don’t want to do. A lot of people would rather keep their feet on dry land in a position that’s a little more reliable.

Print Journalists

Editorial Credit: Ulf Wittrock / Shutterstock.

Of course, local news is important, but since everything’s going digital, print journalists are becoming rarer. Job stability just isn’t what it once was, and newspapers are desperate for good writers. Print journalists have to do more than traditional reporting, which is too much for some people.

Agricultural Inspectors

Editorial credit: VesnaArt/ Shutterstock.

Agricultural inspectors are the people who make sure we’re all getting safe and healthy food on our plates. They make sure farmers follow laws and regulations, but it’s a lot harder than you might think because you’ll need to know practically everything about pesticides and food safety standards. It’s no surprise not many people are lining up for this job.

Environmental Engineers

Editorial credit: Thx4Stock team/ Shutterstock.

You’d think that with all the news about saving the planet, more people would want to be environmental engineers, but sadly not. It’s a job that’s nowhere near as interesting as you might think it is since you’ll have to help control pollution and manage waste. It’s a crucial job, but it doesn’t appeal to everyone.

Nuclear Technicians

Editorial credit:Andrew Will/ Shutterstock.

Working with nuclear technology as a nuclear technician sounds as intense as it is. You’ll need to be pretty smart and able to handle both strict safety standards and complex machinery. Since it’s so specialized, finding qualified people to do the job has become quite difficult. After all, do you want to deal with the pressure of knowing that a tiny mistake could have serious consequences?

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