18 Dollar Store Items You Should Never Waste Your Money On - Boomer insight

Micheal Brussel

18 Dollar Store Items You Should Never Waste Your Money On

The Dollar Store offers many conveniences, and its cheap items make it accessible for everyone to purchase items. It sells a wide range of things, some useful and others just for fun, but just because they’re affordable doesn’t mean everyone should buy them. There are specific items available in the Dollar Store that people should avoid buying, regardless of the cost.


Editorial credit: mihalec / Shutterstock.

People might see the price of tools in the Dollar Store and think they’ve bagged a bargain, as these items are typically expensive. But that doesn’t mean people should purchase them. Quality is critical regarding tools because cheap products are likely to break easily or not perform the task needed to the correct standard.

Skincare Products

Editorial credit: White bear studio / Shutterstock.

People should focus on purchasing content based on skincare from specific stores. Dollar Store skincare products will last for a short time, and that’s an issue. Plus, the quality differs from what people would get from a skincare store.

Garbage Bags

Editorial credit: antoniomas / Shutterstock.

Garbage bags seem ideal for buying from the Dollar Store, but that’s false. There’s nothing more annoying than pulling out a garbage bag only for it to split because it’s weak and thin, and that’s often the case with the ones that can be purchased from this shop. Hence, they should be avoided.

Electronic Chargers

Editorial credit: 2p2play / Shutterstock.

People often need more electronic chargers than what’s provided with the one that comes with the product initially, or they have to be replaced when broken. But the Dollar Store doesn’t need to be where they’re bought from. Sure, they might be much cheaper, but that doesn’t mean that it’s a good thing. The store isn’t known for electrical items, and that’s because they’re often cheap and easy to break.


Editorial Credit: vzwer / Shutterstock.

Any chef would explain the importance of a good knife, with the key being its sharpness. A blunt knife is more dangerous than a sharp one, and those available at the Dollar Store will fall into that category, so it’s best to avoid them.


Editorial credit: Alexander Raths / Shutterstock.

Cheap medicine should be avoided when possible. While it might be tempting because of the price, getting it from a proper location is better, as the more affordable alternatives provide a lower quality.


Editorial credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock.

Makeup can be expensive, so it’s easy to understand why people might be tempted to get cheaper alternatives at the Dollar Store. But if people want quality regarding these products, there are better places to do that. These ingredients also don’t always provide the same levels of safety when it comes to being nontoxic, which is another concern.


Editorial credit: Me dia / Shutterstock.

Sunscreen is essential, but bottles left on the shelf for an extended period can lose some of their SPF protection, which is ultimately the only reason anyone buys a bottle. Because they’re available for so cheap at the Dollar Store, that’s a sign that they might’ve been sitting around longer than people would like to provide the safety everyone wants.


Editorial credit: Yudhistira99 / Shutterstock.

Nobody wants an umbrella that blows away or folds in on itself when a strong gust of wind comes in. But if people buy cheap options from the Dollar Store, then it’s highly likely that the problem will become a reality, which is why it’s worth saving up and buying a higher-quality option.

Paper Towels/Toilet Paper

Editorial credit: Lazy_Bear / Shutterstock.

Buying items such as paper towels from the Dollar Store can be easy, mainly because they’re quick and low prices. The problem is that they will often be extremely thin, which is the opposite of what people want with these products. This can lead to problems down the line, meaning that the cheap purchase is only sometimes worthwhile.


Editorial credit: seeshooteatrepeat/ Shutterstock.

Paintbrushes are often made from low-quality materials at Dollar Stores, which is why they’re available for such a low cost. However, they’re poorly made, and that can be frustrating when people go to paint because the bristles can often be left behind, making the DIY project harder than it needs to be.

Food Containers

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Buying a cheap food container might seem harmless, but the cheaper options can pose genuine risks. They can leak chemicals into food that people would then consume, so it’s worth avoiding these items completely.


Editorial credit: Pushish Images / Shutterstock.

Having to replace lightbulbs is an annoying experience, and that’s why people shouldn’t buy them from the Dollar Store. They’re never going to last long term, which is frustrating for people and is why it’s better to go and find a more expensive option that will last longer.


Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

In recent years, The Dollar Store has tapped into DIY, which has allowed people to get cheaper options for decorating. Sometimes, that might be a good thing, depending on what people buy, but when it comes to wallpaper, it’s best to avoid it. That’s because it won’t be the best quality, which can lead to it peeling off quicker than most would like.


Editorial credit: Food Shop/ Shutterstock.

Regarding food, people are best off heading to their usual grocery store even though the price will undoubtedly be higher. The reason for that is that the produce at the Dollar Store isn’t the freshest. This often leads to lower-quality food, with expiration dates usually very close to when it’s sold.


Editorial credit: Warih D / Shutterstock.

There’s a reason batteries from the Dollar Store are so much cheaper: They won’t last as long, they’re not as effective, and because they’re made cheaply, they can often leak, which creates further problems as it’s likely to damage whatever they’re being used in.

Party Supplies

Editorial credit: AlessandroBiascioli / Shutterstock.

Many people head to the Dollar Store to pick up party supplies because it’s quick and easy. The majority of items get thrown away once the party is over. But buying them from the Dollar Store can sometimes create more work than is needed because of how thin or cheaply made the products can be. With things constantly breaking, it’s often not worth the hassle.


Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Toys are cheap at the Dollar Store, making them a quick and easy option for people to pick up to entertain their children. Unfortunately, they’re not always made with the highest quality, and when it comes to items that kids will be playing with, that is a considerable risk. Parents want to feel safe and secure that the toys their children are playing with are perfectly fine, but when it comes to Dollar Store items, that’s not always a guarantee.

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