18 Situations Where Consideration Turns Into a Nuisance - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Situations Where Consideration Turns Into a Nuisance

As nice as they might seem, there are some things that some of us do that get on other people’s nerves. You might think you’re being polite when doing them, but they annoy those around you. Here are 18 habits that you might want to stop doing, even if you think they’re harmless.

Holding the Door for Too Long

Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock.

We’ve all been there, where someone’s holding the door for you when you’re still a whole parking lot away. You end up half-jogging and breaking a sweat, all because someone wanted to be nice. It’s better to let the door close and save the other person from doing that awkward sprint.

Overattentive Wait Staff

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

It’s annoying when you’re out for a meal, trying to catch up with your friends, but your waiter pops over every five minutes to ask if everything’s okay. Of course, they’re just trying to be helpful, but those constant interruptions are a conversation killer. It’s good now and was just as good 5 minutes ago.

Automatic Refills

Editorial credit: Daxiao Productions / Shutterstock.

Similarly, it can get annoying when a waiter or host keeps your glass full, as you might’ve been slipping slowly for a reason. Always ask before pouring so that everyone can enjoy their drink in their own way. It’s rude to assume that they want to have a refill just because their glass is empty.

Too Many Compliments

Editorial credit: shurkin_son / Shutterstock.

Constant compliments from someone can feel a little over the top and seem like flattery instead of them actually being nice to you. You might start to wonder if they’re lacking it on thick for a reason and may start to doubt their intentions. Sometimes, just a simple “you look nice” is more than enough.

Unwanted Advice

Editorial credit: pixelheadphoto digitalskillet / Shutterstock.

There’s always that one person who’s got advice for everything and feels the need to share it all the time. They think they know how you should wear your hair or how you should cook your eggs, even if you didn’t ask for it. They might be trying to help, but it comes across as nosy or as though they think they know better than you. And, in some cases, it does more harm than good.

Constant Check-Ins

Editorial credit: Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.

It can be sweet to get a “just checking in” text now and then from your loved ones. But when those texts start piling up, it’s not so caring anymore and becomes a way for them to keep tabs on you. Everyone has their own life to live, and you don’t need to give constant updates unless something serious happens.

Paying the Bill

Editorial credit: Nejron Photo / Shutterstock.

This one is for the men out there who still believe in chivalry. You might think paying for dinner is nice, and that’s true, but refusing to take “no” for an answer isn’t. It becomes uncomfortable when you’re both wrestling over the bill, so let the other person share the cost or take turns paying. 

Too Many Presents

Editorial credit: George Rudy / Shutterstock.

We all love a good present, although getting one all the time certainly puts pressure on us. You start worrying about what to give back or how to keep up with them, which makes things awkward. Keep things simple by only giving gifts when it’s a special occasion, or at least make sure the spontaneous ones are small and not too expensive.

Making Decisions for Other People

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Have you ever had someone else order for you at a restaurant without you asking them to? It might come from a place of excitement, but it doesn’t leave you room to make your own decisions. Let everyone have their say in what’s happening by making their own choice, without your opinions, first.

Constant Invitations

Editorial credit: nika-lit / Shutterstock.

If someone has said no to an invitation a couple of times, don’t keep asking, as it’ll start to feel like nagging. You’ve got to respect someone’s “no” because you really don’t want to be the person they start avoiding. Accept their pass and move on without making it a big deal.

Surprising People at Work

Editorial credit: Ingo Bartussek/ Shutterstock.

Some people love surprises, some don’t, but hardly anybody likes them at work because they can throw you off your game and distract you from what you need to be doing. Worst of all, it might even embarrass you in front of your colleagues. Check first and see if the person likes surprises before you plan anything.

Overdecorating Someone’s Space

Editorial credit: adriaticfoto / Shutterstock.

Unless it’s your own place, don’t put up any decorations for a birthday or celebration without asking. Some people prefer to keep their personal areas just so, and surprising them with balloons or streamers might not always be welcome. Plus, everyone has their own style, and what you think looks great might be terrible to them.

Too Much Planning

Editorial credit: Bacho / Shutterstock.

A day out is meant to be fun, so why are you packing it with activities from dust until dawn? Sometimes, the best and most memorable days you can have are when you get to just chill and go with the flow. Overplanning can suck the spontaneity out of an adventure and turn the day into a to-do list.

Excessive Group Messages

Editorial credit: Dean Drobot / Shutterstock.

It’s one thing to share some health advice when someone asks for it, but it’s another to start dishing it out of the blue. Most people don’t care what you say about their eating habits, especially if they’re just trying to enjoy a meal. If anything, sharing that “advice” without someone asking makes you seem really judgmental.

Giving Health or Diet Tips

Editorial credit: Kmpzzz/ Shutterstock.

It’s one thing to share some health advice when someone asks for it, but it’s another to start dishing it out of the blue. Most people don’t care what you say about their eating habits, especially if they’re just trying to enjoy a meal. If anything, sharing that “advice” without someone asking makes you seem really judgmental.

Question After Question

Editorial credit: Netpixi / Shutterstock.

There’s a fine line between being interested and invasive, so be careful not to cross. You really shouldn’t bombard someone with personal questions during a casual chat, even if you’re just trying to show interest. Doing this makes even the most relaxed conversations feel like an interview, and that’s never nice.

Time to Leave

Editorial credit: KonstantinChristian / Shutterstock.

Not everybody’s good at saying “time to head out,” you should pick up on any social cues telling you to go. If you hang around too long after they’ve started dropping hints, you’re just going to make things way more awkward. Respect their time and space, as well as your relationship with them, by leaving when it’s appropriate to do so.

If It Ain’t Broke

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

When you’re just trying to share your issues with someone else, and they’re always giving you solutions on how to fix them, it gets frustrating. Sometimes, you just want to vent and feel heard, and you’re not looking for any fixes just yet. Instead of immediately giving your two cents, listen and acknowledge their feelings because this can make all the difference.

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