18 Dangerous Places You Should Never Use Your Debit Card - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Dangerous Places You Should Never Use Your Debit Card

In the age of tap and pay, using your debit card almost anywhere is easier than ever. But before you start swiping, there are some places that you might not realize are pretty dangerous to do so. You don’t want thieves or fraudsters getting their hands on your cash, do you? Let’s look at 18 places where you might want to think twice before pulling out your debit card.

Gas Stations

Editorial credit: Sundry Photography / Shutterstock.

Many debit card scams happen at gas stations because thieves can easily put skimmers on card readers. These little machines will steal your card info without you realizing it. Next time you’re filling up, maybe pay inside where it’s safer, or just stick to a credit card because they’ll have more fraud protection.

Restaurants and Bars

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

It disappears for a bit when you hand over your debit card at a restaurant. Who knows what happens back there? Someone could be jotting down your card details, so sticking to cash is far smarter. This way, you’re only giving them what they need to have, and there’s no risk of you losing any details.

Online Shopping Sites

Editorial credit: VAKS-Stock Agency / Shutterstock.

When you’re shopping online, make sure that the web address starts with HTTPS, which means they’re keeping your data safe. If it doesn’t, you risk exposing your card details. You may want to use a credit card or something like PayPal for even better protection.

Outdoor ATMs

Editorial credit: Jub-Job / Shutterstock.

Using an ATM outside a shady convenience store at 11 PM might not be the best idea. These standalone ATMs may also have skimmers and hidden cameras, so stick to ATMs inside banks or well-lit areas where it’s safer. If your bank has the cardless withdrawal option, try using it to keep your details safe.


Editorial credit: Boyloso / Shutterstock.

Hotels love to put holds on your funds for “incidentals,” and you may want to use a credit card instead. This way, you won’t have your actual money tied up, and you get better dispute options if they overcharge you. You’ll be able to enjoy your vacation without worrying about your budget, and many credit cards also offer rewards like points for hotel stays.

Car Rental Agencies

Editorial credit: mohammad farj hammad / Shutterstock.

If you’re renting a car with a debit card, be prepared to pay a hefty deposit and a hold on your funds until you return that ride. Credit cards are the way to go here because they might even give you insurance benefits. Some credit card companies provide additional coverage for damages, which could save you a lot in case of an accident.

Subscription Services

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff/ Shutterstock.

Sometimes, you may not see those subscription renewals until your money’s gone. You’re better off renewing these on a credit card, so if something strange happens, you can dispute the charges far more easily than with your debit card. It’ll also help you keep track of subscriptions more efficiently since you only have to check one statement.

Flea Markets and Small Shops

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

While visiting little shops and flea markets is fun, their payment technology might not be current. When in doubt, just use cash because it’s the safest route, and you know it works. Plus, using cash can get you a better deal, as many vendors prefer it because they don’t have to pay card fees.

Ticket Kiosks

Editorial credit: red mango / Shutterstock.

If you buy tickets from a kiosk, like at a movie theater or train station, watch out because these can be messed with, too. To reduce the risk of card fraud, try using your phone’s payment app, which is a little more secure. Mobile payments often need you to complete additional authentication, which makes things safer. 

Pop-Up Stores

Editorial credit: Dave Z / Shutterstock.

Pop-up stores are temporary, and sometimes their payment systems are, too, meaning that they may not have the most secure setup. If you’re unsure, paying with cash or using a credit card will give you that extra peace of mind. You’ll have more time to enjoy browsing without worrying about card fraud.

Charity Drives

Editorial credit: Irina Gutyryak / Shutterstock.

As nice as donating to charity is, doing it on the spot with your debit card isn’t the best idea. These setups might not always be secure, so you might want to donate online through a trusted platform instead. This way, you can be just as generous while staying safe, and you’ll also get to record your donations for tax purposes.

Street Vendors

Editorial credit: astudio/ Shutterstock.

Those street food vendors certainly make delicious food, although their card machines aren’t always safe. Usually, they’re out in the open, where anyone could tamper with them, so stick to cash for small purchases. You’ll be able to avoid any potential fees or surprises on your bank statement later.

Unattended Vending Machines

Editorial credit: Bayhu19 / Shutterstock.

Speaking of food, if you buy something from a vending machine out in the middle of nowhere, think twice before swiping. Unwatched machines are easy targets for skimmers. You may want to find a machine inside a building or just use some spare change to pay.

Tourist Attractions

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Scammers love targeting touristy spots because, most of the time, people aren’t really paying attention to their cards. These places are crowded and often a bit chaotic, which is perfect for a thief to skim your card. Keep your debit card tucked away and use a safer payment method so you can focus on the fun.

Home Services

Editorial credit: kurhan / Shutterstock.

If someone is coming over to fix the plumbing or mow the lawn, be careful paying with your debit card, especially if it’s a service you haven’t used before. You should either pay with a check or after the service is confirmed. It’ll give you more control over the payment and mean that you’re satisfied with the work before giving away your money.

Non-Bank Money Transfer Services

Editorial credit: panuwat phimpha / Shutterstock.

Whenever you need to send money fast, try to avoid using non-bank kiosks or services, as these can be a bit risky. You never know how good their security is, and it’s better for you to use your bank’s services or recognized money transfer apps. These will ensure your financial details stay private. 

Self-Service Laundromats

Editorial credit: hedgehog94/ Shutterstock.

Rolling quarters for the laundromat might be annoying, but it’s much safer than using your debit card. The card readers are usually unmonitored, making them an easy target for skimmers who might want to steal your card info. Take a little time to bring quarters, or use a reloadable laundry card instead.  

Gym Lockers

Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images/ Shutterstock.

Believe it or not, gyms can be dangerous, especially if you’re the type to stash your card in your locker while you work out. Even with locks, break-ins happen, and you might lose more than a few pounds. Bring just enough cash for your needs, or leave the card at home and use a mobile payment.

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