18 Harsh Realities Preventing Boomers from Finding Employment - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Harsh Realities Preventing Boomers from Finding Employment

Many boomers are having difficulty finding jobs these days, but it’s not just because of one thing. Plenty of different reasons make it hard for older people to get back into the workforce. Let’s look at what keeps boomers unemployed and how these factors play out in real life.

Age Bias in Hiring

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Even though it’s illegal to discriminate based on age, it still happens, and some employers might think older workers are stuck in their ways or less energetic. Job postings often mention a “young, vibrant culture,” which can discourage boomers from applying. This barrier can keep them out of the running for new positions.

Economic Downturns

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When the economy suffers, older workers are often the first to go, making it harder to get back in. Companies might prefer to hire younger people who they think will accept lower wages and bring more energy to the workplace. This leaves many experienced boomers out in the cold regarding job opportunities. 

Keeping Up with Tech

Editorial credit: Mikael Damkier / Shutterstock.

If you’re not up to speed with the latest tech, you might find yourself at quite a disadvantage. Many jobs now demand people to have a good handle on digital tools, although they don’t always provide the training for it. This is something that can be a steep learning curve for folks who haven’t grown up with all this technology.

Health Checks

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As we age, we usually start dealing with health issues more often, which can make sticking to a 9-to-5 schedule tricky. Some jobs don’t have the flexibility for routine medical appointments or require a bit more physical work than older people can handle. It’s not their fault, but there’s no way to fix it.

Is My Degree Still Good?

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If your highest qualification was from before disco was a thing, today’s employers might think it’s too outdated. Continuous learning is important, and you need to keep your skills updated. If you don’t, employers might start passing you over to someone with newer credentials.

Networking Know-How

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Networking is more than simply cocktail parties anymore, and you’ve got to be able to make online connections. If you’re not on LinkedIn or similar platforms, you’re missing out on where a lot of the job action is. It’s always been about who you know, but now it’s also who sees your profile online that’s important.

The Gig’s Up

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The job market’s buzzing with short-term gigs and freelance stuff, which can be great if you want flexibility but not so good if you need stable hours and health benefits. This new gig economy can be hard for those who prefer the old 9-to-5 setup. After all, it’s not something you can get used to easily.

Long-Term vs. Short-Term

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Hiring someone who might retire in a few years doesn’t sound great to an employer who’s planning for the long haul. Because of this, they might lean towards hiring younger folks who they think will stick around longer, helping them build a more stable team for the future. Even with their vast experience and expertise, it’s hard for older people to get their foot in the door.

Home Sweet Home

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Not everyone wants to or can pick up and move for a job. Many boomers have put down roots, and the idea of moving to where the jobs are isn’t always practical or appealing. This is especially true for those with family commitments or who own homes. For them, relocating for a new job is a huge life change.

The Productivity Myth

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There’s this myth that older workers might not have the stamina or speed of younger folks. While it’s just a stereotype, it can, unfortunately, influence hiring decisions, keeping some perfectly capable boomers out of work. Their experience and insights are often overlooked in favor of young people’s productivity.

Automation Nation

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Robots and computers are doing a lot of the heavy lifting these days, especially in manufacturing and production jobs. Of course, it’s not the end of the world. If you’ve spent your life in these industries, you might want to look at jobs that require a human touch, like customer service or management. 

When Companies Merge

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When companies merge or restructure, senior workers are often first on the chopping block. It’s not personal, just bottom-line business. Unfortunately, this makes things difficult for boomers who may not have the flexibility or desire to start a new career elsewhere. This makes their professional lives even more stressful and uncertain. 

Training for the Times

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If you’re willing to learn new tricks, then that’s great. Sometimes, finding training that fits an older student can be challenging. Not all programs reach out to or meet the needs of older learners, which can leave boomers a step behind. Even worse, the pace and teaching methods used may not always match their learning style.

Resume Gaps

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Many boomers have gaps in their resume, whether for taking time off to raise kids or even personal health issues. Employers sometimes wonder why there’s a gap and worry that boomers’ skills have gotten rusty. Naturally, life happens, and those gaps don’t tell the whole story about someone’s abilities and experience.

Limited Job Openings

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In some fields, the number of job openings is shrinking. Many boomers have experience in industries like manufacturing or administrative roles, and many of these are downsizing or automating. This means fewer positions available for those with a background in these areas, so they’ve either got to switch careers or deal with fewer opportunities.

Changing Workplace Cultures

Editorial credit: Ground Picture /Shutterstock.

Workplace cultures have changed significantly over the years, and you’re more likely to see open floor plans and casual dress codes than before. For boomers used to more traditional setups, fitting into this more relaxed approach to work can be hard. They have to understand a whole new set of workplace rules, which is even more difficult when you’re older.


Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Sometimes, having a lot of experience can actually backfire, and boomers sometimes get told that they’re overqualified for the positions they applied for. Many employers worry they’ll get bored or leave as soon as something better comes along, so they’d rather not hire them. Boomers can’t downplay their decades of hard work exactly to fit into what’s available.

Cost of Commuting

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Driving or taking public transport to work every day can add up. Since many boomers are watching their budgets, they prefer jobs that are close to home or fully remote to keep costs down. Unfortunately, that’s not always an option, and the daily grind of commuting might just be too much, financially and physically.

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