18 Jobs in High Demand That Companies Can’t Fill Fast Enough - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Jobs in High Demand That Companies Can’t Fill Fast Enough

Every time you blink, the jobs that are in demand seem to suddenly change. There are lots of businesses out there that are looking for people who can jump right in and make a difference. If you’re thinking about switching careers or just curious about where the openings are, we have a list of 18 positions companies are scrambling to fill.

Data Crunchers

Editorial credit: Cherdchai101 / Shutterstock.

If you’re good with numbers, you might want to consider becoming a data analyst. They look through mountains of data to find the information that can help businesses grow and adapt. Whether this involves predicting shopping trends or optimizing delivery routers, you could show off your numerical skills.

Green Technology Mechanics

Editorial credit: only_kim / Shutterstock.

As we’re all trying to take better care of our planet, jobs in renewable energy are becoming more popular. If you know your way around solar panels or wind turbines, you might be willing to consider it. There’s a bright future waiting for anyone willing to learn in green technology.

Eco-Friendly Leaders

Editorial credit: dee karen / Shutterstock.

Similarly, many companies seek sustainability managers to help them become good environmental citizens. In this job, you’ll help companies reduce their environmental footprint and create sustainable practices that will become the moon. This is a position for anyone passionate about the planet but might not have the technical expertise to be a green mechanic.

AI Experts

Editorial credit: Pixels Hunter / Shutterstock.

Artificial intelligence is shaping up to be the future of practically everything nowadays, and that means the experts who know about it are in high demand. Some AI engineers are creating smart homes, while others are developing life-saving medical technology. It’s a job that can truly change the world.

Robotic Engineers

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Similarly, robots are becoming more important in our lives every day, and engineers need to keep them running. A robot engineer works with technology to solve mechanical mysteries so that everything’s working as it should. It’s a fast-growing field that will give you plenty of opportunities to create and improve things.

Remote Care

Editorial credit: Studio Romantic / Shutterstock.

Telehealth has taken off, meaning many companies look for nurses to provide care over the Internet. If you’re a nurse who wants to ditch the commute and the scrubs, telehealth means you can help patients from the comfort of your home office. It’s a perfect job for anyone who wants to keep helping people but in a much easier way.

Supply Chain Specialists

Editorial credit: Teera Konakan / Shutterstock.

Logistics and supply chain specialists are the ones who manage to keep everything running smoothly with online orders. It’s a good position for anyone with a mind for planning and is good at solving logistics puzzles. Plus, you’ll be at the heart of business operations and responsible for ensuring products arrive safely and on time.

Digital Design

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

A UX designer has most likely touched every website or app you love. These people make sure everything online is pretty to look at and also easy to use. If you’re creative and good with technology, this could be your chance to influence how people do things online, and it’s also a job that’s always in demand.


Editorial credit: PopTika / Shutterstock.

Biotechnology involves using science to solve problems, including curing diseases and growing more food. Researchers in this field always push boundaries and make breakthroughs, which you could be part of if you have the right skills. You’ll work on cutting-edge projects that completely change how we live.

Drone Pilots

Editorial credit: zstock / Shutterstock.

While some people think drones are just cool toys, they’re also tools changing the filmmaking and real estate industries. It’s not too hard to learn how to pilot a drone, and plenty of companies are looking to hire. It’s a job that combines technology with creativity to help you see the world from entirely new heights.

VR Creators

Editorial credit: thinkhubstudio / Shutterstock.

Once upon a time, virtual reality (VR) might’ve been just for gamers, but now, people are using it in training programs and classrooms, too. In VR, developers can exercise their passion for creating new worlds and completely change how we learn. It’s a new field that’s only going to continue getting bigger.

Money Advisors

Editorial credit: wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock.

People need trustworthy advice as they start thinking more about their financial future. Financial advisors help people plan for retirement and college savings, which is not something AI can replace. All you need is to be good with money and people to help them make some of their most important financial decisions.

Helping With Communication

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Speech-language pathologists quite literally help people find their voices. They work with kids and adults who have trouble speaking or swallowing, which means this job can be pretty rewarding. You’ll give people the power to communicate and improve their quality of life by helping them express themselves.

Digital Record Keepers

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

Now that more medical records are going digital, it’s become more important than ever for companies to hire health information technicians. These people manage and protect patient data by making sure it’s both accurate and secure. If you’re detail-oriented and into healthcare, this could be your job.

Senior Care Experts

Editorial credit: Nattakorn_Maneerat / Shutterstock.

Our population is getting older, meaning more jobs in elderly care. Anyone with a heart for helping and passion for making the golden years golden should think about doing this, especially since it’s a field that needs compassionate people like you to care for our seniors. This job involves giving older people the respect they deserve in their later years.

Construction Site Leaders

Editorial credit: Bannafarsai_Stock / Shutterstock.

Someone needs to keep track of all those new buildings that keep popping up, and that’s where construction managers come in. They make sure that everything, including timing and safety, checks out. It’s an important job in creating the cityscapes of tomorrow, and it’s perfect for you if you’re a natural leader who loves seeing plans come to life.

Water Specialists

Image Credit: DepositPhotos.

Many people are becoming more worried about water quality and scarcity, so water resource specialists are becoming more important. These experts work on managing and treating water to be safe and sustainable. Their work will impact future generations, so if that sounds like your thing, you may want to try it.

Following the Rules

Editorial credit: insta_photos / Shutterstock.

Rules in business and finance are always changing, and it can be hard to keep up with them. Enter the compliance officer. These people help companies understand and follow laws and regulations to avoid any penalties. You’ll need a sharp eye for detail, as well as a talent for understanding complicated information.

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